Source code for pas.data_import

from __future__ import annotations

import csv
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime, date
from pathlib import Path
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from typing import (
    ParamSpec, Self, Any,

import openpyxl

from onegov.core.csv import CSVFile, convert_excel_to_csv, detect_encoding
from onegov.pas.models import (

[docs] T = TypeVar('T')
[docs] P = ParamSpec('P')
from typing import Any as Incomplete from typing import TYPE_CHECKING if TYPE_CHECKING: from import Callable from sqlalchemy.orm import Session from types import TracebackType from _typeshed import StrOrBytesPath
[docs] class Row(Protocol):
[docs] adress_anrede: str
[docs] akademischer_titel: str
[docs] anrede: str
[docs] austritt_kommission: str
[docs] bemerkungen: str
[docs] beruf: str
[docs] brief_anrede: str
[docs] burgerort: str
[docs] count: str
[docs] e_mail_1: str
[docs] e_mail_2: str
[docs] eintritt_kommission: str
[docs] fraktion: str
[docs] geburtsdatum: str
[docs] geschlecht: str
[docs] id: str
[docs] index: str
[docs] nachname: str
[docs] partei: str
[docs] personalnummer: str
[docs] privat_adresse: str
[docs] privat_adresszusatz: str
[docs] privat_ort: str
[docs] privat_plz: str
[docs] rolle_kommission: str
[docs] rownumber: int
[docs] spedition_kr_vorlagen: str
[docs] telefon_geschaft: str
[docs] telefon_mobile: str
[docs] telefon_privat: str
[docs] versand_adresse: str
[docs] versand_adresszusatz: str
[docs] versand_ort: str
[docs] versand_plz: str
[docs] versandart: str
[docs] vertragsnummer: str
[docs] vorname: str
[docs] wahlkreis: str
[docs] webseite: str
[docs] zusatzinformationen: str
# For commission import, Callable keys on the Row object of CSV files.
[docs] EXPECTED_HEADERS = [ 'adress_anrede', 'akademischer_titel', 'anrede', 'austritt_kommission', 'bemerkungen', 'beruf', 'brief_anrede', 'burgerort', 'count', 'e_mail_1', 'e_mail_2', 'eintritt_kommission', 'fraktion', 'geburtsdatum', 'geschlecht', 'id', 'index', 'nachname', 'partei', 'personalnummer', 'privat_adresse', 'privat_adresszusatz', 'privat_ort', 'privat_plz', 'rolle_kommission', 'rownumber', 'spedition_kr_vorlagen', 'telefon_geschaft', 'telefon_mobile', 'telefon_privat', 'versand_adresse', 'versand_adresszusatz', 'versand_ort', 'versand_plz', 'versandart', 'vertragsnummer', 'vorname', 'wahlkreis', 'webseite', 'zusatzinformationen' ]
[docs] class ImportFile: """Provides a unified interface for both CSV and Excel files.""" def __init__(self, file: BinaryIO) -> None:
[docs] self.ENCODINGS = ['utf-8', 'iso-8859-1']
[docs] self.file = file
[docs] self.rows: list[Incomplete] = []
[docs] def _detect_type(self) -> None: """Detect if file is CSV or Excel based on content.""" header = self.is_excel = header.startswith(b'PK')
[docs] def _parse(self) -> None: """Parse the file contents based on detected type.""" if self.is_excel: self._parse_excel() else: self._parse_csv()
[docs] def _parse_csv(self) -> None: encoding = detect_encoding(self.file) csv_file = CSVFile( self.file, encoding=encoding, ) self.rows = list(csv_file.lines)
[docs] def _parse_excel(self) -> None: """Parse the file contents for excel files.""" csv_file_like = convert_excel_to_csv(self.file) encoding = detect_encoding(csv_file_like) csv_file = CSVFile( csv_file_like, encoding=encoding, ) self.rows = list(csv_file.lines)
[docs] def __enter__(self: Self) -> Self: return self
[docs] def __exit__( self, exc_type: type[BaseException] | None, exc_val: BaseException | None, exc_tb: TracebackType | None, ) -> None: self.file.close()
[docs] def preprocess_headers( headers: list[str], header_renames: dict[str, str] ) -> list[str]: """Helper function to process headers using rename mapping.""" return [header_renames.get(header, header) for header in headers]
