Source code for org.models.extensions

import re

import json
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import cached_property

from markupsafe import Markup
from onegov.core.i18n import get_translation_bound_meta
from onegov.core.orm.abstract import MoveDirection
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import (
    content_property, dict_property, meta_property, UTCPublicationMixin)
from onegov.core.templates import render_macro
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url, to_html_ul
from onegov.form.utils import remove_empty_links
from onegov.file import File, FileCollection
from onegov.form import Form
from onegov.form.fields import ChosenSelectField
from onegov.gis import CoordinatesMixin
from import _
from import ResourceForm
from import CoordinatesFormExtension
from import PublicationFormExtension
from import UploadOrSelectExistingMultipleFilesField
from import observes
from import Page, PageCollection
from onegov.people import Person, PersonCollection
from onegov.reservation import Resource
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from urlextract import URLExtract
from wtforms.fields import BooleanField
from wtforms.fields import RadioField
from wtforms.fields import FieldList
from wtforms.fields import FormField
from wtforms.fields import SelectField
from wtforms.fields import StringField
from wtforms.fields import TextAreaField
from wtforms.utils import unset_value
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired, ValidationError

from typing import Any, ClassVar, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
    from datetime import datetime
    from onegov.form.types import FormT
    from import GeneralFile  # noqa: F401
    from import OrgRequest
    from sqlalchemy import Column
    from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
    from typing import type_check_only, Protocol
    from wtforms import Field
    from wtforms.fields.core import _Filter
    from wtforms.meta import _MultiDictLikeWithGetlist
    from wtforms.fields.choices import _Choice

[docs] class SupportsExtendForm(Protocol):
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type[FormT], request: OrgRequest ) -> type[FormT]: ...
_ExtendedWithPersonLinkT = TypeVar( '_ExtendedWithPersonLinkT', bound='PersonLinkExtension' )
[docs] class ContentExtension: """ Extends classes based on :class:`onegov.core.orm.mixins.ContentMixin` with custom data that is stored in either 'meta' or 'content'. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: # forward declare content attributes
[docs] meta: Column[dict[str, Any]]
content: Column[dict[str, Any]] @property
[docs] def content_extensions(self) -> 'Iterator[type[ContentExtension]]': """ Returns all base classes of the current class which themselves have ``ContentExtension`` as baseclass. """ for cls in self.__class__.__bases__: if ContentExtension in cls.__bases__: yield cls
[docs] def with_content_extensions( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest', extensions: 'Iterable[type[SupportsExtendForm]] | None' = None ) -> type['FormT']: """ Takes the given form and request and extends the form with all content extensions in the order in which they occur in the base class list. In other words, extends the forms with all used extension-fields. """ disabled_extensions = for extension in extensions or self.content_extensions: if extension.__name__ not in disabled_extensions: form_class = extension.extend_form(self, form_class, request) return form_class
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: """ Must be implemented by each ContentExtension. Takes the form class without extension and adds the required fields to it. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class AccessExtension(ContentExtension): """ Extends any class that has a meta dictionary field with the ability to set one of the following access levels: * 'public' - The default, the model is listed and accessible. * 'private' - Neither listed nor accessible, except administrators and editors. * 'member' - Neither listed nor accessible except administrators, editors and members. * 'secret' - Not listed, but available for anyone that knows the URL. * 'mtan' - The model is listed but only accessible once an mTAN has been sent to the person and entered correctly. * 'secret_mtan' - Not listed and only accessible once an mTAN has been sent to the person and entered correctly. see :func:`` """
[docs] access: dict_property[str] = meta_property(default='public')
