Source code for org.forms.fields

from onegov.file import File, FileCollection
from onegov.core.utils import binary_to_dictionary, dictionary_to_binary
from onegov.form.fields import HtmlField as HtmlFieldBase
from onegov.form.fields import UploadFileWithORMSupport
from onegov.form.fields import UploadMultipleFilesWithORMSupport
from import UploadOrLinkExistingFileWidget
from import UploadOrSelectExistingFileWidget
from import UploadOrSelectExistingMultipleFilesWidget
from import annotate_html, remove_empty_paragraphs
from operator import itemgetter

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.form import Form
    from onegov.form.types import RawFormValue

[docs] class HtmlField(HtmlFieldBase): """A textfield with html with integrated sanitation and annotation, cleaning the html and adding extra information including setting the image size by querying the database. """
[docs] def pre_validate(self, form: 'Form') -> None: # type:ignore[override] super().pre_validate(form) = remove_empty_paragraphs( annotate_html(, form.request ) )
[docs] def file_choices_from_collection( collection: FileCollection[Any] ) -> list[tuple[str, str]]: return sorted( ( (file_id, name) for file_id, name in collection.query().with_entities(,, ) ), key=itemgetter(1) )
[docs] class UploadOrLinkExistingFileField(UploadFileWithORMSupport): """ An extension of :class:`onegov.form.fields.UploadFileWithORMSupport` which will select existing uploaded files to link from a given :class:`onegov.file.FileCollection` class in addition to uploading new files. This class is mostly useful in conjunction with :class:`` if you want to link or upload only a single file, then you should use :class:``. """
[docs] existing_file: File | None
[docs] widget = UploadOrLinkExistingFileWidget()
def __init__( self, *args: Any, file_collection: type[FileCollection[Any]] = FileCollection, file_type: str = 'general', allow_duplicates: bool = False, # these params are used by the MultipleFiles version to avoid # doing static prep work multiple times _collection: FileCollection[Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: # if we got this argument we discard it, we don't use it kwargs.pop('_choices', None) # we don't really use file_class since we use the collection # to create the files instead kwargs.setdefault('file_class', File) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] self.allow_duplicates = allow_duplicates
# this can happen with merge_forms before we create the # final merged form instance, we delay errors in this case # since it's only an error once someone tries to use the # collection if not hasattr(self.meta, 'request'): return if _collection is None: _collection = file_collection( self.meta.request.session, type=file_type, # we do ensure this ourselves in create allow_duplicates=True )
[docs] self.collection = _collection
[docs] def populate_obj(self, obj: object, name: str) -> None: # shortcut for when a file was explicitly selected existing = getattr(self, 'existing_file', None) if existing is not None: setattr(obj, name, existing) return super().populate_obj(obj, name)
[docs] def create(self) -> File | None: if not getattr(self, 'file', None): return None assert self.file is not None self.file.filename = self.filename # type:ignore[attr-defined] if not self.allow_duplicates: # return the existing file instead existing = self.collection.by_content(self.file).first() if existing is not None: self.existing_file = existing return existing return self.collection.add( filename=self.filename, # type:ignore[arg-type] content=self.file )
[docs] class UploadOrSelectExistingFileField(UploadOrLinkExistingFileField): """ An extension of :class:`onegov.form.fields.UploadFileWithORMSupport` to allow selecting existing uploaded files from a given :class:`onegov.file.FileCollection` class in addition to uploading new files. :param file_collection: The file collection class to use, should be a subclass of :class:`onegov.file.FileCollection`. :param file_type: The polymoprhic type to use and to filter for. :param allow_duplicates: Prevents duplicates if set to false. Rather than throw an error it will link to the existing file and discard the new file. """
[docs] widget = UploadOrSelectExistingFileWidget()
def __init__( self, *args: Any, file_collection: type[FileCollection[Any]] = FileCollection, file_type: str = 'general', allow_duplicates: bool = False, _choices: list[tuple[str, str]] | None = None, **kwargs: Any ): super().__init__( *args, file_collection=file_collection, file_type=file_type, allow_duplicates=allow_duplicates, **kwargs ) # this can happen with merge_forms before we create the # final merged form instance, we delay errors in this case # since it's only an error once someone tries to use the # collection/choices if not hasattr(self, 'collection'): return if _choices is None: _choices = file_choices_from_collection(self.collection)
[docs] self.choices = _choices
[docs] def process_formdata(self, valuelist: list['RawFormValue']) -> None: if not valuelist: = {} return fieldstorage: RawFormValue action: RawFormValue if len(valuelist) == 5: # resend_upload action = valuelist[0] fieldstorage = valuelist[1] existing = valuelist[2] = binary_to_dictionary( dictionary_to_binary({'data': str(valuelist[4])}), str(valuelist[3]) ) elif len(valuelist) == 3: action, fieldstorage, existing = valuelist else: # default action = 'replace' fieldstorage = valuelist[0] if action == 'replace': self.action = 'replace' = self.process_fieldstorage(fieldstorage) self.existing = None elif action == 'delete': self.action = 'delete' = {} self.existing = None elif action == 'keep': self.action = 'keep' self.existing = None elif action == 'select': self.action = 'replace' if not isinstance(existing, str): self.existing = None return if self.collection is None: self.collection = self.collection_class( # type:ignore self.meta.request.session, type=self.file_type, allow_duplicates=True ) self.existing = existing self.existing_file = self.collection.by_id(existing) self.process_data(self.existing_file) else: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class UploadOrSelectExistingMultipleFilesField( UploadMultipleFilesWithORMSupport ): """ An extension of :class:`onegov.form.fields.UploadMultipleFilesWithORMSupport` to allow selecting existing uploaded files from a given :class:`onegov.file.FileCollection` class in addition to uploading new files. :param file_collection: The file collection class to use, should be a subclass of :class:`onegov.file.FileCollection`. :param file_type: The polymoprhic type to use and to filter for. :param allow_duplicates: Prevents duplicates if set to false. Rather than throw an error it will link to the existing file and discard the new file. """
[docs] widget = UploadOrSelectExistingMultipleFilesWidget()
[docs] upload_field_class = UploadOrLinkExistingFileField
[docs] upload_widget = UploadOrLinkExistingFileWidget()
def __init__( self, *args: Any, file_collection: type[FileCollection[Any]] = FileCollection, file_type: str = 'general', allow_duplicates: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ):
[docs] meta = kwargs.get('_meta') or kwargs['_form'].meta
# this can happen with merge_forms before we create the # final merged form instance, we delay errors in this case # since it's only an error once someone tries to use the # collection/choices if not hasattr(meta, 'request'): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, file_class=File) return
[docs] self.collection = file_collection( meta.request.session, type=file_type, # we do ensure this ourselves in create allow_duplicates=True )
[docs] self.choices = file_choices_from_collection(self.collection)
super().__init__( *args, **kwargs, file_class=File, file_collection=file_collection, file_type=file_type, allow_duplicates=allow_duplicates, _collection=self.collection, _choices=self.choices, )
[docs] def process_formdata(self, valuelist: list['RawFormValue']) -> None: if not valuelist: return for value in valuelist: if isinstance(value, str): if any( == value for f in self.object_data or ()): # if this file has already been added, then don't add # it again continue existing = self.collection.by_id(value) if existing is not None: field = self.append_entry(existing) field.existing_file = existing # type:ignore[attr-defined] elif hasattr(value, 'file') or hasattr(value, 'stream'): self.append_entry_from_field_storage(value)