Source code for org.path

""" Contains the paths to the different models served by """
from onegov.form.models.definition import SurveyDefinition
import sedate

from datetime import date

from onegov.api.models import ApiKey
from import MessageCollection
from import TextModule
from import TextModuleCollection
from onegov.core.converters import extended_date_converter
from onegov.core.converters import json_converter
from onegov.core.converters import LiteralConverter
from onegov.core.orm.abstract import MoveDirection
from import Directory
from import DirectoryCollection
from import DirectoryEntry
from import EntryRecipientCollection
from import EntrySubscription
from onegov.event import Event
from onegov.event import EventCollection
from onegov.event import Occurrence
from onegov.event import OccurrenceCollection
from onegov.event.collections.occurrences import DateRange
from onegov.file import File
from onegov.file.integration import get_file
from onegov.form import CompleteFormSubmission
from onegov.form import FormCollection
from onegov.form import FormDefinition
from onegov.form import FormRegistrationWindow
from onegov.form import PendingFormSubmission
from onegov.form.collection import SurveyCollection
from onegov.form.models.submission import SurveySubmission
from onegov.form.models.survey_window import SurveySubmissionWindow
from onegov.newsletter import Newsletter
from onegov.newsletter import NewsletterCollection
from onegov.newsletter import RecipientCollection
from onegov.newsletter import Subscription
from import OrgApp
from import MTANAuth
from import keywords_converter
from import AtoZPages
from import Clipboard
from import Dashboard
from import DirectorySubmissionAction
from import Editor
from import Export
from import ExportCollection
from import ExtendedDirectory
from import FormPersonMove
from import GeneralFileCollection
from import ImageFileCollection
from import ImageSet
from import ImageSetCollection
from import LegacyFile
from import LegacyFileCollection
from import LegacyImage
from import LegacyImageCollection
from import News
from import Organisation
from import PageMove
from import PagePersonMove
from import PublicationCollection
from import ResourcePersonMove
from import ResourceRecipient
from import ResourceRecipientCollection
from import Search
from import SiteCollection
from import TicketNote
from import Topic
from import TraitInfo
from import PersonLinkExtension
from import ChatCollection
from import Chat
from import ExtendedDirectoryEntryCollection
from import (
    ExternalLinkCollection, ExternalLink)
from import FindYourSpotCollection
from import PageCollection
from import PaymentProvider, Payment, PaymentCollection
from import PaymentProviderCollection
from onegov.people import Person, PersonCollection
from onegov.qrcode import QrCode
from onegov.reservation import Allocation
from onegov.reservation import Reservation
from onegov.reservation import Resource
from onegov.reservation import ResourceCollection
from onegov.ticket import Ticket, TicketCollection
from onegov.ticket.collection import ArchivedTicketCollection
from onegov.user import Auth, User, UserCollection
from onegov.user import UserGroup, UserGroupCollection
from uuid import UUID
from webob import exc, Response

from typing import Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import OrgRequest
    from onegov.ticket.collection import ExtendedTicketState

@OrgApp.path(model=Organisation, path='/')
[docs] def get_org(app: OrgApp) -> Organisation: return
@OrgApp.path(model=Auth, path='/auth', converters={'skip': bool})
[docs] def get_auth( app: OrgApp, to: str = '/', skip: bool = False, signup_token: str | None = None ) -> Auth: return Auth(app, to=to, skip=skip, signup_token=signup_token)
@OrgApp.path(model=MTANAuth, path='/mtan')
[docs] def get_mtan_auth(app: OrgApp, to: str = '/') -> MTANAuth: return MTANAuth(app, to=to)
@OrgApp.path(model=User, path='/benutzer/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_user(app: OrgApp, id: UUID) -> User | None: return UserCollection(app.session()).by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path( model=UserCollection, path='/usermanagement', converters={ 'active': [bool], 'role': [str], 'tag': [str], 'provider': [str], 'source': [str] } )
[docs] def get_users( app: OrgApp, active: list[bool] | None = None, role: list[str] | None = None, tag: list[str] | None = None, provider: list[str] | None = None, source: list[str] | None = None ) -> UserCollection: return UserCollection( app.session(), active=active, role=role, tag=tag, provider=provider, source=source )
