from __future__ import annotations
from email_validator import validate_email
from onegov.core.crypto import random_token
from onegov.core.orm import Base
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import (
ContentMixin, TimestampMixin, content_property, dict_property)
from onegov.core.orm.types import UTCDateTime, UUID
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from import SearchableContent
from sqlalchemy import and_
from sqlalchemy import Boolean
from sqlalchemy import column
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import Index
from sqlalchemy import not_
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declared_attr
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session, validates, relationship
from uuid import uuid4
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
# Newsletters and recipients are joined in a many to many relationship
newsletter_recipients = Table(
Column('newsletter_id', Text, ForeignKey('')),
Column('recipient_id', UUID, ForeignKey(''))
class Newsletter(Base, ContentMixin, TimestampMixin, SearchableContent):
""" Represents a newsletter before and after it is sent.
A newsletter basically consists of a title/subject, a content and a
number of recipients. We assume that all newsletters are sent in HTML
using onegov.core, which automatically creates a text representation.
__tablename__ = 'newsletters'
es_properties = {
'title': {'type': 'localized'},
'lead': {'type': 'localized'},
'html': {'type': 'localized_html'}
def es_public(self) -> bool:
return self.sent is not None
#: the name of the newsletter, derived from the title
name: Column[str] = Column(Text, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
def validate_name(self, key: str, name: str) -> str:
assert normalize_for_url(name) == name, (
'The given name was not normalized'
return name
#: the title of the newsletter
title: Column[str] = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the optional lead or editorial of the newsletter
lead: Column[str | None] = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: the content of the newsletter in html, this is not just the partial
#: content, but the actual, fully rendered html content.
html: Column[str] = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: null if not sent yet, otherwise the date this newsletter was first sent
sent: Column[datetime | None] = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)
#: time the newsletter is scheduled to be sent (in UTC)
scheduled: Column[datetime | None] = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)
#: the recipients of this newsletter, meant in part as a tracking feature
#: to answer the question "who got which newsletters?" - for this to work
#: the user of onegov.newsletter has to make sure that sent out
#: newsletters can't have actual recipients removed from them.
#: onegov.newsletter does not make any guarantees here
recipients: relationship[list[Recipient]] = relationship(
def open_recipients(self) -> tuple[Recipient, ...]:
received = select([newsletter_recipients.c.recipient_id]).where(
newsletter_recipients.c.newsletter_id ==
return tuple(object_session(self).query(Recipient).filter(
Recipient.confirmed == True
show_news_as_tiles: dict_property[bool] = content_property(default=True)
#: categories the newsletter reports on
newsletter_categories: dict_property[list[str] | None] = content_property()
class Recipient(Base, TimestampMixin, ContentMixin):
""" Represents a single recipient.
Recipients may be grouped by any kind of string. Only inside their groups
are recipient addresses unique. However, groups are an optional feature
and they are not deeply integrated. If you don't care for group, never
use them and the list becomes like a simple list of addresses with no
duplicate addresses present.
__tablename__ = 'recipients'
#: the id of the recipient, used in the url
id: Column[uuid.UUID] = Column(
UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type]
#: the email address of the recipient, unique per group
address: Column[str] = Column(Text, nullable=False)
def validate_address(self, key: str, address: str) -> str:
assert validate_email(address)
return address
#: the recipient group, a freely choosable string - may be null
group: Column[str | None] = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: the newsletters that this recipient received
newsletters: relationship[list[Newsletter]] = relationship(
#: this token is used for confirm and unsubscribe
token: Column[str] = Column(Text, nullable=False, default=random_token)
#: when recipients are added, they are unconfirmed. At this point they get
#: one e-mail with a confirmation link. If they ignore said e-mail they
#: should not get another one.
confirmed: Column[bool] = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)
#: subscribed newsletter categories. For legacy reasons, no selection
# means all topics are subscribed to.
subscribed_categories: dict_property[list[str] | None] = content_property()
def __table_args__(cls) -> tuple[Index, ...]:
return (
'recipient_address_in_group', 'address', 'group',
unique=True, postgresql_where=column('group') != None
'recipient_address_without_group', 'address',
unique=True, postgresql_where=column('group') == None
def subscription(self) -> Subscription:
return Subscription(self, self.token)
def is_inactive(self) -> bool:
Checks if the recipient's email address is marked as inactive.
bool: True if the email address is marked as inactive, False
return self.meta.get('inactive', False)
def mark_inactive(self) -> None:
Marks the recipient's email address as inactive.
This method sets the 'inactive' flag in the recipient's metadata to
True. It is typically used when a bounce event causes the email
address to be deactivated by Postmark.
self.meta['inactive'] = True
class Subscription:
""" Adds subscription management to a recipient. """
def __init__(self, recipient: Recipient, token: str):
self.recipient = recipient
def recipient_id(self) -> uuid.UUID:
# even though this seems redundant, we need this property
# for morepath, so it can match it to the path variable
def confirm(self) -> bool:
if self.recipient.token != self.token:
return False
self.recipient.confirmed = True
return True
def unsubscribe(self) -> bool:
if self.recipient.token != self.token:
return False
# don't delete if they unsubscribe before they confirm
if not self.recipient.confirmed:
return True
session = object_session(self.recipient)
return True