[docs] def preprocess_csv_headers( csv_path_abs: StrOrBytesPath, expected: list[str] | None = None ) -> StrOrBytesPath: """ Preprocesses a CSV file to rename specific headers to avoid issues with the CSV parser. Creates a temporary file with the modified headers. Renames: "1. E-Mail" to "E_Mail_1" "2. E-Mail" to "E_Mail_2" Returns: Path to the temporary CSV file with preprocessed headers. """ with NamedTemporaryFile( mode='w+t', suffix='.csv', delete=False, encoding='utf-8', newline='', ) as temp_file, open(csv_path_abs, encoding='utf-8', newline='') as infile: temp_file_path = reader = csv.reader(infile) writer = csv.writer(temp_file) header_row = next(reader) match_expected_headers_or_fail( expected, header_row ) header_renames = { '1. E-Mail': 'E_Mail_1', '2. E-Mail': 'E_Mail_2', } modified_header_row = [ header_renames.get(header, header) for header in header_row ] writer.writerow(modified_header_row) writer.writerows(reader) return temp_file_path
[docs] class HeaderValidationResult:
[docs] is_valid: bool
[docs] missing_headers: list[str]
[docs] unexpected_headers: list[str]
[docs] original_headers: list[str]
[docs] def validate_headers( current_headers: list[str], expected_headers: list[str] ) -> HeaderValidationResult: current_set = set(current_headers) expected_set = set(expected_headers) missing = list(expected_set - current_set) unexpected = list(current_set - expected_set) return HeaderValidationResult( is_valid=not (missing or unexpected), missing_headers=sorted(missing), unexpected_headers=sorted(unexpected), original_headers=current_headers, )
[docs] def preprocess_excel_headers( excel_path: StrOrBytesPath, expected: list[str] | None = None ) -> StrOrBytesPath: """ Preprocess Excel headers using a context manager for temporary file handling. Args: excel_path: Path to the input Excel file expected: Optional list of expected headers to validate against Returns: Path to the processed temporary file Raises: Exception: If header processing or validation fails """ header_renames = { '1. E-Mail': 'E_Mail_1', '2. E-Mail': 'E_Mail_2', } with NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.xlsx', delete=False) as temp_file: temp_file_path = try: wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(excel_path) # type: ignore[arg-type] for sheet in wb.worksheets: if sheet.max_row > 0: header_row = [str(cell.value) for cell in sheet[1]] match_expected_headers_or_fail(expected, header_row) modified_headers = preprocess_headers( header_row, header_renames, ) # Update headers in the first row for col, header in enumerate(modified_headers, 1): sheet.cell(row=1, column=col, value=header) wb.close() return temp_file_path except Exception as e: # Clean up the temporary file if an error occurs Path(temp_file_path).unlink(missing_ok=True) raise e from None # Re-raise the exception with a clean traceback
[docs] def match_expected_headers_or_fail( expected: Incomplete, header_row: Incomplete ) -> None: # Validate headers if expected headers are provided if expected is not None: validation_results = validate_headers(header_row, expected) if not validation_results.is_valid: error_msg = [] if validation_results.missing_headers: error_msg.append( f"Missing " f"headers: {', '.join(validation_results.missing_headers)}" ) if validation_results.unexpected_headers: error_msg.append( f"Unexpected " f"headers: " f"{', '.join(validation_results.unexpected_headers)}" ) error_msg.append( f"Original headers:" f" {', '.join(validation_results.original_headers)}" ) raise ValueError('\n'.join(error_msg))
[docs] def with_open_excel_or_csv( func: Callable[..., T] ) -> Callable[..., T]: """ Decorator to handle opening and parsing import files. Handles both CSV and Excel files, preprocessing headers as needed. """ def wrapper( filename: str, *args: tuple[Any, ...], expected_headers: list[str], ) -> T: if filename.lower().endswith(('.xls', '.xlsx')): preprocessed_filename = preprocess_excel_headers( filename, expected_headers ) else: preprocessed_filename = preprocess_csv_headers( filename, expected_headers, ) with open(preprocessed_filename, 'rb') as f, ImportFile( f ) as import_file: try: result = func( import_file, *args, expected_headers=expected_headers, ) finally: if preprocessed_filename != filename: import os os.remove(preprocessed_filename) return result return wrapper