@OrgApp.path( model=UserGroup, path='/user-groups/{id}', converters={'id': UUID} )
[docs] def get_user_group(app: OrgApp, id: UUID) -> UserGroup | None: return UserGroupCollection(app.session()).by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path( model=UserGroupCollection, path='/usergroups', )
[docs] def get_user_groups(app: OrgApp) -> UserGroupCollection[UserGroup]: return UserGroupCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path(model=Topic, path='/topics', absorb=True)
[docs] def get_topic(app: OrgApp, absorb: str) -> Topic | None: return PageCollection( # type:ignore[return-value] app.session()).by_path(absorb, ensure_type='topic')
@OrgApp.path( model=News, path='/news', absorb=True, converters={ 'filter_years': [int], 'filter_tags': [str] } )
[docs] def get_news( app: OrgApp, absorb: str, filter_years: list[int], filter_tags: list[str] ) -> News | None: pages = PageCollection(app.session()) old_path = '/aktuelles/' + absorb new_path = '/news/' + absorb news: News | None = ( pages.by_path(new_path, ensure_type='news') # type:ignore[assignment] or pages.by_path(old_path, ensure_type='news') ) if news: news.filter_years = filter_years news.filter_tags = filter_tags return news
@OrgApp.path(model=GeneralFileCollection, path='/files')
[docs] def get_files( request: 'OrgRequest', order_by: str = 'name' ) -> GeneralFileCollection: return GeneralFileCollection(request.session, order_by=order_by)
@OrgApp.path(model=ImageFileCollection, path='/images')
[docs] def get_images(app: OrgApp) -> ImageFileCollection: return ImageFileCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path(model=ExportCollection, path='/exports')
[docs] def get_exports(request: 'OrgRequest', app: OrgApp) -> ExportCollection: return ExportCollection(app)
@OrgApp.path(model=Export, path='/export/{id}')
[docs] def get_export(request: 'OrgRequest', app: OrgApp, id: str) -> Export | None: return ExportCollection(app).by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path(model=FormCollection, path='/forms')
[docs] def get_forms(app: OrgApp) -> FormCollection: return FormCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path(model=FormDefinition, path='/form/{name}')
[docs] def get_form(app: OrgApp, name: str) -> FormDefinition | None: return FormCollection(app.session()).definitions.by_name(name)
@OrgApp.path(model=SurveyCollection, path='/surveys')
[docs] def get_surveys(app: OrgApp) -> SurveyCollection | None: return SurveyCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path(model=SurveyDefinition, path='/survey/{name}')
[docs] def get_survey(app: OrgApp, name: str) -> SurveyDefinition | None: return SurveyCollection(app.session()).definitions.by_name(name)
@OrgApp.path(model=SurveySubmission, path='/survey-submission/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_pending_survey_submission( app: OrgApp, id: UUID ) -> SurveySubmission | None: return SurveyCollection(app.session()).submissions.by_id( id, current_only=True)
@OrgApp.path(model=PendingFormSubmission, path='/form-preview/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_pending_form_submission( app: OrgApp, id: UUID ) -> PendingFormSubmission | None: return FormCollection(app.session()).submissions.by_id( # type:ignore id, state='pending', current_only=True)
@OrgApp.path(model=CompleteFormSubmission, path='/form-submission/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_complete_form_submission( app: OrgApp, id: UUID ) -> CompleteFormSubmission | None: return FormCollection(app.session()).submissions.by_id( # type:ignore id, state='complete', current_only=False)
@OrgApp.path( model=FormRegistrationWindow, path='/form-registration-window/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_form_registration_window( request: 'OrgRequest', id: UUID ) -> FormRegistrationWindow | None: return FormCollection(request.session).registration_windows.by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path( model=SurveySubmissionWindow, path='/survey-submission-window/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_survey_submission_window( request: 'OrgRequest', id: UUID ) -> SurveySubmissionWindow | None: return SurveyCollection(request.session).submission_windows.by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path(model=File, path='/storage/{id}')
