Source code for quill.fields

from __future__ import annotations

from bleach.sanitizer import Cleaner
from markupsafe import Markup
from onegov.quill.widgets import QuillInput
from onegov.quill.widgets import TAGS
from wtforms.fields import TextAreaField

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Sequence
    from wtforms.form import BaseForm

[docs] class QuillField(TextAreaField): """ A textfield using the quill editor and with integrated sanitation. Allows to specifiy which tags to use in the editor and for sanitation. Available tags are: strong, em, ol and ul (p and br tags are always possible). """
[docs] data: Markup
def __init__( self, *, tags: Sequence[str] | None = None, **kwargs: Any ): if tags is None: tags = TAGS else: tags = list(set(tags) & set(TAGS)) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] self.widget = QuillInput(tags=tags)
tags = ['p', 'br', *tags] if 'ol' in tags or 'ul' in tags: tags.append('li') attributes = {} if 'a' in tags: attributes['a'] = ['href']
[docs] self.cleaner = Cleaner(tags=tags, attributes=attributes, strip=True)
[docs] def pre_validate(self, form: BaseForm) -> None: = Markup(self.cleaner.clean( or '')) # nosec: B704