Source code for

from functools import cached_property

from wtforms import EmailField
from onegov.core.utils import safe_format_keys, normalize_for_url
from import DirectoryConfiguration
from import DirectoryZipArchive
from onegov.form import as_internal_id
from onegov.form import flatten_fieldsets
from onegov.form import Form
from onegov.form import merge_forms
from onegov.form import move_fields
from onegov.form import parse_formcode
from onegov.form.errors import FormError
from onegov.form.fields import ColorField
from onegov.form.fields import IconField, MultiCheckboxField
from onegov.form.fields import UploadField
from onegov.form.filters import as_float
from onegov.form.validators import FileSizeLimit
from onegov.form.validators import ValidFormDefinition
from onegov.form.validators import WhitelistedMimeType
from import _
from import HtmlField
from import PaymentForm, ChangeAdjacencyListUrlForm
from import user_options
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from wtforms.fields import BooleanField
from wtforms.fields import DecimalField
from wtforms.fields import RadioField
from wtforms.fields import StringField
from wtforms.fields import TextAreaField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired
from wtforms.validators import Email
from wtforms.validators import Optional
from wtforms.validators import ValidationError

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterator
    from onegov.form.parser.core import ParsedField
    from import ExtendedDirectory, ExtendedDirectoryEntry
    from import OrgRequest
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from wtforms import Field

[docs] class DirectoryBaseForm(Form): """ Form for directories. """ if TYPE_CHECKING:
[docs] request: OrgRequest
[docs] title = StringField( label=_('Title'), fieldset=_('General'), validators=[InputRequired()])
[docs] lead = TextAreaField( label=_('Lead'), fieldset=_('General'), description=_('Describes what this directory is about'), render_kw={'rows': 4})
[docs] title_further_information = StringField( label=_('Title'), fieldset=_('Further Information'), description=_( 'If left empty "Further Information" will be used as title') )
[docs] text = HtmlField( label=_('Text'), fieldset=_('Further Information'))
[docs] position = RadioField( label=_('Position'), fieldset=_('Further Information'), choices=[ ('above', _('Above the entries')), ('below', _('Below the entries')) ], default='below' )
[docs] structure = TextAreaField( label=_('Definition'), fieldset=_('General'), validators=[ InputRequired(), ValidFormDefinition( require_email_field=False, require_title_fields=True ) ], render_kw={'rows': 32, 'data-editor': 'form'})
[docs] enable_map = RadioField( label=_('Coordinates'), fieldset=_('General'), choices=[ ( 'no', _('Entries have no coordinates') ), ( 'entry', _('Coordinates are shown on each entry') ), ( 'everywhere', _('Coordinates are shown on the directory and on each entry') ), ], default='everywhere')
[docs] title_format = StringField( label=_('Title-Format'), fieldset=_('Display'), validators=[InputRequired()], render_kw={'class_': 'formcode-format'})
[docs] lead_format = StringField( label=_('Lead-Format'), fieldset=_('Display'), render_kw={'class_': 'formcode-format'})
[docs] empty_notice = StringField( label=_('Empty Directory Notice'), fieldset=_('Display'), description=_( 'This text will be displayed when the directory ' 'contains no (visible) entries. When left empty ' 'a generic default text will be shown instead.' ))
[docs] numbering = RadioField( label=_('Numbering'), fieldset=_('Display'), choices=[ ('none', _('None')), ('standard', _('Standard')), ('custom', _('Custom')) ], default='none')
[docs] numbers = TextAreaField( label=_('Custom Numbering'), fieldset=_('Display'), depends_on=('numbering', 'custom'), render_kw={ 'class_': 'formcode-select', 'data-fields-include': 'integer_range' })
[docs] content_fields = TextAreaField( label=_('Main view'), fieldset=_('Display'), render_kw={'class_': 'formcode-select'})
[docs] content_hide_labels = TextAreaField( label=_('Hide these labels on the main view'), fieldset=_('Display'), render_kw={'class_': 'formcode-select'})
[docs] contact_fields = TextAreaField( label=_('Address'), fieldset=_('Display'), render_kw={ 'class_': 'formcode-select', 'data-fields-exclude': 'fileinput,radio,checkbox' })
[docs] keyword_fields = TextAreaField( label=_('Filters'), fieldset=_('Display'), render_kw={ 'class_': 'formcode-select', 'data-fields-include': 'radio,checkbox' })
