Source code for quill.widgets

from json import dumps
from markupsafe import Markup
from random import choice
from wtforms.widgets import HiddenInput

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Sequence
    from onegov.quill.fields import QuillField

[docs] HEADINGS = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']
[docs] LISTS = ['ol', 'ul']
[docs] TAGS = ['strong', 'em', 'a', *HEADINGS, *LISTS, 'blockquote']
[docs] class QuillInput(HiddenInput): """ Renders the text content as hidden input and adds a container for the editor. """
[docs] toolbar: list[str | dict[str, int | str]]
def __init__( self, *, tags: 'Sequence[str] | None' = None, **kwargs: Any ): if tags is None: tags = TAGS else: tags = list(set(tags) & set(TAGS)) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] = ''.join(choice('abcdefghi') for i in range(8)) # nosec B311
[docs] self.formats = []
if 'strong' in tags: self.formats.append('bold') if 'em' in tags: self.formats.append('italic') if 'a' in tags: self.formats.append('link') if set(tags) & set(HEADINGS): self.formats.append('header') if set(tags) & set(LISTS): self.formats.append('list') if 'blockquote' in tags: self.formats.append('blockquote') self.toolbar = [] if 'strong' in tags: self.toolbar.append('bold') if 'em' in tags: self.toolbar.append('italic') if 'a' in tags: self.toolbar.append('link') if 'h1' in tags: self.toolbar.append({'header': 1}) if 'h2' in tags: self.toolbar.append({'header': 2}) if 'h3' in tags: self.toolbar.append({'header': 3}) if 'h4' in tags: self.toolbar.append({'header': 4}) if 'h5' in tags: self.toolbar.append({'header': 5}) if 'h6' in tags: self.toolbar.append({'header': 6}) if 'ol' in tags: self.toolbar.append({'list': 'ordered'}) if 'ul' in tags: self.toolbar.append({'list': 'bullet'}) if 'blockquote' in tags: self.toolbar.append('blockquote')
[docs] def __call__( self, field: 'QuillField', # type:ignore[override] **kwargs: Any ) -> Markup: input_id = f'quill-input-{}' kwargs['id'] = input_id return Markup(""" <div style="position:relative" class="quill-widget" data-input-id="{input_id}" data-container-id="{container_id}" data-scroll-container-id="{scroll_container_id}" data-formats='{formats}' data-toolbar='[{toolbar}]' > <div class="scrolling-container" id="{scroll_container_id}"> <div class="quill-container" id="{container_id}"></div> </div> </div> {input} """).format( input_id=input_id, container_id=f'quill-container-{}', scroll_container_id=f'scrolling-container-{}', input=super().__call__(field, **kwargs), # FIXME: we should probably escape the json dump, but then we # need to adjust the tests to detect the &quot; for the # strings inside the JSON. (The &quot; will be turned back # into `"` in javascript, so there's no harm to it) formats=Markup(dumps(self.formats)), # noqa: MS001 toolbar=Markup(dumps(self.toolbar)), # noqa: MS001 )