Source code for org.forms.resource_recipient

from onegov.form import Form
from onegov.form.fields import MultiCheckboxField
from import _
from onegov.reservation import Resource, ResourceCollection
from wtforms.fields import EmailField
from wtforms.fields import StringField
from wtforms.fields import BooleanField
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired, Email

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import OrgRequest

[docs] WEEKDAYS = ( ('MO', _('Mo')), ('TU', _('Tu')), ('WE', _('We')), ('TH', _('Th')), ('FR', _('Fr')), ('SA', _('Sa')), ('SU', _('Su')), )
[docs] class ResourceRecipientForm(Form): if TYPE_CHECKING:
[docs] request: OrgRequest
[docs] name = StringField( label=_('Name'), fieldset='Empfänger', description='Peter Muster', validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] address = EmailField( label=_('E-Mail'), fieldset='Empfänger', description='', validators=[InputRequired(), Email()] )
[docs] new_reservations = BooleanField( label=_('New Reservations'), fieldset=_('Notifications *'), description=_('For each new reservation, a notification will be sent ' 'to the above recipient.'), )
[docs] daily_reservations = BooleanField( label=_('Daily Reservations'), fieldset=_('Notifications *'), description=_("On each day selected below, a notification with the " "day's reservations will be sent to the recipient above " "at 06:00."), )
[docs] internal_notes = BooleanField( label=_('Internal Notes'), fieldset=_('Notifications *'), description=_('Each time a new note is added to the ticket for a ' 'reservation, a notification is sent to the recipient ' 'above.'), )
[docs] rejected_reservations = BooleanField( label=_('Rejected Reservations'), fieldset=_('Notifications *'), description=_('If a reservation is cancelled, a notification will ' 'be sent to the above recipient.'), )
[docs] send_on = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Send on'), fieldset='Tage und Ressourcen', choices=WEEKDAYS, default=[key for key, value in WEEKDAYS], validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('daily_reservations', 'y'), render_kw={'prefix_label': False, 'class_': 'oneline-checkboxes'} )
[docs] resources = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Resources'), fieldset='Tage und Ressourcen', validators=[InputRequired()], choices=None )
[docs] def validate(self) -> bool: # type:ignore[override] result = super().validate() if not ( or or or ): assert isinstance(self.daily_reservations.errors, list) self.daily_reservations.errors.append( _('Please add at least one notification.') ) result = False return result
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: self.populate_resources()
[docs] def populate_resources(self) -> None: q = ResourceCollection( q = q.order_by(, q = q.with_entities(, Resource.title, default_group = self.request.translate(_('General')) self.resources.choices = [ (, f'{ or default_group} - {r.title}') for r in q ]