Source code for

import re
import time
from collections import defaultdict

import transaction
from aiohttp import ClientTimeout
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from urlextract import URLExtract

from onegov.async_http.fetch import async_aiohttp_get_all
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from import SiteCollection
from onegov.people import AgencyCollection

from typing import Literal, NamedTuple, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
    from onegov.form import Form
    from import OrgRequest
    from import Page
    from typing import Self

[docs] class ModelsWithLinksMixin:
[docs] fields_with_urls = ('lead', 'text', 'url')
[docs] request: OrgRequest
[docs] def site_collection(self) -> SiteCollection: return SiteCollection(self.request.session)
[docs] class LinkMigration(ModelsWithLinksMixin): def __init__( self, request: 'OrgRequest', old_uri: str, new_uri: str = '' ) -> None:
[docs] self.request = request
[docs] self.old_uri = old_uri
[docs] self.new_uri = new_uri
[docs] old_is_domain = not self.old_uri.startswith('http')
[docs] new_is_domain = not self.new_uri.startswith('http')
if old_is_domain != new_is_domain: raise ValueError('Domains must be consistent')
[docs] self.use_domain = old_is_domain
[docs] def migrate_url( self, item: object, fields: 'Iterable[str]', test: bool = False, group_by: str | None = None, count_obj: dict[str, dict[str, int]] | None = None ) -> tuple[int, dict[str, dict[str, int]]]: """Supports replacing url's and domain names. """ count = 0 count_by_id = count_obj or {} old_uri = self.old_uri new_uri = self.new_uri group_by = group_by or item.__class__.__name__ def repl(matchobj: re.Match[str]) -> str: if self.use_domain: return f'{}{new_uri}' return new_uri if self.use_domain: # Prevent replacing things that might not be an url pattern = re.compile(r'(https?://)' + f'({re.escape(old_uri)})') else: pattern = re.compile(re.escape(old_uri)) for field in fields: value = getattr(item, field, None) if not value: continue new_val = pattern.sub(repl, value) if value != new_val: count += 1 id_count = count_by_id.setdefault( group_by, defaultdict(int) ) id_count[field] += 1 if not test: setattr( item, field, new_val ) return count, count_by_id
[docs] def migrate_site_collection( self, test: bool = False ) -> tuple[int, dict[str, dict[str, int]]]: grouped: dict[str, dict[str, int]] = {} total = 0 for entries in self.site_collection.get().values(): for item in entries: count, grouped_count = self.migrate_url( item, self.fields_with_urls, test=test, count_obj=grouped ) grouped = grouped_count total += count return total, grouped
[docs] class PageNameChange(ModelsWithLinksMixin): def __init__( self, request: 'OrgRequest', page: 'Page', new_name: str ) -> None: assert new_name == normalize_for_url(new_name) assert != new_name
[docs] self.request = request
[docs] = page
[docs] self.new_name = new_name
[docs] def subpages(self) -> list['Page']: pages: list[Page] = [] def add(page: 'Page') -> None: nonlocal pages pages.append(page) for child in page.children: add(child) for p in add(p) return pages
[docs] def execute(self, test: bool = False) -> int: """ Executes a page name change. All subpages' urls are changed by this action. For all subpages, the old and new url must be swapped in all possible fields of all sites of the SiteCollection. """ page = subpages = self.subpages old_name = def run() -> int: # Make sure the order before and after is the same urls_before = tuple( for p in (*subpages, page)) = self.new_name urls_after = tuple( for p in (*subpages, page)) assert urls_before != urls_after count = 0 for before, after in zip(urls_before, urls_after): migration = LinkMigration(self.request, before, after) total, _grouped = migration.migrate_site_collection(test=test) count += total return count if test: with object_session(page).no_autoflush: counter = run() = old_name transaction.abort() return counter return run()
[docs] def from_form(cls, model: 'Page', form: 'Form') -> 'Self': return cls(form.request, model, form['name'].data) # type:ignore
[docs] class LinkCheck: def __init__(self, name: str, link: str, url: str) -> None:
[docs] = name
[docs] self.url = self.ensure_protocol(url)
[docs] self.status: int | None = None
[docs] self.message: str | None = None
[docs] def ensure_protocol(self, url: str) -> str: if not url.startswith('http'): return 'https://' + url return url
[docs] class LinkHealthCheck(ModelsWithLinksMixin): """ Check either internal or external urls for status 200. """
[docs] class Statistic(NamedTuple):
[docs] total: int
[docs] ok: int
[docs] nok: int
[docs] error: int
[docs] duration: float
def __init__( self, request: 'OrgRequest', link_type: Literal['internal', 'external', ''] | None = None, total_timout: float = 30 ) -> None: """ :param request: morepath request object :param external_only: check external links not matching current domain :param total_timout: timout for all requests in seconds """
[docs] self.request = request
if link_type: assert link_type in ('internal', 'external')
[docs] self.domain = self.request.domain
[docs] self.extractor = URLExtract()
[docs] self.timeout = ClientTimeout( total=total_timout )
[docs] def internal_only(self) -> bool: return self.link_type == 'internal'
[docs] def external_only(self) -> bool: return self.link_type == 'external'
[docs] def filter_urls(self, urls: 'Sequence[str]') -> 'Sequence[str]': if self.external_only: return tuple(url for url in urls if not self.internal_link(url)) if self.internal_only: return tuple(url for url in urls if self.internal_link(url)) return urls
[docs] def find_urls(self) -> 'Iterator[tuple[str, str, Sequence[str]]]': for entries in self.site_collection.get().values(): for entry in entries: urls = [] for field in self.fields_with_urls: text = getattr(entry, field, None) if not text: continue found = self.extractor.find_urls(text, only_unique=True) if not found: continue urls += found if urls: yield ( entry.__class__.__name__,, self.filter_urls(urls) ) for agency in AgencyCollection(self.request.session).query(): urls = self.extractor.find_urls(agency.portrait, only_unique=True) if urls: yield ( 'Agency',, self.filter_urls(urls) )
[docs] def url_list_generator(self) -> 'Iterator[LinkCheck]': for name, model_link, urls in self.find_urls(): for url in urls: yield LinkCheck(name, model_link, url)
[docs] def unhealthy_urls(self) -> tuple[Statistic, 'Sequence[LinkCheck]']: """ We check the urls in the backend, unless they are internal. In that case, we can not do that since we do not have async support. Otherwise returns the LinkChecks with empty statistics for use in the frontend. """ assert self.link_type, 'link_type must be set' started = time.time() total_count = 0 error_count = 0 not_okay_status = 0 def handle_errors(check: LinkCheck, exception: Exception) -> LinkCheck: nonlocal total_count nonlocal error_count check.message = str(exception) total_count += 1 error_count += 1 return check def on_success(check: LinkCheck, status: int) -> LinkCheck: nonlocal total_count nonlocal not_okay_status check.status = status check.message = f'Status {status}' total_count += 1 if status != 200: not_okay_status += 1 return check urls: Sequence[LinkCheck] if self.link_type == 'external': urls = async_aiohttp_get_all( urls=tuple(self.url_list_generator()), response_attr='status', callback=on_success, handle_exceptions=handle_errors, timeout=self.timeout ) stats = self.Statistic( total=total_count, error=error_count, nok=not_okay_status, ok=total_count - error_count - not_okay_status, duration=time.time() - started ) else: urls = tuple(self.url_list_generator()) stats = self.Statistic( total=0, error=0, nok=0, ok=0, duration=time.time() - started ) return stats, tuple(check for check in urls if check.status != 200)