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: access_choices = [ ('public', _('Public')), ('secret', _('Through URL only (not listed)')), ('private', _('Only by privileged users')), ('member', _('Only by privileged users and members')), ] if # allowing mtan restricted models makes only sense # if we can deliver SMS access_choices.append(('mtan', _( 'Only by privileged users or after submitting a mTAN' ))) access_choices.append(('secret_mtan', _( 'Through URL only after submitting a mTAN (not listed)' ))) fields: dict[str, Field] = { 'access': RadioField( label=_('Access'), choices=access_choices, default='public', fieldset=_('Security') ) } # FIXME: This is a bit janky, but since this field depends # on this form extension field, there's unfortunately # not a better place for it... if issubclass(form_class, ResourceForm): fields['occupancy_is_visible_to_members'] = BooleanField( label=_('Members may view occupancy'), description=_( 'The occupancy view shows the e-mail addresses ' 'submitted with the reservations, so we only ' 'recommend enabling this for internal resources ' 'unless all members are sworn to uphold data privacy.' ), default=None, depends_on=('access', '!private'), fieldset=_('Security') ) return type('AccessForm', (form_class, ), fields)
[docs] class CoordinatesExtension(ContentExtension, CoordinatesMixin): """ Extends any class that has a data dictionary field with the ability to add coordinates to it. """
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: return CoordinatesFormExtension(form_class).create()
[docs] class VisibleOnHomepageExtension(ContentExtension): """ Extends any class that has a meta dictionary field with the ability to a boolean indicating if the page should be shown on the homepage or not. """
[docs] is_visible_on_homepage: dict_property[bool | None] = meta_property()
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: # do not show on root pages if self.parent_id is None: # type:ignore[attr-defined] return form_class class VisibleOnHomepageForm(form_class): # type:ignore # pass label by keyword to give the News model access is_visible_on_homepage = BooleanField( label=_('Visible on homepage'), fieldset=_('Visibility')) return VisibleOnHomepageForm
[docs] class ContactExtensionBase: """ Common base class for extensions that add a contact field. """
[docs] contact: dict_property[str | None] = content_property()
@contact.setter # type:ignore[no-redef] def contact(self, value: str | None) -> None: self.content['contact'] = value # type:ignore[attr-defined] # update cache self.__dict__['contact_html'] = to_html_ul(, convert_dashes=True, with_title=True ) if is not None else None @cached_property
[docs] def contact_html(self) -> Markup | None: if is None: return None return to_html_ul(, convert_dashes=True, with_title=True)
[docs] def get_contact_html(self, request: 'OrgRequest') -> Markup | None: return self.contact_html
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class ContactPageForm(form_class): # type:ignore contact = TextAreaField( label=_('Address'), fieldset=_('Contact'), render_kw={'rows': 5}, description=_("- '-' will be converted to a bulleted list\n" "- Urls will be transformed into links\n" "- Emails and phone numbers as well") ) return ContactPageForm
[docs] class ContactExtension(ContactExtensionBase, ContentExtension): """ Extends any class that has a content dictionary field with a simple contacts field. """
[docs] class InheritableContactExtension(ContactExtensionBase, ContentExtension): """ Extends any class that has a content dictionary field with a simple contacts field, that can optionally be inherited from another topic. """
[docs] inherit_contact: dict_property[bool] = content_property(default=False)
[docs] contact_inherited_from: dict_property[int | None] = content_property()
# TODO: If we end up calling this more than once per request # we may want to cache this
[docs] def get_contact_html(self, request: 'OrgRequest') -> Markup | None: if self.inherit_contact: if self.contact_inherited_from is None: return None pages = PageCollection(request.session) page = pages.by_id(self.contact_inherited_from) return getattr(page, 'contact_html', None) return self.contact_html
