Source code for org.views.message

from import Message
from import MessageCollection
from onegov.core.custom import json
from import Private
from onegov.core.templates import render_template
from onegov.file import File
from onegov.file.models.file_message import FileMessage
from import OrgApp, _
from import MessageCollectionLayout
from onegov.user import User
from sqlalchemy import inspect

from typing import NamedTuple, TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.types import JSONObject_ro, RenderData
    from import OrgRequest

# messages rendered by this view need to provide a 'message_[type].pt'
# template and they should provide a link method that takes a
# request and returns the link the message points (the subject of the message)
# for messages which are created outside and descendants, the links
# might have to be implemented in link_message below
[docs] def render_message( message: Message, request: 'OrgRequest', owner: 'Owner', layout: MessageCollectionLayout ) -> str: return render_template( template=f'message_{message.type}', request=request, content={ 'layout': layout, 'model': message, 'owner': owner, 'link': link_message(message, request) }, suppress_global_variables=True )
[docs] class Owner(NamedTuple):
[docs] username: str
[docs] realname: str | None
[docs] def initials(self) -> str: return User.get_initials(self.username, self.realname)
[docs] def name(self) -> str: return self.realname or self.username
@OrgApp.json(model=MessageCollection, permission=Private, name='feed')
[docs] def view_messages_feed( self: MessageCollection[Message], request: 'OrgRequest', layout: MessageCollectionLayout | None = None ) -> 'JSONObject_ro': mapper = inspect(Message).polymorphic_map layout = layout or MessageCollectionLayout(self, request) # FIXME: Is this cast actually necessary? def cast(message: Message) -> Message: message.__class__ = mapper[message.type].class_ return message messages = tuple(cast(m) for m in self.query()) usernames = {m.owner for m in messages if m.owner} if usernames: q = request.session.query(User) q = q.with_entities(User.username, User.realname) q = q.filter(User.username.in_(usernames)) owners = {u.username: Owner(u.username, u.realname) for u in q} owners.update({ username: Owner(username, None) for username in usernames if username not in owners }) else: owners = {} return { 'messages': [ { 'id':, 'type': m.type, 'subtype': m.subtype or '', 'date': ', '.join(( layout.format_date(m.created, 'weekday_long'), layout.format_date(m.created, 'date_long') )), 'owner': owners[m.owner].username, 'html': render_message( message=m, request=request, owner=owners[m.owner], layout=layout ), } for m in messages # FIXME: Currently it seems like we never have messages without # an owner, but if we ever do, we will crash and burn # either in the template or in this loop, so for now we # skip messages without owner if m.owner ] }
@OrgApp.html( model=MessageCollection, permission=Private, template='' )
[docs] def view_messages( self: MessageCollection[Message], request: 'OrgRequest', layout: MessageCollectionLayout | None = None ) -> 'RenderData': # The initial load contains only the 25 latest message (the feed will # return the 25 oldest messages by default) if not self.newer_than: beyond_horizon = self.latest_message(offset=25) if beyond_horizon: self.newer_than = return { 'layout': layout or MessageCollectionLayout(self, request), 'title': _('Timeline'), 'feed':, 'feed'), 'feed_data': json.dumps( view_messages_feed(self, request) ), 'feed_interval': 15 }