[docs] thumbnail = TextAreaField( label=_('Thumbnail'), fieldset=_('Display'), render_kw={ 'class_': 'formcode-select', 'data-fields-include': 'fileinput' })
[docs] show_as_thumbnails = TextAreaField( label=_('Pictures to be displayed as thumbnails on an entry'), fieldset=_('Display'), render_kw={ 'class_': 'formcode-select', 'data-fields-include': 'fileinput' })
[docs] overview_two_columns = BooleanField( label=_('Overview layout with tiles'), fieldset=_('Display'), default=False)
[docs] address_block_title_type = RadioField( label=_('Address Block Title'), fieldset=_('Address Block'), default='auto', choices=( ('auto', _('The first line of the address')), ('fixed', _('Static title')), ) )
[docs] address_block_title = StringField( label=_('Title'), fieldset=_('Address Block'), depends_on=('address_block_title_type', 'fixed'), )
[docs] marker_icon = IconField( label=_('Icon'), fieldset=_('Marker'))
[docs] marker_color_type = RadioField( label=_('Marker Color'), fieldset=_('Marker'), choices=[ ('default', _('Default')), ('custom', _('Custom')) ], default='default')
[docs] marker_color_value = ColorField( label=_('Color'), fieldset=_('Marker'), depends_on=('marker_color_type', 'custom'))
[docs] order = RadioField( label=_('Order'), fieldset=_('Order'), choices=[ ('by-title', _('By title')), ('by-format', _('By format')) ], default='by-title')
[docs] order_format = StringField( label=_('Order-Format'), fieldset=_('Order'), render_kw={'class_': 'formcode-format'}, validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('order', 'by-format'))
[docs] order_direction = RadioField( label=_('Direction'), fieldset=_('Order'), choices=[ ('asc', _('Ascending')), ('desc', _('Descending')) ], default='asc')
[docs] enable_submissions = BooleanField( label=_('Users may propose new entries'), fieldset=_('New entries'), default=False)
[docs] submissions_guideline = HtmlField( label=_('Guideline'), fieldset=_('New entries'), depends_on=('enable_submissions', 'y'))
[docs] price = RadioField( label=_('Price'), fieldset=_('New entries'), choices=[ ('free', _('Free of charge')), ('paid', _('Paid')) ], default='free', depends_on=('enable_submissions', 'y'))
[docs] price_per_submission = DecimalField( label=_('Price per submission'), fieldset=_('New entries'), filters=(as_float, ), validators=[Optional()], depends_on=('enable_submissions', 'y', 'price', 'paid'))
[docs] currency = StringField( label=_('Currency'), fieldset=_('New entries'), default='CHF', depends_on=('enable_submissions', 'y', 'price', 'paid'), validators=[InputRequired()])
[docs] enable_change_requests = BooleanField( label=_('Users may send change requests'), fieldset=_('Change requests'), default=False)
[docs] change_requests_guideline = HtmlField( label=_('Guideline'), fieldset=_('Change requests'), depends_on=('enable_change_requests', 'y'))
[docs] enable_publication = BooleanField( label=_('Enable publication dates'), description=_('Users may suggest publication start and/or end ' 'of the entry on submissions and change requests'), fieldset=_('Publication'), default=False)
[docs] enable_update_notifications = BooleanField( label=_('Enable registering for update notifications'), description=_('Users can register for updates on new entries'), fieldset=_('Notifications'), default=False)
[docs] required_publication = BooleanField( label=_('Required publication dates'), fieldset=_('Publication'), depends_on=('enable_publication', 'y'), default=False)
[docs] submitter_meta_fields = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Information to be provided in addition to the E-mail'), choices=( ('submitter_name', _('Name')), ('submitter_address', _('Address')), ('submitter_phone', _('Phone')), ), fieldset=_('Submitter') )
[docs] layout = RadioField( label=_('Layout'), fieldset=_('Layout'), choices=[ ('default', _('Default')), ('accordion', _('Accordion')), ], default='default')
[docs] def known_field_ids(self) -> set[str] | None: # FIXME: We should probably define this in relation to known_fields # so we don't parse the form twice if we access both properties try: return { for field in flatten_fieldsets(parse_formcode( } except FormError: return None
[docs] def known_fields(self) -> list['ParsedField'] | None: try: return list( flatten_fieldsets(parse_formcode( ) except FormError: return None
[docs] def missing_fields(self) -> dict[str, list[str]] | None: try: return self.configuration.missing_fields( except FormError: return None
[docs] def extract_field_ids(self, field: 'Field') -> 'Iterator[str]': if not self.known_field_ids: return for line in line = line.strip() if as_internal_id(line) in self.known_field_ids: yield line