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: query = PageCollection(request.session).query() query = query.filter(Page.type == 'topic') query = query.filter(Page.content['contact'].isnot(None)) if isinstance(self, Page): # avoid circular reference query = query.filter( != query = query.order_by(Page.title) # Ancestor pages should appear first in the list pinned = { page.title for page in self.ancestors if page.content.get('contact') } if isinstance(self, Page) else {} choices: list[_Choice] = [ (page_id, title) for page_id, title in query.with_entities(, Page.title) if page_id not in pinned ] if pinned: choices.insert(0, (-1, '-'*32, {'disabled': 'disabled'})) for choice in reversed(pinned.items()): choices.insert(0, choice) class InheritableContactPageForm(form_class): # type:ignore contact = TextAreaField( label=_('Address'), fieldset=_('Contact'), render_kw={'rows': 5}, description=_("- '-' will be converted to a bulleted list\n" "- Urls will be transformed into links\n" "- Emails and phone numbers as well"), depends_on=('inherit_contact', '!y') ) inherit_contact = BooleanField( label=_('Inherit address from another topic'), fieldset=_('Contact'), default=False ) contact_inherited_from = ChosenSelectField( label=_('Topic to inherit from'), fieldset=_('Contact'), coerce=int, choices=choices, depends_on=('inherit_contact', 'y'), validators=[InputRequired()] ) return InheritableContactPageForm
[docs] class ContactHiddenOnPageExtension(ContentExtension): """ Extends any class that has a content dictionary field with a simple contacts field. """
[docs] hide_contact: dict_property[bool] = meta_property(default=False)
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class ContactHiddenOnPageForm(form_class): # type:ignore hide_contact = BooleanField( label=_('Hide contact info in sidebar'), fieldset=_('Contact')) return ContactHiddenOnPageForm
[docs] class PeopleShownOnMainPageExtension(ContentExtension): """ Extends any class that has a content dictionary field with a simple contacts field where people will be shown on bottom of main page. Note: Feature limited to org and town6 """
[docs] show_people_on_main_page: dict_property[bool] = ( meta_property(default=False))
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class PeopleShownOnMainPageForm(form_class): # type:ignore show_people_on_main_page = BooleanField( label=_('Show people on bottom of main page (instead of ' 'sidebar)'), fieldset=_('People')) from import OrgRequest # not using isinstance as e.g. FeriennetRequest inherits from # OrgRequest if type(request) is OrgRequest: return PeopleShownOnMainPageForm return form_class
[docs] class NewsletterExtension(ContentExtension):
[docs] text_in_newsletter: dict_property[bool] = content_property(default=False)
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class NewsletterSettingsForm(form_class): # type:ignore text_in_newsletter = BooleanField( label=_('Use text instead of lead in the newsletter'), fieldset=_('Newsletter'), default=False ) return NewsletterSettingsForm
if TYPE_CHECKING: @type_check_only
[docs] class PersonWithFunction(Person):
[docs] person: str
[docs] context_specific_function: str
[docs] display_function_in_person_directory: bool
[docs] class PersonLinkExtension(ContentExtension): """ Extends any class that has a content dictionary field with the ability to reference people from :class:`onegov.people.PersonCollection`. """
[docs] western_name_order: dict_property[bool] = content_property(default=False)
[docs] def people(self) -> list['PersonWithFunction'] | None: """ Returns the people linked to this content or None. The context specific function is temporarily stored on the ``context_specific_function`` attribute on each object in the resulting list. Similarly, to indicate if we want to show a particular function in the page of a person, ``display_function_in_person_directory`` is temporarily stored on each object of the resulting list. """ if not (people_items := self.content.get('people')): return None people = OrderedDict(people_items) query = PersonCollection(object_session(self)).query() query = query.filter( result = [] person: PersonWithFunction for person in query.all(): # type:ignore[assignment] function, show_function = people[] person.person = person.context_specific_function = function person.display_function_in_person_directory = show_function result.append(person) order = list(people.keys()) result.sort(key=lambda p: order.index( return result
[docs] def get_selectable_people(self, request: 'OrgRequest') -> list[Person]: """ Returns a list of people which may be linked. """ query = PersonCollection(request.session).query() query = query.order_by(Person.last_name, Person.first_name) return query.all()
