from __future__ import annotations
import colorsys
import re
import sedate
import pytz
from contextlib import suppress
from collections import defaultdict, Counter, OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime, time, timedelta
from isodate import parse_date, parse_datetime
from itertools import groupby
from libres.modules import errors as libres_errors
from lxml.etree import ParserError
from lxml.html import fragments_fromstring, tostring
from markupsafe import escape, Markup
from onegov.core.cache import lru_cache
from onegov.core.layout import Layout
from onegov.core.orm import as_selectable
from onegov.file import File, FileCollection
from import _
from import DeleteLink, Link
from import Search
from onegov.reservation import Resource
from operator import attrgetter
from purl import URL
from sqlalchemy import nullsfirst, select # type:ignore[attr-defined]
from onegov.ticket import TicketCollection
from onegov.user import User
from typing import overload, Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
from _typeshed import SupportsRichComparison
from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
from lxml.etree import _Element
from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
from import ImageFile
from import OrgRequest
from import PriceDict
from onegov.reservation import Allocation, Reservation
from onegov.ticket import Ticket
from pytz.tzinfo import DstTzInfo, StaticTzInfo
from sqlalchemy.orm import Query, Session
from sqlalchemy import Column
from typing import Self, TypeAlias, TypeVar
_DeltaT = TypeVar('_DeltaT')
_SortT = TypeVar('_SortT', bound='SupportsRichComparison')
_TransformedT = TypeVar('_TransformedT')
TzInfo: TypeAlias = DstTzInfo | StaticTzInfo
DateRange: TypeAlias = tuple[datetime, datetime]
# for our empty paragraphs approach we don't need a full-blown xml parser
# since we only remove a very limited set of paragraphs
EMPTY_PARAGRAPHS = re.compile(r'<p>\s*<br>\s*</p>')
# XXX this is doubly defined in, maybe move to a common
# regex module in in onegov.core
# additionally it is used in's common.js in javascript variant
HASHTAG = re.compile(r'(?<![\w/])#\w{3,}')
IMG_URLS = re.compile(r'<img[^>]*?src="(.*?)"')
def djb2_hash(text: str, size: int) -> int:
""" Implementation of the djb2 hash, a simple hash function with a
configurable table size.
** Do NOT use for cryptography! **
# arbitrary large prime number to initialize
hash = 5381
# hash(i) = hash(i-1) * 33 + str[i]
for char in text:
hash = ((hash << 5) + hash) + ord(char)
# Output: integer between 0 and size-1 (inclusive)
return hash % size
def get_random_color(seed: str, lightness: float, saturation: float) -> str:
""" Gets a random color using the given seed (a text value).
Since the colorspace is very limited there are lots of collisions.
hue = 100 / (djb2_hash(seed, 360) or 1)
r, g, b = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue, lightness, saturation)
return '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(
round(r * 255),
round(g * 255),
round(b * 255)
def get_user_color(username: str) -> str:
""" Gets a user color for each username which is used for the
user-initials-* elements. Each username is mapped to a color.
:returns: The user color in an css rgb string.
return get_random_color(username, lightness=0.9, saturation=0.5)
def get_extension_color(extension: str) -> str:
""" Gets an extension color for each file extension. This is similar to
:func:`get_user_color`, but returns a darker color (text is white).
return get_random_color(extension, lightness=0.5, saturation=0.5)
def add_class_to_node(node: _Element, classname: str) -> None:
""" Adds the given classname to the given lxml node's class list. """
if 'class' in node.attrib:
node.attrib['class'] += ' ' + classname
node.attrib['class'] = classname
def annotate_html(
html: Markup,
request: CoreRequest | None = None
) -> Markup: ...
def annotate_html(html: None, request: CoreRequest | None = None) -> None:
def annotate_html(
html: Markup | None,
request: CoreRequest | None = None
) -> Markup | None:
""" Takes the given html and annotates the following elements for some
advanced styling:
* Every paragraph containing an img element will be marked with the
`has-img` class.
