Source code for people.collections.memberships

from onegov.core.collection import GenericCollection
from onegov.core.orm.abstract import MoveDirection
from onegov.people.models import AgencyMembership

from typing import Literal
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterator
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
    from uuid import UUID

[docs] class AgencyMembershipCollection(GenericCollection[AgencyMembership]): """ Manages a list of agency memberships. Use it like this:: from onegov.people import AgencyMembershipCollection memberships = AgencyMembershipCollection(session) """ @property
[docs] def model_class(self) -> type[AgencyMembership]: return AgencyMembership
[docs] def by_id(self, id: 'UUID') -> AgencyMembership | None: # type:ignore return super().query().filter( self.primary_key == id).first()
[docs] def query(self, order_by: str | None = None) -> 'Query[AgencyMembership]': query = super().query() if not order_by: return query assert hasattr(self.model_class, order_by) return query.order_by(getattr(self.model_class, order_by))
[docs] def move( self, subject: AgencyMembership, target: AgencyMembership, direction: MoveDirection, move_on_col: Literal['order_within_person', 'order_within_agency'] ) -> None: """ Takes the given subject and moves it somewhere in relation to the target. :subject: The item to be moved. :target: The item above which or below which the subject is moved. :direction: The direction relative to the target. Either :attr:`MoveDirection.above` if the subject should be moved above the target, or :attr:`MoveDirection.below` if the subject should be moved below the target. :move_on_col: Designates the column for which the new order should be evaluated. Possible values are `order_within_agency` and `order_within_person`. """ assert isinstance(target, self.model_class) assert isinstance(subject, self.model_class) assert hasattr(subject, move_on_col) assert hasattr(target, move_on_col) if move_on_col == 'order_within_person': siblings = target.siblings_by_person.all() else: siblings = target.siblings_by_agency.all() def new_order() -> 'Iterator[AgencyMembership]': for sibling in siblings: if sibling == subject: continue if sibling == target and direction == MoveDirection.above: yield subject yield target continue if sibling == target and direction == MoveDirection.below: yield target yield subject continue yield sibling for order, sibling in enumerate(new_order()): setattr(sibling, move_on_col, order)