Source code for org.forms.survey_submission

from wtforms import StringField
from onegov.form import Form
from import _
from wtforms.fields import DateField
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.form import SurveySubmissionWindow, SurveyDefinition
    from import OrgRequest

[docs] class SurveySubmissionWindowForm(Form): """ Form to edit submission windows. """ if TYPE_CHECKING:
[docs] model: SurveyDefinition | SurveySubmissionWindow
request: OrgRequest
[docs] title = StringField( label=_('Name'), validators=[] )
[docs] start = DateField( label=_('Start'), validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] end = DateField( label=_('End'), validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] def process_obj( self, obj: 'SurveySubmissionWindow' # type:ignore[override] ) -> None: super().process_obj(obj)
[docs] def populate_obj( # type:ignore[override] self, obj: 'SurveySubmissionWindow', # type:ignore[override] *args: Any, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: super().populate_obj(obj, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def ensure_start_before_end(self) -> bool | None: """ Validate start and end for proper error message. def ensure_start_end(self) would also be run in side the validate function, but the error is not clear. """ if not or not return None if >= assert isinstance(self.end.errors, list) self.end.errors.append(_('Please use a stop date after the start')) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_unique_title(self) -> bool | None: """ Ensure that the title is unique within the survey. """ if not return None survey: SurveyDefinition survey = getattr(self.model, 'survey', self.model) # type:ignore for existing in survey.submission_windows: if existing == self.model: continue if existing.title == assert isinstance(self.title.errors, list) self.title.errors.append( _('A submission window with this title already exists.') ) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_no_overlapping_windows(self) -> bool | None: """ Ensure that this registration window does not overlap with other already defined registration windows unless they have a title. """ if not or not return None # FIXME: An isinstance check would be nicer but we would need to # stop using Bunch in the tests survey: SurveyDefinition survey = getattr(self.model, 'survey', self.model) # type:ignore if return None for existing in survey.submission_windows: if existing == self.model: continue latest_start = max(, existing.start) earliest_end = min(, existing.end) delta = (earliest_end - latest_start).days + 1 if delta > 0: # circular from import DefaultLayout layout = DefaultLayout(self.model, self.request) msg = _( 'The date range overlaps with an existing submission ' 'window (${range}). Either choose a different date range ' 'or give this window a title to differenciate it from ' 'other windows.', mapping={ 'range': layout.format_date_range( existing.start, existing.end ) } ) assert isinstance(self.start.errors, list) self.start.errors.append(msg) assert isinstance(self.end.errors, list) self.end.errors.append(msg) return False return None