Source code for org.upgrade

""" Contains upgrade tasks that are executed when the application is being
upgraded on the server. See :class:`onegov.core.upgrade.upgrade_task`.

from itertools import chain
from onegov.core.crypto import random_token
from onegov.core.orm import Base, find_models
from onegov.core.orm.types import JSON
from onegov.core.upgrade import upgrade_task, UpgradeContext
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from import DirectoryEntry
from import DirectoryFile
from onegov.file import File
from onegov.form import FormDefinition
from import Organisation, Topic, News, ExtendedDirectory
from import annotate_html
from import Page, PageCollection
from onegov.reservation import Resource
from onegov.user import User
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey
from onegov.core.orm.types import UUID
from sqlalchemy.orm import undefer

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterable, Sequence

@upgrade_task('Move from town to organisation', always_run=True)
[docs] def move_town_to_organisation(context: UpgradeContext) -> bool | None: # if the organisations table does not exist (other modules), skip has_organisations =""" select exists (select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='{}' and table_name='organisations') """.format( has_towns =""" select exists (select 1 from information_schema.tables where table_schema='{}' and table_name='towns') """.format( if not has_organisations or not has_towns: return False # this needs to be an always-run task for now, since on first install the # module is deteced as new and it is assumed that no tasks need to be run # as a result if context.session.query(Organisation).first(): return False context.operations.drop_table('organisations') context.operations.rename_table('towns', 'organisations') return None
@upgrade_task('Add image-dimensions to html')
[docs] def add_image_dimensions_to_html(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: for topic in context.session.query(Topic): topic.text = annotate_html(topic.text, context.request) for news in context.session.query(News): news.text = annotate_html(news.text, context.request) for resource in context.session.query(Resource): if not hasattr(resource, 'text'): continue resource.text = annotate_html(resource.text, context.request) for form in context.session.query(FormDefinition): form.text = annotate_html(form.text, context.request)
@upgrade_task('Remove official notices table')
[docs] def remove_official_notices_table(context: UpgradeContext) -> bool | None: # an incompatible release was accidentally left in, so we remove the # table in such instances, triggering a recreation on the next start if not context.has_table('official_notices'): return False session = organisations_count = session.execute('select count(*) from organisations') if organisations_count.scalar() != 1: return False notices_count = session.execute('select count(*) from official_notices') if notices_count.scalar() != 0: return False context.operations.drop_table('official_notices') return None
@upgrade_task('Add new defaults to existing directories')
[docs] def add_new_defaults_to_existing_directories(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: for directory in context.session.query(ExtendedDirectory): directory.enable_submissions = False directory.price = 'free' directory.currency = 'CHF'
@upgrade_task('Migrate enable_map option')
[docs] def migrate_enable_map_option(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: for directory in context.session.query(ExtendedDirectory): directory.enable_map = directory.enable_map and 'everywhere' or 'no'
@upgrade_task('Fix directory order')
[docs] def fix_directory_order(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: for directory in context.session.query(ExtendedDirectory): directory.order = normalize_for_url(directory.title)
@upgrade_task('Add default redirect setting')
[docs] def add_default_recirect_setting(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: org = context.session.query(Organisation).first() if org: org.redirect_homepage_to = 'no'
@upgrade_task('Rename guideline to submissions_guideline')
[docs] def rename_guideline_to_submissions_guideline(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: directories = ( context.session.query(ExtendedDirectory) .options(undefer(ExtendedDirectory.content)) ) for directory in directories: directory.content['submissions_guideline'] = ( directory.content.pop('guideline', None))
@upgrade_task('Extend content people with show_function property in tuple')
[docs] def add_content_show_property_to_people(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: q = PageCollection(context.session).query() q = q.filter(Topic.type == 'topic') pages = q.filter(Topic.content['people'].isnot(None)) def is_already_updated(people_item: 'Sequence[Any]') -> bool: return len(people_item) == 2 and isinstance(people_item[1], bool) for page in pages: updated_people = [] for person in page.content['people']: if len(person) == 2 and not is_already_updated(person[1]): # (id, function) -> (id, (function, show_function)) updated_people.append([person[0], (person[1], True)]) else: updated_people.append(person) page.content['people'] = updated_people
@upgrade_task('Add meta access property')