[docs] def get_person_function_by_id(self, id: str) -> tuple[str, bool]: for _id, (function, show_func) in self.content.get('people', []): if id == _id: return function, show_func raise KeyError(id)
[docs] def move_person( self, subject: str, target: str, direction: MoveDirection ) -> None: """ Moves the subject below or above the target. :subject: The key of the person to be moved. :target: The key of the person above or below which the subject is moved. :direction: The direction relative to the target. """ assert subject != target assert self.content.get('people') def new_order() -> 'Iterator[tuple[str, tuple[str, bool]]]': subject_function, show_subject_function = ( self.get_person_function_by_id(subject)) for person, (function, show_function) in self.content['people']: if person == subject: continue if person == target and direction is MoveDirection.above: yield subject, (subject_function, show_subject_function) yield person, (function, show_function) if person == target and direction is MoveDirection.below: yield subject, (subject_function, show_subject_function) self.content['people'] = list(new_order())
[docs] def extend_form( self: '_ExtendedWithPersonLinkT', form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: selectable_people = self.get_selectable_people(request) if not selectable_people: # no need to extend the form return form_class selected = dict((self.content or {}).get('people', [])) def choice(person: Person) -> '_Choice': if self.western_name_order: name = f'{person.first_name} {person.last_name}' else: name = person.title render_kw = {} # prioritize existing function if chosen := selected.get( render_kw['data-function'], show = chosen render_kw['data-show'] = 'true' if show else 'false' elif function := getattr(person, 'function', None): render_kw['data-function'] = function return, name, render_kw choices: list[_Choice] = [ choice(person) for person in selectable_people ] choices.insert(0, ('', '')) class PersonForm(Form): person = SelectField( label='', choices=choices, render_kw={ 'class_': 'people-select', 'data-placeholder': request.translate( _('Select additional person') ), 'data-no_results_text':request.translate( _('No results match') ), } ) context_specific_function = StringField( label=_('Function'), depends_on=('person', '!'), render_kw={'class_': 'indent-context-specific-function'}, ) display_function_in_person_directory = BooleanField( label=_('List this function in the page of this person'), depends_on=('person', '!'), render_kw={'class_': 'indent-context-specific-function'}, ) # HACK: Get translations working in FormField # We should probably make our own FormField, that doesn't # need this workaround meta = get_translation_bound_meta( PersonForm.Meta, request.get_translate(for_chameleon=False) ) meta.locales = [request.locale, 'en'] if request.locale else [] PersonForm.Meta = meta if TYPE_CHECKING: FieldBase = FieldList[FormField[PersonForm]] # noqa: N806 else: FieldBase = FieldList # noqa: N806 class PeopleField(FieldBase): def is_ordered_people(self, people: list[tuple[str, Any]]) -> bool: people_dict = dict(people) return [ for person in selectable_people if in people_dict ] == list(people_dict.keys()) def process( self, formdata: '_MultiDictLikeWithGetlist | None', data: Any = unset_value, extra_filters: 'Sequence[_Filter] | None' = None ) -> None: # FIXME: I'm not quite sure why we need to do this # but it looks like the last_index gets updated # to 0 by something, so we start counting at 1 # instead of 0, which breaks the field self.last_index = -1 super().process(formdata, data, extra_filters) # always have an empty extra entry if formdata is None and self[-1] is not None: self.append_entry() def populate_obj(self, obj: object, name: str) -> None: assert name == 'people' assert hasattr(obj, 'content') previous_people = obj.content.get('people', []) people_values = { person_id: ( item['context_specific_function'], item['display_function_in_person_directory'] ) for item in # skip de-selected entries if (person_id := item['person']) } if self.is_ordered_people(previous_people): # if the people are ordered a-z, we take the ordering from # selectable_people, which is already ordered obj.content['people'] = [ (, v) for person in selectable_people if (v := people_values.get( is not None ] else: # otherwise we just use the given order obj.content['people'] = list(people_values.items()) field_macro = request.template_loader.macros['field'] # FIXME: It is not ideal that we have to pass a dummy form along to # the field render macro, we should try to move the description # rendering either into