* If a link is found which points to a youtube or a vimeo video, the
link itself as well as the surrounding paragraph is marked
with the `has-video` class
* If a hashtag is found, the paragraph gets the 'has-hashtag' class.
if not html:
return html
fragments = fragments_fromstring(html, no_leading_text=True)
except ParserError:
return html
images = []
# we perform a root xpath lookup, which will result in all paragraphs
# being looked at - so we don't need to loop over all elements (yah, it's
# a bit weird)
for element in fragments[:1]:
for paragraph in element.xpath('//p[img]'):
add_class_to_node(paragraph, 'has-img')
condition = ' or '.join(
'starts-with(@href, "{}")'.format(url) for url in {
for a in element.xpath('//a[{}]'.format(condition)):
add_class_to_node(a, 'has-video')
# find the closest paragraph in the ancestrage, but don't look far
parent = a.getparent()
for i in range(3):
if parent is None:
if parent.tag == 'p':
add_class_to_node(parent, 'has-video')
parent = parent.getparent()
for img in element.xpath('//img'):
img.set('class', 'lazyload-alt')
# for the hashtag lookup we need all elements, as we do not use xpath
for element in fragments:
for text in element.itertext():
if text and
add_class_to_node(element, 'has-hashtag')
if request:
set_image_sizes(images, request)
return Markup( # noqa: RUF035
''.join(tostring(e, encoding=str) for e in fragments))
def remove_empty_paragraphs(html: None) -> None: ...
def remove_empty_paragraphs(html: Markup) -> Markup: ...
def remove_empty_paragraphs(html: Markup | None) -> Markup | None:
if not html:
return html
return Markup(EMPTY_PARAGRAPHS.sub('', html)) # noqa: RUF035
def set_image_sizes(
images: list[_Element],
request: CoreRequest
) -> None:
internal_src = re.compile(r'.*/storage/([a-z0-9]+)')
def get_image_id(img: _Element) -> str | None:
match = internal_src.match(img.get('src', ''))
if match and match.groups():
return None
images_dict = {get_image_id(img): img for img in images}
if images_dict:
q: Query[ImageFile]
q = FileCollection(request.session, type='image').query()
q = q.with_entities(, File.reference)
q = q.filter(
sizes = { i.reference for i in q}
for id, image in images_dict.items():
if id in sizes:
with suppress(AttributeError):
image.set('width', sizes[id].size[0])
image.set('height', sizes[id].size[1])
def parse_fullcalendar_request(
request: CoreRequest,
timezone: str
) -> tuple[datetime, datetime] | tuple[None, None]:
""" Parses start and end from the given fullcalendar request. It is
expected that no timezone is passed (the default).
See `<>`_
:returns: A tuple of timezone-aware datetime objects or (None, None).
start_str = request.params.get('start')
end_str = request.params.get('end')
if start_str and end_str:
if 'T' in start_str:
start = parse_datetime(start_str)
end = parse_datetime(end_str)
start = datetime.combine(parse_date(start_str), time(0, 0))
end = datetime.combine(
time(23, 59, 59, 999999)
start = sedate.replace_timezone(start, timezone)
end = sedate.replace_timezone(end, timezone)
return start, end
return None, None
def render_time_range(start: datetime | time, end: datetime | time) -> str:
if isinstance(end, datetime):
end = end.time()
if end in (time(0, 0), time(23, 59, 59, 999999)):
end_str = '24:00'
end_str = f'{end:%H:%M}'
return f'{start:%H:%M} - {end_str}'
class ReservationInfo:
__slots__ = ('resource', 'reservation', 'request', 'translate')
def __init__(
resource: Resource,
reservation: Reservation,
request: OrgRequest
) -> None:
self.resource = resource
self.reservation = reservation
self.translate = request.translate
def date(self) -> str:
return self.reservation.display_start().isoformat()
def warning(self) -> str | None:
if self.request.is_manager:
return None
reservation_date = self.reservation.display_start().date()
if self.resource.is_zip_blocked(reservation_date):
layout = Layout(self.resource, self.request)
assert self.resource.zipcode_block is not None
days = self.resource.zipcode_block['zipcode_days']
assert self.reservation.start is not None
date = self.reservation.start - timedelta(days=days)
zipcodes = map(str, self.resource.zipcode_block['zipcode_list'])