[docs] def import_commissions( import_file: ImportFile, session: Session, commission_file_abs_path: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Imports all data from commission file.""" def parse_date(date_str: str | None) -> date | None: if not date_str: return None try: return datetime.strptime(date_str, '%d.%m.%Y').date() except ValueError: return None # reverse transl. mapping role_translations = { 'mitglied': 'member', 'gast': 'guest', 'erweitertes mitglied': 'extended_member', 'präsident': 'president', 'präsidentin': 'president', } commission_name = Path(commission_file_abs_path).stem # if the file originally contains underscores, make them spaces for display commission_name = commission_name.replace('_', ' ') # Get or create commission commission = session.query(Commission).filter_by( name=commission_name ).first() if not commission: commission = Commission( name=commission_name, type='normal' ) session.add(commission) # First pass - create parties and parliamentary groups for row in import_file.rows: # Create party if needed party = session.query(Party).filter_by(name=row.partei).first() if not party: party = Party(name=row.partei) session.add(party) # Create parliamentary group if needed group = session.query(ParliamentaryGroup).filter_by( name=row.fraktion ).first() if not group: group = ParliamentaryGroup(name=row.fraktion) session.add(group) session.flush() # Second pass - create parliamentarians and memberships for row in import_file.rows: # Get party and group party = session.query(Party).filter_by(name=row.partei).one() group = session.query(ParliamentaryGroup).filter_by( name=row.fraktion ).one() # Create parliamentarian if needed parliamentarian = session.query(Parliamentarian).filter_by( personnel_number=row.personalnummer ).first() if not parliamentarian: parliamentarian = Parliamentarian( personnel_number=row.personalnummer, contract_number=row.vertragsnummer, first_name=row.vorname, last_name=row.nachname, gender='female' if row.geschlecht == 'Weiblich' else 'male', shipping_method='a', shipping_address=row.versand_adresse, shipping_address_addition=row.versand_adresszusatz, shipping_address_zip_code=row.versand_plz, shipping_address_city=row.versand_ort, private_address=row.privat_adresse, private_address_addition=row.privat_adresszusatz, private_address_zip_code=row.privat_plz, private_address_city=row.privat_ort, date_of_birth=parse_date(row.geburtsdatum), place_of_origin=row.burgerort, occupation=row.beruf, academic_title=row.akademischer_titel, salutation=row.anrede, salutation_for_address=row.adress_anrede, salutation_for_letter=row.brief_anrede, forwarding_of_bills=row.spedition_kr_vorlagen, phone_private=row.telefon_privat, phone_mobile=row.telefon_mobile, phone_business=row.telefon_geschaft, email_primary=row.e_mail_1, email_secondary=row.e_mail_2, website=row.webseite, remarks=row.bemerkungen ) session.add(parliamentarian) # Create roles linking to party and group parliamentarian.roles.append(ParliamentarianRole( party=party, party_role='member', parliamentary_group=group, parliamentary_group_role='member', district=row.wahlkreis, additional_information=row.zusatzinformationen )) # Translate the German role to English try: role = role_translations.get( row.rolle_kommission.lower(), 'member', ) # Create commission membership membership = CommissionMembership( commission=commission, parliamentarian=parliamentarian, role=role, # type:ignore[misc] start=parse_date(row.eintritt_kommission), end=parse_date(row.austritt_kommission) ) session.add(membership) except AttributeError: pass session.flush()