Source code for search.cli

""" Provides commands related to the """

import click

from onegov.core.cli import command_group, pass_group_context
from sedate import utcnow
from sqlalchemy import func, text

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from import Callable
    from onegov.core.cli.core import GroupContext
    from onegov.core.framework import Framework
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from import Searchable

[docs] cli = command_group()
[docs] def psql_index_status(app: 'Framework') -> None: """ Prints the percentage of indexed documents per model. """ success = 1 # 1 = OK, 2 = WARNING, 3 = ERROR models = app.get_searchable_models() # type:ignore[attr-defined] session = app.session() model: type[Searchable] for model in models: try: q = session.query(model.fts_idx) if not session.query(q.exists()).scalar(): continue # empty table except Exception as e: click.secho(f'ERROR {e} model {model} has no fts_idx column (' f'Hint: has upgrade step been executed?)', fg='red') success = 3 continue q = session.query(model).with_entities(func.count(text('*'))) count = q.scalar() q = session.query(func.count(model.fts_idx)) ftx_set = q.filter(model.fts_idx.isnot(None)).scalar() percentage = ftx_set / count * 100 if 10 <= percentage < 90: click.secho(f'WARNING Percentage of {count} indexed ' f'documents of model {model} is low: ' f'{percentage:.2f}% (Hint: has reindex step been ' f'executed?)') success = 2 if success < 2 else success elif percentage < 10: click.secho(f'ERROR Percentage of {count} indexed ' f'documents of model {model} is very low: ' f'{percentage:.2f}% (Hint: has reindex step been ' f'executed?)') success = 3 if success < 3 else success else: click.secho(f'Percentage of {count} indexed documents of model ' f'{model} is {percentage:.2f}%') if success == 1: click.secho('Indexing status check OK', fg='green') elif success == 2: click.secho('Indexing status check WARNING', fg='yellow') elif success == 3: click.secho('Indexing status check NOT OK', fg='red')
@cli.command(context_settings={'default_selector': '*'}) @click.option('--fail', is_flag=True, default=False, help='Fail on errors') @pass_group_context
[docs] def reindex( group_context: 'GroupContext', fail: bool ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]': """ Reindexes all objects in the elasticsearch and psql database. """ def run_reindex(request: 'CoreRequest', app: 'Framework') -> None: if not hasattr(, 'es_client'): return title = f'Reindexing {}' click.secho(title, underline=True) start = utcnow() # type:ignore[attr-defined] click.secho(f'took {utcnow() - start}') return run_reindex
@cli.command(context_settings={'default_selector': '*'}) @pass_group_context
[docs] def index_status( group_context: 'GroupContext' ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest, Framework], None]': """ Prints the status of the psql index. """ def run_index_status(request: 'CoreRequest', app: 'Framework') -> None: if not hasattr(, 'es_client'): return title = f'Index status of {}' click.secho(title, underline=True) psql_index_status(app) return run_index_status