return self.request.translate(_(
'You can only reserve this allocation before ${date} '
'if you live in the following zipcodes: ${zipcodes}'
), mapping={
'date': layout.format_date(date, 'date_long'),
'zipcodes': ', '.join(zipcodes),
return None
def time(self) -> str:
assert self.reservation.start is not None
assert self.reservation.end is not None
assert self.reservation.timezone is not None
if sedate.is_whole_day(
return self.translate(_('Whole day'))
return render_time_range(
def delete_link(self) -> str:
url = URL(
url = url.query_param('csrf-token', self.request.new_csrf_token())
return url.as_string()
def price(self) -> PriceDict | None:
price = self.reservation.price(self.resource)
return price.as_dict() if price else None
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
'time': self.time,
'delete': self.delete_link,
'quota': self.reservation.quota,
'created': self.reservation.created.isoformat(),
'price': self.price,
'warning': self.warning,
class AllocationEventInfo:
__slots__ = ('resource', 'allocation', 'availability', 'request',
def __init__(
resource: Resource,
allocation: Allocation,
availability: float,
request: OrgRequest
) -> None:
self.resource = resource
self.allocation = allocation
self.availability = availability
self.translate = request.translate
def from_allocations(
request: OrgRequest,
resource: Resource,
allocations: Iterable[Allocation]
) -> list[Self]:
events = []
scheduler = resource.scheduler
allocations = request.exclude_invisible(allocations)
for key, group in groupby(allocations, key=attrgetter('_start')):
grouped = tuple(group)
if len(grouped) == 1 and grouped[0].partly_available:
# in this case we might need to normalize the availability
availability = grouped[0].normalized_availability
availability = scheduler.queries.availability_by_allocations(
for allocation in grouped:
if allocation.is_master:
events.append( # noqa: PERF401
return events
def event_start(self) -> str:
return self.allocation.display_start().isoformat()
def event_end(self) -> str:
return self.allocation.display_end().isoformat()
def event_identification(self) -> str:
return '{:%d.%m.%Y}: {}'.format(
def event_time(self) -> str:
if self.allocation.whole_day:
return self.translate(_('Whole day'))
return render_time_range(
def quota(self) -> int:
return self.allocation.quota
def quota_left(self) -> int:
return int(self.quota * self.availability / 100)
def event_title(self) -> str:
if self.allocation.partly_available:
available = self.translate(_('${percent}% Available', mapping={
'percent': int(self.availability)
quota = self.quota
quota_left = self.quota_left
if quota == 1:
if quota_left:
available = self.translate(_('Available'))
available = self.translate(_('Unavailable'))
available = self.translate(
_('${num} Available', mapping={
'num': quota_left
# add an extra space at the end of the event time, so we can hide
# the <br> tag on the output without having the time and the
# availability seemingly joined together without space.
return '\n'.join((self.event_time + ' ', available))
def event_classes(self) -> Iterator[str]:
if self.allocation.end < sedate.utcnow():
yield 'event-in-past'
if self.quota > 1:
if self.quota_left == self.quota:
yield 'event-available'
elif self.quota_left > 0:
yield 'event-partly-available'
yield 'event-unavailable'
if self.availability >= 80.0:
yield 'event-available'
elif self.availability >= 20.0:
yield 'event-partly-available'
yield 'event-unavailable'
def occupancy_link(self) -> str:
return self.request.class_link(
'date': self.allocation.display_start(),
'view': 'agendaDay'
def event_actions(self) -> Iterator[Link]:
if self.request.is_manager:
yield Link(
_('Edit'),, name='edit'),
yield Link(
'allocation_id': str(
if self.availability == 100.0:
yield DeleteLink(
confirm=_('Do you really want to delete this allocation?'),
yes_button_text=_('Delete allocation')
yield Link(
yield DeleteLink(
"This allocation can't be deleted because there are "
"existing reservations associated with it."
'To delete this allocation, all existing reservations '
'need to be cancelled first.'