the form meta, so it can be accessed # from the field or move it to the request, since it doesn't # actually depend on the specific form dummy_form = request.get_form(Form, csrf_support=False) def people_widget(field: FieldBase, **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: request.include('people-select') return Markup('<br>').join( Markup('<div id="{}">{}</div>').format(, f()) for f in field ) class PeoplePageForm(form_class): # type:ignore western_name_order = BooleanField( label=_('Use Western ordered names'), description=_('For instance Franz Müller instead of Müller ' 'Franz'), fieldset=_('People'), ) people = PeopleField( FormField( PersonForm, widget=lambda field, **kw: Markup('').join( Markup('<div><label>{}</label></div>').format(render_macro( field_macro, request, { 'field': f, # FIXME: only used for rendering descriptions # we should probably move this logic # into a template macro or a method on # CoreRequest, this doesn't really need # to be part of Form, we could also move # it to the form meta and access it # through the field instead 'form': dummy_form } )) for f in field ) ), label=_('People'), fieldset=_('People'), # we always have at least one empty entry min_entries=1, widget=people_widget, ) return PeoplePageForm
[docs] class ResourceValidationExtension(ContentExtension):
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class WithResourceValidation(form_class): # type:ignore def validate_title(self, field: 'Field') -> None: existing = ( self.request.session.query(Resource). filter_by(name=normalize_for_url( ) if existing and not self.model == existing: raise ValidationError( _('A resource with this name already exists') ) return WithResourceValidation
[docs] class PublicationExtension(ContentExtension):
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: return PublicationFormExtension(form_class).create()
[docs] class HoneyPotExtension(ContentExtension):
[docs] honeypot = meta_property(default=True)
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class HoneyPotForm(form_class): # type:ignore honeypot = BooleanField( label=_('Enable honey pot'), default=True, fieldset=_('Spam protection') ) return HoneyPotForm
[docs] class ImageExtension(ContentExtension):
[docs] page_image = meta_property()
[docs] show_preview_image = meta_property(default=True)
[docs] show_page_image = meta_property(default=True)
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class PageImageForm(form_class): # type:ignore # pass label by keyword to give the News model access page_image = StringField( label=_('Image'), render_kw={'class_': 'image-url'} ) show_preview_image = BooleanField( label=_('Show image on preview on the parent page'), default=True, ) show_page_image = BooleanField( label=_('Show image on page'), default=True, ) position_choices = [ ('in_content', _('As first element of the content')), ('header', _('As a full width header')), ] return PageImageForm
# FIXME: This is a bit of a hack because we don't have easy access to the # current request inside @observes methods, so we just assume any # urls that end with /storage/[0-9a-f]{64} are links to *our* files
[docs] FILE_URL_RE = re.compile(r'/storage/([0-9a-f]{64})$')
[docs] def _files_observer( self: 'GeneralFileLinkExtension', files: list[File], meta: set[str], publication_start: 'datetime | None' = None, publication_end: 'datetime | None' = None ) -> None: # mainly we want to observe changes to the linked files # but when the publication or access changes we may need # to change the access we propagated to the linked files # so we're observing those attributes too key = str( # remove ourselves if the link has been deleted state = inspect(self) for file in state.attrs.files.history.deleted: if key in file.meta.get('linked_accesses', ()): del file.linked_accesses[key] # we could try to determine which accesses if any need to # be updated using the SQLAlchemy inspect API, but it's # probably faster to just update all the files. published = getattr(self, 'published', True) current_access = self.access if published else 'private' for file in files: if file.meta.get('linked_accesses', {}).get(key) != current_access: # only trigger a DB update when necessary file.meta.setdefault('linked_accesses', {})[key] = current_access
[docs] class GeneralFileLinkExtension(ContentExtension): """ Extends any class that has a files relationship to reference files from :class:``. Additionally any files linked within the object's content will be added to the explicit list of linked files and access is propagated from the owner of the link to the file. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: # forward declare required attributes
