Source code for pas.models.parliamentarian_role

from onegov.core.orm import Base
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import UUID
from onegov.pas import _
from onegov.pas.models.parliamentarian import Parliamentarian
from onegov.pas.models.parliamentary_group import ParliamentaryGroup
from import Party
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Date
from sqlalchemy import Enum
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from uuid import uuid4

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    import uuid
    from datetime import date
    from typing import Literal
    from typing import TypeAlias

[docs] Role: TypeAlias = Literal[ 'none', 'member', 'vote_counter', 'vice_president', 'president', ]
PartyRole: TypeAlias = Literal[ 'none', 'member', 'media_manager', 'vote_counter', 'vice_president', 'president', ] ParliamentaryGroupRole: TypeAlias = Literal[ 'none', 'member', 'vote_counter', 'president', ]
[docs] PARLIAMENTARIAN_ROLES: dict['Role', str] = { 'none': _('none'), 'member': _('Member'), 'vote_counter': _('Vote counter'), 'vice_president': _('Vice president'), 'president': _('President'), }
[docs] PARTY_ROLES: dict['PartyRole', str] = { 'none': _('none'), 'member': _('Member'), 'media_manager': _('Media Manager'), 'vote_counter': _('Vote counter'), 'vice_president': _('Vice president'), 'president': _('President'), }
[docs] PARLIAMENTARY_GROUP_ROLES: dict['PartyRole', str] = { 'none': _('none'), 'member': _('Member'), 'vote_counter': _('Vote counter'), 'vice_president': _('Vice president'), 'president': _('President of the parliamentary group'), }
[docs] class ParliamentarianRole(Base, TimestampMixin):
[docs] __tablename__ = 'pas_parliamentarian_roles'
#: Internal ID
[docs] id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] primary_key=True, default=uuid4 )
#: The start date
[docs] start: 'Column[date|None]' = Column( Date, nullable=True )
#: The end date
[docs] end: 'Column[date|None]' = Column( Date, nullable=True )
#: The id of the parliamentarian
[docs] parliamentarian_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] ForeignKey(''), nullable=False )
#: The parliamentarian
[docs] parliamentarian: 'relationship[Parliamentarian]' = relationship( Parliamentarian, back_populates='roles' )
#: The role value
[docs] role: 'Column[Role]' = Column( Enum( *PARLIAMENTARIAN_ROLES.keys(), # type:ignore[arg-type] name='pas_pariliamentarian_role' ), nullable=False, default='member' )
#: The role as translated text @property
[docs] def role_label(self) -> str: return PARLIAMENTARIAN_ROLES.get(self.role, '')
#: The id of the party
[docs] party_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID|None]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] ForeignKey(''), nullable=True )
#: The party
[docs] party: 'relationship[Party|None]' = relationship( Party, back_populates='roles' )
#: The party role value
[docs] party_role: 'Column[PartyRole]' = Column( Enum( *PARTY_ROLES.keys(), # type:ignore[arg-type] name='pas_party_role' ), nullable=False, default='member' )
#: The party role as translated text @property
[docs] def party_role_label(self) -> str: return PARTY_ROLES.get(self.party_role, '')
#: The id of the parliamentary group
[docs] parliamentary_group_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID|None]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] ForeignKey(''), nullable=True )
#: The parliamentary group
[docs] parliamentary_group: 'relationship[ParliamentaryGroup|None]'
parliamentary_group = relationship( ParliamentaryGroup, back_populates='roles' ) #: The parliamentary group role value
[docs] parliamentary_group_role: 'Column[ParliamentaryGroupRole]' = Column( Enum( *PARLIAMENTARY_GROUP_ROLES.keys(), # type:ignore[arg-type] name='pas_parliamentary_group_role' ), nullable=False, default='member' )
#: The parliamentary group role as translated text @property
[docs] def parliamentary_group_role_label(self) -> str: return PARLIAMENTARY_GROUP_ROLES.get(self.parliamentary_group_role, '')
#: The district
[docs] district: 'Column[str|None]' = Column( Text, nullable=True )
#: Additional information
[docs] additional_information: 'Column[str|None]' = Column( Text, nullable=True )