[docs] def get_file_for_org( request: 'OrgRequest', app: OrgApp, id: str ) -> File | None: """ Some files are kept private and out of any caches. This approach is not all that morepath-y, as we could override the views instead to change the required permissions, but this approach has the advantage that we don't need to overwrite multiple views and we do not have to care for additional views added in the future. """ protected_filetypes = ( 'formfile', 'messagefile', ) obj = get_file(app, id) if not obj: return None if obj.type in protected_filetypes: if not request.has_role('editor', 'admin'): obj = None else: @request.after def disable_cache(response: Response) -> None: response.cache_control.no_cache = True response.cache_control.max_age = -1 response.cache_control.public = False response.cache_control.private = True return obj
@OrgApp.path( model=Editor, path='/editor/{action}/{trait}/{page_id}', converters={'page_id': int} )
[docs] def get_editor( app: OrgApp, action: str, trait: str, page_id: int = 0 ) -> Editor | None: if not Editor.is_supported_action(action): return None if page_id: page = PageCollection(app.session()).by_id(page_id) else: if action != 'new' and action != 'new-root': return None # adding root element with no parent (page=None) return Editor(action=action, page=None, trait=trait) if not isinstance(page, TraitInfo): return None if not page.is_supported_trait(trait): # type:ignore[unreachable] return None return Editor(action=action, page=page, trait=trait)
@OrgApp.path(model=PersonCollection, path='/people')
[docs] def get_people(app: OrgApp) -> PersonCollection: return PersonCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path(model=Person, path='/person/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_person(app: OrgApp, id: UUID) -> Person | None: return PersonCollection(app.session()).by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path(model=ChatCollection, path='/chats')
[docs] def get_chats( app: OrgApp, page: int = 0, state: str = 'active' ) -> ChatCollection: return ChatCollection( app.session(), page=page, state=state, )
@OrgApp.path(model=Chat, path='/chat/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_chat(app: OrgApp, id: UUID) -> Chat | None: return ChatCollection(app.session()).by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path(model=Ticket, path='/ticket/{handler_code}/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_ticket(app: OrgApp, handler_code: str, id: UUID) -> Ticket | None: return TicketCollection(app.session()).by_id( id, ensure_handler_code=handler_code)
@OrgApp.path( model=TicketCollection, path='/tickets/{handler}/{state}', converters={'page': int, 'state': LiteralConverter( 'open', 'pending', 'closed', 'archived', 'all', 'unfinished' )} )
[docs] def get_tickets( app: OrgApp, handler: str = 'ALL', state: 'ExtendedTicketState' = 'open', page: int = 0, group: str | None = None, owner: str | None = None, extra_parameters: dict[str, str] | None = None ) -> TicketCollection: return TicketCollection( app.session(), handler=handler, state=state, page=page, group=group, owner=owner or '*', extra_parameters=extra_parameters, )
@OrgApp.path( model=ArchivedTicketCollection, path='/tickets-archive/{handler}', converters={'page': int} )
[docs] def get_archived_tickets( app: OrgApp, handler: str = 'ALL', page: int = 0, group: str | None = None, owner: str | None = None, extra_parameters: dict[str, str] | None = None ) -> ArchivedTicketCollection: return ArchivedTicketCollection( app.session(), handler=handler, state='archived', page=page, group=group, owner=owner or '*', extra_parameters=extra_parameters )
@OrgApp.path( model=TicketNote, path='/ticket-notes/{id}')
[docs] def get_ticket_note(app: OrgApp, id: str) -> TicketNote | None: return MessageCollection(app.session(), type='ticket_note').by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path(model=ResourceCollection, path='/resources')
[docs] def get_resources(app: OrgApp) -> ResourceCollection: return app.libres_resources
@OrgApp.path(model=FindYourSpotCollection, path='/find-your-spot')
[docs] def get_find_my_spot( app: OrgApp, group: str | None = None ) -> FindYourSpotCollection: return FindYourSpotCollection(app.libres_context, group=group)
@OrgApp.path( model=Resource, path='/resource/{name}', converters={ 'date': date, 'highlights_min': int, 'highlights_max': int } )
[docs] def get_resource( app: OrgApp, name: str, date: date | None = None, view: str | None = None, highlights_min: int | None = None, highlights_max: int | None = None ) -> Resource | None: resource = app.libres_resources.by_name(name) if resource: = date resource.highlights_min = highlights_min resource.highlights_max = highlights_max resource.view = view or resource.default_view or 'agendaWeek' return resource
@OrgApp.path(model=Allocation, path='/allocation/{resource}/{id}', converters={'resource': UUID, 'id': int})