elif self.availability < 100.0 and self.request.has_role('member'):
if getattr(
yield Link(
def as_dict(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {
'start': self.event_start,
'end': self.event_end,
'title': self.event_title,
'wholeDay': self.allocation.whole_day,
'partlyAvailable': self.allocation.partly_available,
'quota': self.allocation.quota,
'quotaLeft': self.quota_left,
'className': ' '.join(self.event_classes),
'partitions': self.allocation.availability_partitions(),
'actions': [
for link in self.event_actions
'editurl':, name='edit'),
'reserveurl':, name='reserve')
class FindYourSpotEventInfo:
__slots__ = ('allocation', 'slot_time', 'availability', 'quota_left',
'request', 'translate')
def __init__(
allocation: Allocation,
slot_time: DateRange | None,
availability: float,
quota_left: int,
request: OrgRequest
) -> None:
self.allocation = allocation
self.slot_time = slot_time
self.availability = availability
self.quota_left = quota_left
self.translate = request.translate
def event_start(self) -> str:
if self.slot_time and self.allocation.partly_available:
return self.slot_time[0].isoformat()
return self.allocation.display_start().isoformat()
def event_end(self) -> str:
if self.slot_time and self.allocation.partly_available:
return self.slot_time[1].isoformat()
return self.allocation.display_end().isoformat()
def event_time(self) -> str:
if self.slot_time and self.allocation.partly_available:
return render_time_range(*self.slot_time)
if self.allocation.whole_day:
return self.translate(_('Whole day'))
return render_time_range(
def quota(self) -> int:
return self.allocation.quota
def whole_day(self) -> str:
if self.allocation.whole_day:
return 'true'
return 'false'
def partly_available(self) -> str:
if self.allocation.partly_available:
return 'true'
return 'false'
def available(self) -> str:
if self.allocation.partly_available:
available = self.translate(_('${percent}% Available', mapping={
'percent': int(self.availability)
quota = self.quota
quota_left = self.quota_left
if quota == 1:
if quota_left:
available = self.translate(_('Available'))
available = self.translate(_('Unavailable'))
available = self.translate(
_('${num} Available', mapping={
'num': quota_left
return available
def event_classes(self) -> Iterator[str]:
if self.allocation.end < sedate.utcnow():
yield 'event-in-past'
if self.quota > 1:
if self.quota_left == self.quota:
yield 'event-available'
elif self.quota_left > 0:
yield 'event-partly-available'
yield 'event-unavailable'
if self.availability >= 100.0:
yield 'event-available'
elif self.availability >= 5.0:
yield 'event-partly-available'
yield 'event-unavailable'
def css_class(self) -> str:
return ' '.join(self.event_classes)
def reserveurl(self) -> str:
return, 'reserve')
libres_error_messages = {
_('A conflicting allocation exists for the requested time period.'),
_('A conflicting reservation exists for the requested time period.'),
_('An existing reservation would be affected by the requested change.'),
_('A pending reservation would be affected by the requested change.'),
_('The requested period is no longer available.'),
_('No reservable slot found.'),
_("Reservations can't be made for more than 24 hours at a time."),
_('The given reservation paramters are invalid.'),
_('The given reservation token is invalid.'),
_('The given reservation paramters are invalid.'),
_('The requested number of reservations is higher than allowed.'),
_('The requested quota is invalid (must be at least one).'),
_('The allocation does not have enough free spots.'),
_('The resulting allocation would be invalid.'),
_('No reservations to confirm.'),
_('The given timerange is longer than the existing allocation.'),
_('Reservation too short. A reservation must last at least 5 minutes.')
def get_libres_error(e: Exception, request: OrgRequest) -> str:
etype = type(e)
assert etype in libres_error_messages, f'Unknown libres error {etype}'
return request.translate(libres_error_messages[etype])
def show_libres_error(
e: Exception,
request: OrgRequest
) -> None:
""" Shows a human readable error message for the given libres exception,
using request.alert.
request.alert(get_libres_error(e, request))
def predict_next_daterange(
dateranges: Sequence[DateRange],
min_probability: float = 0.8,
tzinfo: TzInfo | None = None
) -> DateRange | None:
""" Takes a list of dateranges (start, end) and tries to predict the next
daterange in the list.
See :func:`predict_next_value` for more information.