[docs] id: Any
files: relationship[list[File]] access: dict_property[str] def files_observer( self, files: list[File], meta: set[str], publication_start: datetime | None, publication_end: datetime | None ) -> None: ... def content_file_link_observer(self, content: set[str]) -> None: ... else: # in order for observes to trigger we need to use declared_attr @declared_attr def files_observer(cls): if issubclass(cls, UTCPublicationMixin): return observes( 'files', 'meta', 'publication_start', 'publication_end' )(_files_observer) # we can't observe the publication if it doesn't exist return observes('files', 'meta')(_files_observer) @declared_attr def content_file_link_observer(cls): return observes('content')(_content_file_link_observer)
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class GeneralFileForm(form_class): # type:ignore files = UploadOrSelectExistingMultipleFilesField( label=_('Documents'), fieldset=_('Documents') ) def populate_obj(self, obj: 'GeneralFileLinkExtension', *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().populate_obj(obj, *args, **kwargs) for field_name in obj.content_fields_containing_links_to_files: if field_name in self: if self[field_name].data == self[ field_name ].object_data: continue if ( (text := obj.content.get(field_name)) and (cleaned_text := remove_empty_links( text)) != text ): obj.content[field_name] = cleaned_text show_file_links_in_sidebar = BooleanField( label=_('Show file links in sidebar'), fieldset=_('Documents'), description=_( 'Files linked in text and uploaded files are no ' 'longer displayed in the sidebar if this option is ' 'deselected.' ) ) return GeneralFileForm
[docs] class SidebarLinksExtension(ContentExtension):
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class SidebarLinksForm(form_class): # type:ignore sidepanel_links = StringField( label=_('Sidebar links'), fieldset=_('Sidebar links'), render_kw={'class_': 'many many-links'} ) if TYPE_CHECKING: link_errors: dict[int, str] else: def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.link_errors = {} def on_request(self) -> None: if not = self.links_to_json(None) def process_obj(self, obj: 'SidebarLinksExtension') -> None: super().process_obj(obj) if not obj.sidepanel_links: = self.links_to_json(None) else: = self.links_to_json( obj.sidepanel_links ) def populate_obj( self, obj: 'SidebarLinksExtension', *args: Any, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: super().populate_obj(obj, *args, **kwargs) obj.sidepanel_links = self.json_to_links( or None def validate_sidepanel_links(self, field: StringField) -> None: for text, url in self.json_to_links( if text and not url: raise ValidationError( _('Please add an url to each link')) if url and not re.match(r'^(http://|https://|/)', url): raise ValidationError( _('Your URLs must start with http://,' ' https:// or /' ' (for internal links)') ) def json_to_links( self, text: str | None = None ) -> list[tuple[str | None, str | None]]: if not text: return [] return [ (value['text'], link) for value in json.loads(text).get('values', []) if (link := value['link']) or value['text'] ] def links_to_json( self, links: 'Sequence[tuple[str | None, str | None]] | None' ) -> str: sidepanel_links = links or [] return json.dumps({ 'labels': { 'text': self.request.translate(_('Text')), 'link': self.request.translate(_('URL')), 'add': self.request.translate(_('Add')), 'remove': self.request.translate(_('Remove')), }, 'values': [ { 'text': l[0], 'link': l[1], 'error': self.link_errors.get(ix, '') } for ix, l in enumerate(sidepanel_links) ] }) return SidebarLinksForm
[docs] class DeletableContentExtension(ContentExtension): """ Extends any class that has a meta dictionary field with the ability to mark the content as deletable after reaching the end date. A cronjob will periodically check for 'deletable' content with expired end date and delete it e.g. Directories. """
[docs] delete_when_expired: dict_property[bool] = content_property(default=False)
[docs] def extend_form( self, form_class: type['FormT'], request: 'OrgRequest' ) -> type['FormT']: class DeletableContentForm(form_class): # type:ignore delete_when_expired = BooleanField( label=_('Delete content when expired'), description=_('This content is automatically deleted if the ' 'end date is in the past'), fieldset=_('Delete content') ) return DeletableContentForm