[docs] def add_meta_access_property(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: def has_meta_property(model: type[Base]) -> bool: if not hasattr(model, 'meta'): return False assert isinstance([0].type, JSON) return True for model in find_models(Base, has_meta_property): table = model.__tablename__ # We use update statements here because we need to touch a lot of data. # # THIS IS UNSAFE, DO NOT COPY & PASTE context.session.execute(f""" UPDATE {table} SET meta = meta || jsonb '{{"access": "private"}}' WHERE (meta->>'is_hidden_from_public')::boolean = TRUE; UPDATE {table} SET meta = meta - 'is_hidden_from_public' WHERE meta ? 'is_hidden_from_public'; """)
@upgrade_task('Rerender organisation html')
[docs] def add_rerender_organsiation_html(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: org = context.session.query(Organisation).first() if not org: return if is not None: = if org.opening_hours is not None: org.opening_hours = org.opening_hours
@upgrade_task("Migrate FormFile's attached to DirectoryEntry to DirectoryFile")
[docs] def fix_directory_file_identity(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: # Not sure of this doubles the files, but actually the file # reference remains, so it shouldn't for entry in context.session.query(DirectoryEntry).all(): for field in field_data = entry.content['values'][] if field_data and field_data.get('data', '').startswith('@'): file_id = field_data['data'].lstrip('@') file = context.session.query(File).filter_by( id=file_id).first() if file and file.type != 'directory': new = DirectoryFile( # type:ignore[misc] id=random_token(),, note=file.note, reference=file.reference ) entry.files.append(new) entry.content['values'][]['data'] = f'@{}' entry.content.changed() # type:ignore[attr-defined]
@upgrade_task('Cache news hashtags in meta')
[docs] def cache_news_hashtags_in_meta(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: try: for news in context.session.query(News): news.hashtags = news.es_tags or [] except Exception: # nosec B110 pass
@upgrade_task('Change daily_ticket_statistics data format')
[docs] def change_daily_ticket_statistics_data_format( context: UpgradeContext ) -> None: users = context.session.query(User).options(undefer( unset = object() for user in users: if not continue daily ='daily_ticket_statistics', unset) if daily is unset: continue 'ticket_statistics', 'daily' if daily else 'never' )
@upgrade_task('Fix content people for models that use PersonLinkExtension') @upgrade_task('Fix nested list in content people')
[docs] def fix_nested_list_in_content_people(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: iterables: list[Iterable[Page | FormDefinition | Resource]] = [] if context.has_table('pages'): pages = context.session.query(Page) pages = pages.filter(Page.content['people'].isnot(None)) iterables.append(pages) if context.has_table('forms'): forms = context.session.query(FormDefinition) forms = forms.filter(FormDefinition.content['people'].isnot(None)) iterables.append(forms) if context.has_table('resources'): resources = context.session.query(Resource) resources = resources.filter(Resource.content['people'].isnot(None)) iterables.append(resources) def is_broken(people_item: 'Sequence[Any]') -> bool: return ( len(people_item) == 2 and isinstance(people_item[0], list) ) for obj in chain(*iterables): updated_people = [] for person in obj.content['people']: if len(person) == 2 and is_broken(person[1]): # (id, ((function, show), show)) -> (id, (function, show)) updated_people.append([person[0], (person[1][0][0], True)]) else: updated_people.append(person) obj.content['people'] = updated_people
@upgrade_task('Add explicit link for files linked in content')
[docs] def add_files_linked_in_content(context: UpgradeContext) -> None: iterables: list[ Iterable[Page | FormDefinition | Resource | ExtendedDirectory] ] = [] if context.has_table('pages'): pages = context.session.query(Page) iterables.append(pages) if context.has_table('forms'): forms = context.session.query(FormDefinition) iterables.append(forms) if context.has_table('resources'): resources = context.session.query(Resource) iterables.append(resources) if context.has_table('directories'): directories = context.session.query(ExtendedDirectory) iterables.append(directories) for obj in chain(*iterables): if not hasattr(obj, 'content_file_link_observer'): continue # this should automatically link any unlinked files obj.content_file_link_observer({'text'})
@upgrade_task('Add submission window id to survey submissions')
[docs] def add_submission_window_id_to_survey_submissions( context: UpgradeContext ) -> None: if not context.has_column('survey_submissions', 'submission_window_id'): context.add_column_with_defaults( 'survey_submissions', Column( 'submission_window_id', UUID, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True ), default=None )
@upgrade_task('Remove stored contact_html and opening_hours_html')
[docs] def remove_stored_contact_html_and_opening_hours_html( context: UpgradeContext ) -> None: # Organisation if context.has_table('organisations'): org = context.session.query(Organisation).first() if org: if 'contact_html' in org.meta: del org.meta['contact_html'] if 'opening_hours_html' in org.meta: del org.meta['opening_hours_html'] # ContactExtension iterables: list[Iterable[Page | FormDefinition | Resource]] = [] if context.has_table('pages'): pages = context.session.query(Page) iterables.append(pages) if context.has_table('forms'): forms = context.session.query(FormDefinition) iterables.append(forms) if context.has_table('resources'): resources = context.session.query(Resource) iterables.append(resources) for obj in chain(*iterables): if not getattr(obj, 'content', None): continue if 'contact_html' in obj.content: del obj.content['contact_html']