if not dateranges:
return None
if tzinfo is None:
# we remember the original tzinfo of the final date
# since that is the one we will need to transform back
last_end = dateranges[-1][1]
if hasattr(last_end, 'tzinfo'):
# FIXME: we assume we only ever use pytz timezones
# but we probably should still check here
# that we actually do
tzinfo = last_end.tzinfo # type:ignore[assignment]
if tzinfo is not None:
# if we did get a tz aware datetime then we need to strip
# the tzinfo on the input dateranges so calculations won't
# have different results in summer vs. standard time
dateranges = [
(s.replace(tzinfo=None), e.replace(tzinfo=None))
for s, e in dateranges
def add_delta(
time_range: DateRange,
delta: timedelta
) -> DateRange | None:
start, end = time_range
# after calculating the tz-naive suggestion we need to
# add the original tzinfo back, but handle DST <-> ST
# transitions correctly
start += delta
end += delta
if tzinfo is None:
# we never were localized to begin with so just return
return start, end
# if we didn't get a pytz tzinfo we just add it back and
# hope it does the correct thing (it probably won't) but
# at that point it is no longer our responsibility
if not hasattr(tzinfo, 'localize'):
return start.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo), end.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
# try to return the localized daterange without worrying
# about DST and ST, pytz will throw an exception if we
# use an ambiguous or non-existent time
return (tzinfo.localize(start, is_dst=None),
tzinfo.localize(end, is_dst=None))
except pytz.NonExistentTimeError:
# in this case we don't make a suggestion (because we can't)
return None
except pytz.AmbiguousTimeError:
# we treat ambiguous times as standard time always, in the
# calendar it shouldn't make a visual difference anyways
return (tzinfo.localize(start, is_dst=False),
tzinfo.localize(end, is_dst=False))
return predict_next_value(
compute_delta=lambda x, y: y[0] - x[0],
# NOTE: We could increase type safety by providing a _T that's bound
# to a protocol which implements subtraction and addition, but
# __add__ vs __radd__ and __sub__ vs __rsub__ makes this difficult
def predict_next_value(
values: Sequence[_T],
min_probability: float = 0.8,
) -> _T | None: ...
def predict_next_value(
values: Sequence[_T],
min_probability: float,
compute_delta: Callable[[_T, _T], _DeltaT],
add_delta: Callable[[_T, _DeltaT], _T | None]
) -> _T | None: ...
def predict_next_value(
values: Sequence[_T],
min_probability: float = 0.8,
compute_delta: Callable[[_T, _T], _DeltaT],
add_delta: Callable[[_T, _DeltaT], _T | None]
) -> _T | None: ...
def predict_next_value(
values: Sequence[_T],
min_probability: float = 0.8,
compute_delta: Callable[[Any, Any], Any] = lambda x, y: y - x,
add_delta: Callable[[Any, Any], Any | None] = lambda x, d: x + d
) -> _T | None:
""" Takes a list of values and tries to predict the next value in the
Meant to work on a small set of ranges (with first predictions
appearing with only three values), this algorithm will look at all
possible deltas between the values and keep track of the probability
of delta y following delta x.
If the delta between the second last and last value has a high
probability of being followed by some delta p, then delta p is used to
predict the next range.
If the probability is too low (signified by min_probability), then None
is returned.
For large ranges better statistical models should be used. Here we are
concerned with small series of data to answer the question "if a user
selected three values, what will his fourth be?"
If we for example know that the user selected 1, 2 and 3, then 4 is the
next probable value in the series.
if len(values) < 3:
return None
deltas: dict[Any, list[Any]] = defaultdict(list)
previous = values[0]
previous_delta: Any | None = None
for current in values[1:]:
delta = compute_delta(previous, current)
if previous_delta is not None:
previous = current
previous_delta = delta
assert previous_delta is not None
next_deltas = deltas[previous_delta]
if not next_deltas:
return None
predicted_delta, count = Counter(next_deltas).most_common(1)[0]
probability = count / len(next_deltas)
if probability >= min_probability:
return add_delta(values[-1], predicted_delta)
return None
def group_by_column(
request: OrgRequest,
query: Query[_T],
group_column: Column[str] | Column[str | None],
sort_column: Column[_SortT],
default_group: str | None = None,
transform: Callable[[_T], _T] | None = None
) -> dict[str, list[_T]]: ...
def group_by_column(
request: OrgRequest,
query: Query[_T],
group_column: Column[str] | Column[str | None],
sort_column: Column[_SortT],
default_group: str | None,
transform: Callable[[_T], _TransformedT]
) -> dict[str, list[_TransformedT]]: ...
def group_by_column(
request: OrgRequest,
query: Query[_T],
group_column: Column[str] | Column[str | None],
sort_column: Column[_SortT],
default_group: str | None = None,
transform: Callable[[_T], _TransformedT]
) -> dict[str, list[_TransformedT]]: ...
def group_by_column(
request: OrgRequest,
query: Query[_T],
group_column: Column[str] | Column[str | None],
sort_column: Column[_SortT],
default_group: str | None = None,
transform: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None
) -> dict[str, list[Any]]:
""" Groups the given query by the given group.