[docs] def validate_title_format(self, field: 'Field') -> None: if self.missing_fields and 'title' in self.missing_fields: raise ValidationError( _('The following fields are unknown: ${fields}', mapping={ 'fields': ', '.join(self.missing_fields['title']) }))
[docs] def validate_lead_format(self, field: 'Field') -> None: if self.missing_fields and 'lead' in self.missing_fields: raise ValidationError( _('The following fields are unknown: ${fields}', mapping={ 'fields': ', '.join(self.missing_fields['lead']) }))
[docs] def validate_thumbnail(self, field: 'Field') -> None: if and '\n' in raise ValidationError( _('Please select at most one thumbnail field') )
[docs] def validate_numbers(self, field: 'Field') -> None: if == 'custom' and ( '\n' in or == '' ): raise ValidationError( _('Please select exactly one numbering field') )
[docs] def ensure_public_fields_for_submissions(self) -> bool | None: """ Force directories to show all fields (no hidden fields) if the user may send in new entries or update exsting ones. Otherwise we would have to filter out private fields which presents all kinds of edge-cases that we should probably not solve - directories are not meant to be private repositories. """ inputs = ( self.enable_change_requests, self.enable_submissions ) if not any( for i in inputs): return None hidden = self.first_hidden_field(self.configuration) if hidden: msg = _( 'User submissions are not possible, because «${field}» ' 'is not visible. Only if all fields are visible are user ' 'submission possible - otherwise users may see data that ' 'they are not intended to see. ', mapping={ 'field': hidden.label } ) for i in inputs: if assert isinstance(i.errors, list) i.errors.append(msg) return False return None
[docs] def first_hidden_field( self, configuration: DirectoryConfiguration ) -> 'ParsedField | None': """ Returns the first hidden field, or None. """ for field in flatten_fieldsets(parse_formcode( if not self.is_public(, configuration): return field return None
[docs] def is_public( self, fid: str, configuration: DirectoryConfiguration ) -> bool: """ Returns true if the given field id is public. A field is public, if none of these are true: * It is part of the title/lead * It is part of the display * It is part of the keywords * It is used as the thumbnail Though we might also glean other fields if they are simply searchable or if they are part of the link pattern, we do not count those as public, because we are interested in *obviously* public fields clearly visible to the user. """ # the display sets are not really defined at one single point… sets = ('contact', 'content') conf = configuration.display or {} for s in sets: if s not in conf: continue if fid in (as_internal_id(v) for v in conf[s]): return True # …neither is this txts = ('title', 'lead') for t in txts: for key in safe_format_keys(getattr(configuration, t, '')): if fid == as_internal_id(key): return True # also include fields which are used as keywords if fid in (as_internal_id(v) for v in configuration.keywords or ()): return True # check if the field is the thumbnail if fid == as_internal_id(configuration.thumbnail or ''): return True return False
[docs] def default_marker_color(self) -> str: return ( ( or {}).get('primary-color') or user_options['primary-color'] )
[docs] def marker_color(self) -> str | None: return
@marker_color.setter def marker_color(self, value: str | None) -> None: = value or self.default_marker_color @property
[docs] def configuration(self) -> DirectoryConfiguration: content_fields = list(self.extract_field_ids(self.content_fields)) # Remove file and url fields from search file_fields = [ f.human_id for f in (self.known_fields or ()) if f.type in ('fileinput', 'multiplefileinput', 'url', 'video_url') ] searchable_content_fields = [ f for f in content_fields if f not in file_fields ] content_hide_labels = list( self.extract_field_ids(self.content_hide_labels)) contact_fields = list(self.extract_field_ids(self.contact_fields)) keyword_fields = list(self.extract_field_ids(self.keyword_fields)) thumbnails = list(self.extract_field_ids(self.show_as_thumbnails)) order_format =[ == 'by-title' and 'title_format' or 'order_format' ] assert is not None return DirectoryConfiguration(,,, order=safe_format_keys(order_format), keywords=keyword_fields, searchable=searchable_content_fields + contact_fields, display={ 'content': content_fields, 'contact': contact_fields, 'content_hide_labels': content_hide_labels },,,,, thumbnail=( and[0] ), address_block_title=( == 'fixed' and or None ), show_as_thumbnails=thumbnails )