[docs] def get_allocation(app: OrgApp, resource: UUID, id: int) -> Allocation | None: res = app.libres_resources.by_id(resource) if res is not None: allocation = res.scheduler.allocations_by_ids((id, )).first() # always get the master, even if another id is requested return allocation and allocation.get_master() # type:ignore return None
@OrgApp.path(model=Reservation, path='/reservation/{resource}/{id}', converters={'resource': UUID, 'id': int})
[docs] def get_reservation( app: OrgApp, resource: UUID, id: int ) -> Reservation | None: res = app.libres_resources.by_id(resource) if res is not None: query = res.scheduler.managed_reservations() query = query.filter( == id) return query.first() # type:ignore[return-value] return None
@OrgApp.path(model=Clipboard, path='/clipboard/copy/{token}')
[docs] def get_clipboard(request: 'OrgRequest', token: str) -> Clipboard | None: clipboard = Clipboard(request, token) # the url is None if the token is invalid if clipboard.url: return clipboard return None
@OrgApp.path(model=SiteCollection, path='/sitecollection')
[docs] def get_sitecollection(app: OrgApp) -> SiteCollection: return SiteCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path( model=PageMove, path='/move/page/{subject_id}/{direction}/{target_id}', converters={ 'subject_id': int, 'target_id': int, 'direction': MoveDirection, } )
[docs] def get_page_move( app: OrgApp, subject_id: int, direction: MoveDirection, target_id: int ) -> PageMove | None: if subject_id == target_id: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() session = app.session() pages = PageCollection(session) subject = pages.by_id(subject_id) target = pages.by_id(target_id) if subject and target: return PageMove(session, subject, target, direction) return None
@OrgApp.path( model=PagePersonMove, path='/move/page-person/{key}/{subject}/{direction}/{target}', converters={'key': int, 'direction': MoveDirection} )
[docs] def get_person_move( app: OrgApp, key: int, subject: str, direction: MoveDirection, target: str ) -> PagePersonMove | None: if subject == target: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest() session = app.session() page = PageCollection(session).by_id(key) if isinstance(page, PersonLinkExtension): return PagePersonMove( # type:ignore[unreachable] session, page, subject, target, direction ) return None
@OrgApp.path( model=FormPersonMove, path='/move/form-person/{key}/{subject}/{direction}/{target}', converters={'direction': MoveDirection} )
[docs] def get_form_move( app: OrgApp, key: str, subject: str, direction: MoveDirection, target: str ) -> FormPersonMove | None: session = app.session() form = FormCollection(session).definitions.by_name(key) if isinstance(form, PersonLinkExtension): return FormPersonMove( # type:ignore[unreachable] session, form, subject, target, direction ) return None
@OrgApp.path( model=ResourcePersonMove, path='/move/resource-person/{key}/{subject}/{direction}/{target}', converters={'key': UUID, 'direction': MoveDirection} )
[docs] def get_resource_move( app: OrgApp, key: UUID, subject: str, direction: MoveDirection, target: str ) -> ResourcePersonMove | None: session = app.session() resource = ResourceCollection(app.libres_context).by_id(key) if isinstance(resource, PersonLinkExtension): return ResourcePersonMove( # type:ignore[unreachable] session, resource, subject, target, direction ) return None
@OrgApp.path( model=OccurrenceCollection, path='/events', converters={ 'page': int, 'range': LiteralConverter(DateRange), 'start': extended_date_converter, 'end': extended_date_converter, 'tags': [], 'filter_keywords': keywords_converter, 'locations': [], 'search_query': json_converter, } )
[docs] def get_occurrences( app: OrgApp, request: 'OrgRequest', page: int = 0, range: DateRange | None = None, start: date | None = None, end: date | None = None, tags: list[str] | None = None, filter_keywords: dict[str, list[str]] | None = None, locations: list[str] | None = None, search: str | None = None, search_query: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> OccurrenceCollection: if not search: search = if search and search in app.config.event_search_widget_registry: cls = app.config.event_search_widget_registry[search] search_widget = cls(request, search_query) else: search_widget = None return OccurrenceCollection( app.session(), page=page, range=range, start=start, end=end, tags=tags, filter_keywords=filter_keywords, locations=locations, only_public=(not request.is_manager), search_widget=search_widget, )