:param request:
The current request used for translation and to exclude invisible
:param query:
The query that should be grouped
:param group_column:
The column by which the grouping should happen.
:param sort_column:
The column by which the records should be sorted.
:param default_group:
The group in use if the found group is empty (optional).
:param transform:
Called with each record to transform the result (optional).
default_group = default_group or request.translate(_('General'))
query = query.order_by(nullsfirst(group_column))
records = request.exclude_invisible(query)
grouped = OrderedDict()
def group_key(record: _T) -> str:
return getattr(record, or default_group
def sort_key(record: _T) -> _SortT:
return getattr(record,
transform = transform or (lambda v: v)
# groupby expects the input iterable (records) to already be sorted
records = sorted(records, key=group_key)
for group, items in groupby(records, group_key):
grouped[group] = [
for i in sorted(items, key=sort_key)
return grouped
def keywords_first(
keywords: Sequence[str]
) -> Callable[[str], tuple[int, str]]:
""" Returns a sort key which prefers values matching the given keywords
before other values which are sorted alphabetically.
assert hasattr(keywords, 'index')
def sort_key(v: str) -> tuple[int, str]:
return keywords.index(v) - len(keywords), ''
except ValueError:
return 0, v
return sort_key
def hashtag_elements(request: OrgRequest, text: str) -> Markup:
""" Takes a text and adds html around the hashtags found inside. """
def replace_tag(match: re.Match[str]) -> str:
tag =
link =, query=tag, page=0))
return f'<a class="hashtag" href="{link}">{tag}</a>'
# NOTE: We need to restore Markup after re.sub call
return Markup(HASHTAG.sub(replace_tag, escape(text))) # noqa: RUF035
def ticket_directory_groups(
session: Session
) -> Iterator[str]:
"""Yields all ticket groups.
For example: ('Sportanbieter', 'Verein')
If no groups exist, returns an empty generator.
query = as_selectable(
handler_code, -- Text
ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT "group") AS groups -- ARRAY(Text)
FROM tickets
WHERE handler_code = 'DIR'
GROUP BY handler_code
return (
for result in session.execute(select(query.c))
for group in result.groups
if group
def user_group_emails_for_new_ticket(
request: CoreRequest,
ticket: Ticket,
) -> set[str]:
"""The user can be part of a UserGroup that defines directories. This
means the users in this group are interested in a subset of tickets.
The group is determined by the Ticket group.
This allows for more granular control over who gets notified.
if ticket.handler_code != 'DIR':
# For now, we implement this special case just for 'DIR' tickets.
return set()
return {
for user in request.session.query(User).filter(
) if is not None
for u in
and (dirs :='directories')) is not None
and in dirs
# from most narrow to widest
def widest_access(*accesses: str) -> str:
index = 0
for access in accesses:
# we only want to look at indexes starting with the one
# we're already at, otherwise we're lowering the access
index = ORDERED_ACCESS.index(access, index)
except ValueError:
return ORDERED_ACCESS[index]
def extract_categories_and_subcategories(
categories: dict[str, list[dict[str, list[str]] | str]],
flattened: Literal[False] = False
) -> tuple[list[str], list[list[str]]]: ...
def extract_categories_and_subcategories(
categories: dict[str, list[dict[str, list[str]] | str]],
flattened: Literal[True]
) -> list[str]: ...
def extract_categories_and_subcategories(
categories: dict[str, list[dict[str, list[str]] | str]],
flattened: bool = False
) -> tuple[list[str], list[list[str]]] | list[str]:
Extracts categories and subcategories from the `newsletter categories`
dictionary in `newsletter settings`.
Example for categories dict:
'org_name': [
{'main_category_2': ['sub_category_21', 'sub_category_22']}
returning a tuple of lists:
['main_category_1', 'main_category_2'],
[[], ['sub_category_21', 'sub_category_22']]
if `flattened` is True, it returns a flat list of the above tuple:
['main_category_1', 'main_category_2', 'sub_category_21',
cats: list[str] = []
subcats: list[list[str]] = []
for items in categories.values():
for item in items:
if isinstance(item, dict):
for topic, subs in item.items():
if flattened:
cats.extend([item for sublist in subcats for item in sublist])
return cats
return cats, subcats