Source code for

from onegov.form import Form
from onegov.form.fields import ChosenSelectField
from import _
from import HtmlField
from onegov.form.fields import PanelField
from import ChangeAdjacencyListUrlForm
from import PageCollection
from wtforms.fields import BooleanField
from wtforms.fields import StringField
from wtforms.fields import TextAreaField
from wtforms.fields import URLField
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired
from wtforms.validators import URL
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterable, Iterator
    from import Page

[docs] class PageBaseForm(Form): """ Defines the base form for all pages. """
[docs] title = StringField( label=_('Title'), validators=[InputRequired()], render_kw={'autofocus': ''} )
[docs] class LinkForm(PageBaseForm): """ Defines the form for pages with the 'link' trait. """
[docs] url = URLField( label=_('URL'), validators=[InputRequired(), URL(require_tld=False)], render_kw={'class_': 'image-url file-url internal-url'} )
[docs] page_image = StringField( label=_('Image'), render_kw={'class_': 'image-url'}, description=_( 'Will be used as image in the page overview on the parent page') )
[docs] class PageForm(PageBaseForm): """ Defines the form for pages with the 'page' trait. """
[docs] lead = TextAreaField( label=_('Lead'), description=_('Describes what this page is about'), render_kw={'rows': 4})
[docs] text = HtmlField( label=_('Text'))
[docs] lead_when_child = BooleanField( label=_('Show the lead if accessing the parent page'), description=_('(Redesign only)') )
[docs] class IframeForm(PageBaseForm): """ Defines the form for pages with the 'iframe' trait. """
[docs] allowed_domains: list[str] = []
[docs] domain_hint = PanelField( text=_('There are currently no allowed domains for iFrames. To enable ' 'domains for iFrames, please contact'), kind='callout', fieldset=_('URL') )
[docs] url = URLField( label=_('URL'), validators=[InputRequired(), URL(require_tld=False)], fieldset=_('URL') )
[docs] height = StringField( label=_('Height'), description=_('The height of the iFrame in pixels. ' 'If not set, the iFrame will have a standard height of ' '800px.'), render_kw={'placeholder': 'auto'}, fieldset=_('Display') )
[docs] as_card = BooleanField( label=_('Display as card'), description=_('Display the iFrame as a card with a border'), fieldset=_('Display') )
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: self.allowed_domains = ( # type: ignore for domain in getattr(, 'child_src', set()): self.allowed_domains.append(domain) if domain != "'self'" else None if self.allowed_domains: self.domain_hint.text = ( self.request.translate( _('The following domains are allowed for iFrames:') ) + '\n - ' + '\n - '.join(self.allowed_domains) + '\n\n' + self.request.translate( _('To allow more domains for iFrames, please contact ' '')) )
[docs] def validate_url(self, field: URLField) -> None: if not return domain = '/'.join('/', 3)[:3]) if domain not in self.allowed_domains: raise ValidationError( _('The domain of the URL is not allowed for iFrames.') )
[docs] class PageUrlForm(ChangeAdjacencyListUrlForm):
[docs] def get_model(self) -> 'Page': return
[docs] class MovePageForm(Form): """ Form to move a page including its subpages. """
[docs] parent_id = ChosenSelectField( label=_('Destination'), coerce=int, choices=[], validators=[ InputRequired() ] )
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: pages = PageCollection(self.request.session) self.parent_id.choices = list(self.iterate_page_tree(pages.roots)) # adding root element, ids start beyond 0, so 0 means no parent self.parent_id.choices.insert( 0, (0, self.request.translate(_('- Root -'))) )
[docs] def iterate_page_tree( self, pages: 'Iterable[Page]', indent: str = '', ) -> 'Iterator[tuple[int, str]]': """ Iterates over the page tree and lists the elements with ident to show the page hierarchy in the choices list """ from import News for page in pages: if isinstance(page, News): continue # prevent pages to be moved under a news page yield, f'{indent} {page.title}' yield from self.iterate_page_tree( page.children, indent=indent + ' -' )
[docs] def validate_parent_id(self, field: ChosenSelectField) -> None: """ As a new destination (parent page) every menu item is valid except yourself or a child of yourself. """ if new_parent_id = int( # prevent selecting yourself as new parent if self.model.page_id == new_parent_id: raise ValidationError(_('Invalid destination selected')) # prevent selecting a child node if any( choice[0] == new_parent_id for choice in self.iterate_page_tree( ): raise ValidationError(_('Invalid destination selected'))
[docs] def update_model(self, model: 'Page') -> None: session = self.request.session pages = PageCollection(session) new_parent_id = None new_parent = None if new_parent_id = new_parent = pages.by_id(new_parent_id) = pages.get_unique_child_name(model.title, new_parent) model.parent_id = new_parent_id