@OrgApp.path(model=Occurrence, path='/event/{name}')
[docs] def get_occurrence(app: OrgApp, name: str) -> Occurrence | None: return OccurrenceCollection(app.session()).by_name(name)
@OrgApp.path(model=Event, path='/event-management/{name}')
[docs] def get_event(app: OrgApp, name: str) -> Event | None: return EventCollection(app.session()).by_name(name)
@OrgApp.path(model=Search, path='/search', converters={'page': int}) @OrgApp.path(model=AtoZPages, path='/a-z')
[docs] def get_a_to_z(request: 'OrgRequest') -> AtoZPages: return AtoZPages(request)
@OrgApp.path(model=NewsletterCollection, path='/newsletters')
[docs] def get_newsletters(app: OrgApp) -> NewsletterCollection: return NewsletterCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path(model=Newsletter, path='/newsletter/{name}')
[docs] def get_newsletter(app: OrgApp, name: str) -> Newsletter | None: return get_newsletters(app).by_name(name)
@OrgApp.path(model=RecipientCollection, path='/subscribers')
[docs] def get_newsletter_recipients(app: OrgApp) -> RecipientCollection: return RecipientCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path(model=Subscription, path='/abonnement/{recipient_id}/{token}', converters={'recipient_id': UUID})
[docs] def get_subscription( app: OrgApp, recipient_id: UUID, token: str ) -> Subscription | None: recipient = RecipientCollection(app.session()).by_id(recipient_id) return Subscription(recipient, token) if recipient else None
@OrgApp.path(model=EntrySubscription, path='/entry_subscription/{recipient_id}/{token}', converters={'recipient_id': UUID})
[docs] def get_entry_subscription( app: OrgApp, recipient_id: UUID, token: str ) -> EntrySubscription | None: recipient = EntryRecipientCollection(app.session()).by_id(recipient_id) return EntrySubscription(recipient, token) if recipient else None
@OrgApp.path(model=LegacyFile, path='/file/{filename}')
[docs] def get_legacy_file(app: OrgApp, filename: str) -> LegacyFile | None: return LegacyFileCollection(app).get_file_by_filename(filename)
@OrgApp.path(model=LegacyImage, path='/image/{filename}')
[docs] def get_image(app: OrgApp, filename: str) -> LegacyImage | None: return LegacyImageCollection(app).get_file_by_filename(filename)
@OrgApp.path(model=ImageSetCollection, path='/photoalbums')
[docs] def get_image_sets(app: OrgApp) -> ImageSetCollection: return ImageSetCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path(model=ImageSet, path='/photoalbum/{id}')
[docs] def get_image_set(app: OrgApp, id: str) -> ImageSet | None: return ImageSetCollection(app.session()).by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path( model=ResourceRecipientCollection, path='/resource-recipients')
[docs] def get_resource_recipient_collection( app: OrgApp ) -> ResourceRecipientCollection: return ResourceRecipientCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path( model=ResourceRecipient, path='/resource-recipient/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_resource_recipient(app: OrgApp, id: UUID) -> ResourceRecipient | None: return ResourceRecipientCollection(app.session()).by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path( model=PaymentProviderCollection, path='/payment-provider')
[docs] def get_payment_provider_collection( app: OrgApp ) -> PaymentProviderCollection | None: if app.payment_providers_enabled: return PaymentProviderCollection(app.session()) return None
@OrgApp.path( model=PaymentProvider, path='/payment-provider-entry/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_payment_provider( app: OrgApp, id: UUID ) -> PaymentProvider[Payment] | None: if app.payment_providers_enabled: return PaymentProviderCollection(app.session()).by_id(id) return None
@OrgApp.path( model=Payment, path='/payment/{id}', converters={'id': UUID})
[docs] def get_payment(app: OrgApp, id: UUID) -> Payment | None: return PaymentCollection(app.session()).by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path( model=PaymentCollection, path='/payments', converters={'page': int} )
[docs] def get_payments( app: OrgApp, source: str = '*', page: int = 0 ) -> PaymentCollection: return PaymentCollection(app.session(), source, page)
@OrgApp.path( model=MessageCollection, path='/timeline', converters={'limit': int} )
[docs] def get_messages( app: OrgApp, channel_id: str = '*', type: str = '*', newer_than: str | None = None, older_than: str | None = None, limit: int = 25, load: str = 'older-first' ) -> MessageCollection[Any]: return MessageCollection( session=app.session(), type=type, channel_id=channel_id, newer_than=newer_than, older_than=older_than, limit=min(25, limit), # bind the limit to a max of 25 load='newer-first' if load == 'newer-first' else 'older-first' )
