Source code for reservation.core

from libres.context.registry import create_default_registry
from libres.db.models import ORMBase
from onegov.reservation.collection import ResourceCollection
from uuid import UUID

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from libres.context.core import Context
    from libres.context.registry import Registry
    from onegov.core.orm.session_manager import SessionManager

[docs] class LibresIntegration: """ Provides libres integration for :class:`onegov.core.framework.Framework` based applications. The application must be connected to a database Usage:: from onegov.core import Framework class MyApp(Framework, LibresIntegration): pass """ if TYPE_CHECKING: # necessary forward declaration # provided by onegov.core.framework.Framework
[docs] session_manager: SessionManager
[docs] def configure_libres(self, **cfg: Any) -> None: """ Configures the libres integration and leaves two properties on the class: :libres_context: The libres context configured for the current application. :libres_registrye: The libres registry bound to the current application. With those two a scheduler can easily be created:: from libres import new_scheduler scheduler = new_scheduler( app.libres_context, 'test', 'Europe/Zurich' ) """ assert ORMBase in self.session_manager.bases, ( 'Must be run after configure_dsn') self.libres_registry = create_default_registry() self.libres_context = self.libres_context_from_session_manager( self.libres_registry, self.session_manager )
[docs] def libres_context_from_session_manager( registry: 'Registry', session_manager: 'SessionManager' ) -> 'Context': if registry.is_existing_context('onegov.reservation'): return registry.get_context('onegov.reservation') context = registry.register_context('onegov.reservation') context.set_service('session_provider', lambda ctx: session_manager) # onegov.reservation uses uuids for the resources, so we don't need to # generate anything, we can just reuse the id (which is passed as the # name) def uuid_generator(name: UUID) -> UUID: assert isinstance(name, UUID) return name context.set_service('uuid_generator', lambda ctx: uuid_generator) return context
[docs] def libres_resources(self) -> ResourceCollection: return ResourceCollection(self.libres_context)