Source code for notice.collections

from onegov.core.collection import Pagination
from onegov.core.utils import increment_name
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from onegov.notice.models import OfficialNotice
from onegov.user import User
from onegov.user import UserGroup
from sqlalchemy import asc
from sqlalchemy import cast
from sqlalchemy import desc
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy import or_
from sqlalchemy import String
from sqlalchemy_utils.functions import escape_like

from typing import Any, Literal, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection
    from markupsafe import Markup
    from onegov.notice.models import NoticeState
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query, Session
    from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement
    from typing import Self, TypeAlias
    from uuid import UUID

[docs] _StrColumnLike: TypeAlias = ( ColumnElement[str] | ColumnElement[str | None] | ColumnElement[Markup] | ColumnElement[Markup | None] )
[docs] _N = TypeVar('_N', bound=OfficialNotice)
[docs] def get_unique_notice_name( name: str, session: 'Session', model_class: type[OfficialNotice] ) -> str: """ Create a unique, URL-friendly name. """ # it's possible for `normalize_for_url` to return an empty string... name = normalize_for_url(name) or 'notice' while session.query( session.query( .filter( == name) .exists() ).scalar(): name = increment_name(name) return name
[docs] class OfficialNoticeCollection(Pagination[_N]): """ Manage a list of official notices. """ def __init__( self, session: 'Session', page: int = 0, state: 'NoticeState | None' = None, term: str | None = None, order: str | None = None, direction: Literal['asc', 'desc'] | None = None, issues: 'Collection[str] | None ' = None, categories: 'Collection[str] | None' = None, organizations: 'Collection[str] | None' = None, user_ids: list['UUID'] | None = None, group_ids: list['UUID'] | None = None ): super().__init__(page)
[docs] self.session = session
[docs] self.state = state
[docs] self.term = term
[docs] self.order = order or 'first_issue'
[docs] self.direction = direction or 'asc'
[docs] self.issues = issues
[docs] self.categories = categories
[docs] self.organizations = organizations
[docs] self.user_ids = user_ids or []
[docs] self.group_ids = group_ids or []
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, OfficialNoticeCollection): return False return ( self.model_class == other.model_class and == and self.state == other.state and self.term == other.term and self.order == other.order and self.direction == other.direction and self.issues == other.issues and self.categories == other.categories and self.organizations == other.organizations and self.user_ids == other.user_ids and self.group_ids == other.group_ids )
[docs] def subset(self) -> 'Query[_N]': return self.query()
[docs] def page_index(self) -> int: return
[docs] def page_by_index(self, index: int) -> 'Self': return self.__class__( self.session, page=index, state=self.state, term=self.term, order=self.order, direction=self.direction, issues=self.issues, categories=self.categories, organizations=self.organizations, user_ids=self.user_ids, group_ids=self.group_ids )
[docs] def for_state(self, state: 'NoticeState') -> 'Self': """ Returns a new instance of the collection with the given state. """ return self.__class__( self.session, state=state, term=self.term, order=self.order, direction=self.direction, issues=self.issues, categories=self.categories, organizations=self.organizations, user_ids=self.user_ids, group_ids=self.group_ids )
[docs] def for_term(self, term: str | None) -> 'Self': """ Returns a new instance of the collection with the given term. """ return self.__class__( self.session, state=self.state, term=term, order=self.order, direction=self.direction, issues=self.issues, categories=self.categories, organizations=self.organizations, user_ids=self.user_ids, group_ids=self.group_ids )
[docs] def for_order( self, order: str, direction: Literal['asc', 'desc'] | None = None ) -> 'Self': """ Returns a new instance of the collection with the given ordering. Inverts the direction if the new ordering is the same as the old one and an explicit ordering is not defined. """ if direction is not None: descending = direction == 'desc' elif self.order != order: descending = False else: descending = self.direction != 'desc' return self.__class__( self.session, state=self.state, term=self.term, order=order, direction='desc' if descending else 'asc', issues=self.issues, categories=self.categories, organizations=self.organizations, user_ids=self.user_ids, group_ids=self.group_ids )
[docs] def for_organizations( self, organizations: 'Collection[str] | None' ) -> 'Self': """ Returns a new instance of the collection with the given organizations. """ return self.__class__( self.session, state=self.state, term=self.term, order=self.order, direction=self.direction, issues=self.issues, categories=self.categories, organizations=organizations, user_ids=self.user_ids, group_ids=self.group_ids )