@OrgApp.path( model=TextModuleCollection, path='/text-modules')
[docs] def get_text_modules(app: OrgApp) -> TextModuleCollection: return TextModuleCollection(app.session())
@OrgApp.path( model=TextModule, path='/text-module/{id}', converters={'id': UUID} )
[docs] def get_text_module(app: OrgApp, id: UUID) -> TextModule | None: return TextModuleCollection(app.session()).by_id(id)
@OrgApp.path( model=DirectoryCollection, path='/directories')
[docs] def get_directories(app: OrgApp) -> DirectoryCollection[ExtendedDirectory]: return DirectoryCollection(app.session(), type='extended')
@OrgApp.path( model=Directory, path='/directory/{name}')
[docs] def get_directory(app: OrgApp, name: str) -> Directory | None: return DirectoryCollection(app.session(), type='extended').by_name(name)
@OrgApp.path( model=ExtendedDirectoryEntryCollection, path='/directories/{directory_name}', converters={ 'page': int, 'keywords': keywords_converter, 'search_query': json_converter, 'published_only': bool, 'past_only': bool, 'upcoming_only': bool })
[docs] def get_directory_entries( request: 'OrgRequest', app: OrgApp, directory_name: str, keywords: dict[str, list[str]], page: int = 0, search: str | None = None, search_query: dict[str, Any] | None = None, published_only: bool = False, past_only: bool = False, upcoming_only: bool = False ) -> ExtendedDirectoryEntryCollection | None: directory = DirectoryCollection(app.session()).by_name(directory_name) if not isinstance(directory, ExtendedDirectory): return None if not search: search = if search and search in app.config.directory_search_widget_registry: cls = app.config.directory_search_widget_registry[search] search_widget = cls(request, directory, search_query) else: search_widget = None if not published_only and not request.is_manager: published_only = True collection = ExtendedDirectoryEntryCollection( directory=directory, type='extended', keywords=keywords, page=page, search_widget=search_widget, published_only=published_only, past_only=past_only, upcoming_only=upcoming_only ) collection.access = directory.access # type:ignore[attr-defined] return collection
@OrgApp.path( model=DirectoryEntry, path='/directories/{directory_name}/{name}')
[docs] def get_directory_entry( app: OrgApp, directory_name: str, name: str ) -> DirectoryEntry | None: directory = DirectoryCollection(app.session()).by_name(directory_name) if isinstance(directory, ExtendedDirectory): return ExtendedDirectoryEntryCollection( directory=directory, type='extended' ).by_name(name) return None
@OrgApp.path( model=DirectorySubmissionAction, path='/directory-submission/{directory_id}/{submission_id}/{action}', converters={'directory_id': UUID, 'submission_id': UUID})
[docs] def get_directory_submission_action( app: OrgApp, directory_id: UUID, submission_id: UUID, action: str ) -> DirectorySubmissionAction | None: submission_action = DirectorySubmissionAction( session=app.session(), directory_id=directory_id, submission_id=submission_id, action=action ) if submission_action.valid: return submission_action return None
@OrgApp.path( model=PublicationCollection, path='/publications', converters={'year': int})
[docs] def get_publication_collection( request: 'OrgRequest', year: int | None = None ) -> PublicationCollection: year = year or sedate.to_timezone(sedate.utcnow(), 'Europe/Zurich').year return PublicationCollection(request.session, year)
@OrgApp.path( model=Dashboard, path='/dashboard')
[docs] def get_dashboard(request: 'OrgRequest') -> Dashboard | None: dashboard = Dashboard(request) if dashboard.is_available: return dashboard return None
@OrgApp.path(model=ExternalLinkCollection, path='/external-links') @OrgApp.path(model=ExternalLink, path='/external-link/{id}', converters={'id': UUID}) @OrgApp.path( model=QrCode, path='/qrcode', converters={ 'border': int, 'box_size': int, 'encoding': LiteralConverter('base64') })
[docs] def get_qr_code( app: OrgApp, payload: str, border: int | None = None, box_size: int | None = None, fill_color: str | None = None, back_color: str | None = None, img_format: str | None = None, encoding: Literal['base64'] | None = None ) -> QrCode: return QrCode( payload, border=border, box_size=box_size, fill_color=fill_color, back_color=back_color, img_format=img_format, encoding=encoding )
@OrgApp.path( model=ApiKey, path='/api_keys/{key}/delete', converters={'key': UUID} )
[docs] def get_api_key_for_delete(request: 'OrgRequest', key: UUID) -> ApiKey | None: return request.session.query(ApiKey).filter_by(key=key).first()