@configuration.setter def configuration(self, cfg: DirectoryConfiguration) -> None: def join(attr: str) -> str | None: return getattr(cfg, attr, None) and '\n'.join(getattr(cfg, attr)) display = cfg.display or {} = cfg.title = cfg.lead or '' = cfg.empty_notice = '\n'.join(display.get('content', '')) = '\n'.join( display.get('content_hide_labels', '')) = '\n'.join(display.get('contact', '')) = join('keywords') = cfg.direction == 'desc' and 'desc' or 'asc' = cfg.link_pattern = cfg.link_title if cfg.link_visible is not None: = cfg.link_visible = cfg.thumbnail = join('show_as_thumbnails') if safe_format_keys(cfg.title) == cfg.order: = 'by-title' else: = 'by-format' = ''.join( f'[{key}]' for key in cfg.order or () ) if cfg.address_block_title: = 'fixed' = cfg.address_block_title else: = 'auto' = ''
[docs] def populate_obj(self, obj: 'ExtendedDirectory') -> None: # type:ignore super().populate_obj(obj, exclude={ 'configuration', 'order', }) obj.configuration = self.configuration if == 'default': obj.marker_color = None else: obj.marker_color = self.marker_color
[docs] def process_obj(self, obj: 'ExtendedDirectory') -> None: # type:ignore self.configuration = obj.configuration if obj.marker_color: = 'custom' self.marker_color = obj.marker_color else: = 'default' self.marker_color = self.default_marker_color
if TYPE_CHECKING: # mypy doesn't understand merge_forms/move_fields, for type checking # the order of attributes doesn't matter so we can tell it how the # form should look like with basic inheritance
[docs] class DirectoryForm(DirectoryBaseForm, PaymentForm): pass
else: class DirectoryForm( merge_forms(DirectoryBaseForm, PaymentForm) ): minimum_price_args = PaymentForm.minimum_price_total.kwargs.copy() minimum_price_args['fieldset'] = _('New entries') minimum_price_args['depends_on'] = ('enable_submissions', 'y') minimum_price_total = DecimalField(**minimum_price_args) payment_method_args = PaymentForm.payment_method.kwargs.copy() payment_method_args['fieldset'] = _('New entries') payment_method_args['depends_on'] = ('enable_submissions', 'y') payment_method = RadioField(**payment_method_args) DirectoryForm = move_fields( DirectoryForm, ('minimum_price_total', 'payment_method'), after='currency' )
[docs] class DirectoryImportForm(Form):
[docs] import_config = RadioField( label=_('Apply directory configuration'), choices=( ('yes', _('Yes, import configuration and entries')), ('no', _('No, only import entries')) ), default='no', validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] mode = RadioField( label=_('Mode'), choices=( ('new', _('Only import new entries')), ('replace', _('Replace all entries')), ), default='new', validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] zip_file = UploadField( label=_('Import'), validators=[ DataRequired(), WhitelistedMimeType({ 'application/zip', 'application/octet-stream' }), FileSizeLimit(500 * 1024 * 1024) ], render_kw={'force_simple': True} )
[docs] def clear_entries(session: 'Session', target: 'ExtendedDirectory') -> None: for existing in target.entries: session.delete(existing) target.entries.clear() session.flush()
[docs] def run_import(self, target: 'ExtendedDirectory') -> int: session = object_session(target) count = 0 def count_entry(entry: 'ExtendedDirectoryEntry') -> None: nonlocal count count += 1 if == 'replace': self.clear_entries(session, target) assert self.zip_file.file is not None archive = DirectoryZipArchive.from_buffer(self.zip_file.file) target=target, skip_existing=True, limit=100, == 'yes', after_import=count_entry ) return count
[docs] class DirectoryUrlForm(ChangeAdjacencyListUrlForm): """For changing the URL of a directory independent of the title."""
[docs] def validate_name(self, field: StringField) -> None: if not raise ValidationError(_('The name field cannot be empty.')) model = self.get_model() if == raise ValidationError(_('Please fill out a new name')) normalized_name = normalize_for_url( if != normalized_name: raise ValidationError( _('Invalid name. A valid suggestion is: ${name}', mapping={'name': normalized_name}) ) # Query to check if the normalized name already exists cls = model.__class__ session = self.request.session query = session.query(cls).filter( == normalized_name ) if session.query(query.exists()).scalar(): raise ValidationError( _('An entry with the same name exists') )
[docs] class DirectoryRecipientForm(Form): """Form for adding recipients of entry updates to the directory."""
[docs] address = EmailField( label=_('E-Mail'), description='', validators=[InputRequired(), Email()] )