[docs] def for_categories(self, categories: 'Collection[str] | None') -> 'Self': """ Returns a new instance of the collection with the given categories. """ return self.__class__( self.session, state=self.state, term=self.term, order=self.order, direction=self.direction, issues=self.issues, categories=categories, organizations=self.organizations, user_ids=self.user_ids, group_ids=self.group_ids )
[docs] def model_class(self) -> type[_N]: return OfficialNotice # type:ignore[return-value]
[docs] def term_columns(self) -> list['_StrColumnLike']: """ The columns used for full text search. """ return [ cast(, String), self.model_class.title, self.model_class.text, self.model_class.author_name, self.model_class.author_place, self.model_class.category, self.model_class.organization, self.model_class.note,, User.realname, User.username ]
[docs] def filter_query(self, query: 'Query[_N]') -> 'Query[_N]': """ Filters the given query by the state of the collection. """ if self.state: query = query.filter(self.model_class.state == self.state) if self.term: term = f'%{escape_like(self.term)}%' query = query.filter(or_( *(column.ilike(term) for column in self.term_columns) )) if self.user_ids: query = query.filter(self.model_class.user_id.in_(self.user_ids)) if self.group_ids: query = query.filter(self.model_class.group_id.in_(self.group_ids)) if self.issues: query = query.filter( # FIXME: SQLAlchemy 2.0 hopefully has better support for this self.model_class._issues.has_any(self.issues) # type:ignore ) if self.categories: query = query.filter( # FIXME: SQLAlchemy 2.0 hopefully has better support for this self.model_class._categories.has_any( # type:ignore self.categories ) ) if self.organizations: query = query.filter( # FIXME: SQLAlchemy 2.0 hopefully has better support for this self.model_class._organizations.has_any( # type:ignore self.organizations ) ) return query
[docs] def order_query(self, query: 'Query[_N]') -> 'Query[_N]': """ Orders the given query by the state of the collection. """ direction = desc if self.direction == 'desc' else asc if self.order in inspect(self.model_class).columns.keys(): attribute = getattr(self.model_class, self.order) elif self.order == '': attribute = func.coalesce(, '') elif self.order == 'user.realname': attribute = func.coalesce(User.realname, '') elif self.order == 'user.username': attribute = func.coalesce(User.username, '') elif self.order == '': attribute = func.coalesce(User.realname, User.username, '') else: attribute = self.model_class.first_issue return query.order_by(None).order_by(direction(attribute))
[docs] def query(self) -> 'Query[_N]': """ Returns a filtered and sorted query. Filters by: - notice.state matches state - notice.user_id is in user_ids - notice.group_id is in group_ids - notice.issues has any of the issues - term is in title, text, category, organization, groupname, usernames Orders by: - any notice columns - group name ( - users real name (user.realname) - username (user.username) - username or users real name ( """ query = self.session.query(self.model_class) query = query.join(, isouter=True) query = query.join(self.model_class.user, isouter=True) query = self.filter_query(query) query = self.order_query(query) return query
[docs] def _get_unique_name(self, name: str) -> str: """ Create a unique, URL-friendly name. """ return get_unique_notice_name(name, self.session, self.model_class)
[docs] def add( self, title: str, text: str | None, # FIXME: replace this with the actual allowed keywords **optional: Any ) -> _N: """ Add a new notice. A unique, URL-friendly name is created automatically for this notice using the title and optionally numbers for duplicate names. Returns the created notice. """ issues = optional.pop('issues', None) categories = optional.pop('categories', None) organizations = optional.pop('organizations', None) notice = self.model_class( state='drafted', name=self._get_unique_name(title), title=title, text=text, **optional ) if issues: notice.issues = issues if categories: notice.categories = categories if organizations: notice.organizations = organizations self.session.add(notice) self.session.flush() return notice
[docs] def delete(self, notice: OfficialNotice) -> None: """ Delete an notice. """ self.session.delete(notice) self.session.flush()
[docs] def by_name(self, name: str) -> _N | None: """ Returns a notice by its URL-friendly name. """ query = self.session.query(self.model_class) query = query.filter( == name) return query.first()
[docs] def by_id(self, id: 'UUID') -> _N | None: """ Returns a notice by its id. """ query = self.session.query(self.model_class) query = query.filter( == id) return query.first()