Source code for

from onegov.core.framework import current_language_tween_factory
from onegov.core.framework import transaction_tween_factory
from onegov.core.utils import module_path
from onegov.landsgemeinde.content import create_new_organisation
from onegov.landsgemeinde.custom import get_global_tools
from onegov.landsgemeinde.custom import get_top_navigation
from onegov.landsgemeinde.theme import LandsgemeindeTheme
from onegov.town6 import TownApp
from import get_i18n_localedirs as get_i18n_localedirs_base
from re import compile

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable
    from import Iterator
    from onegov.core.cache import RedisCacheRegion
    from onegov.core.types import RenderData
    from onegov.landsgemeinde.request import LandsgemeindeRequest
    from import Organisation
    from webob import Response

[docs] class LandsgemeindeApp(TownApp): @property
[docs] def pages_cache(self) -> 'RedisCacheRegion': """ A cache for pages. """ return self.get_cache('pages', 300)
@LandsgemeindeApp.setting(section='org', name='create_new_organisation')
[docs] def get_create_new_organisation_factory( ) -> 'Callable[[LandsgemeindeApp, str], Organisation]': return create_new_organisation
[docs] def get_template_variables(request: 'LandsgemeindeRequest') -> 'RenderData': return { 'global_tools': tuple(get_global_tools(request)), 'top_navigation': tuple(get_top_navigation(request)), }
[docs] def get_static_directory() -> str: return 'static'
[docs] def get_template_directory() -> str: return 'templates'
[docs] def get_js_path() -> str: return 'assets/js'
@LandsgemeindeApp.setting(section='i18n', name='localedirs')
[docs] def get_i18n_localedirs() -> list[str]: mine = module_path('onegov.landsgemeinde', 'locale') return [mine, *get_i18n_localedirs_base()]
@LandsgemeindeApp.setting(section='core', name='theme')
[docs] def get_theme() -> LandsgemeindeTheme: return LandsgemeindeTheme()
[docs] def get_backend_ticker() -> 'Iterator[str]': yield 'ticker.js'
[docs] def get_person_votum() -> 'Iterator[str]': yield 'person_votum.js'
[docs] def get_start_time() -> 'Iterator[str]': yield 'start_time.js'
[docs] def get_backend_agenda_items() -> 'Iterator[str]': yield 'agenda_items.js'
@LandsgemeindeApp.tween_factory( under=current_language_tween_factory, over=transaction_tween_factory )
[docs] def pages_cache_tween_factory( app: LandsgemeindeApp, handler: 'Callable[[LandsgemeindeRequest], Response]' ) -> 'Callable[[LandsgemeindeRequest], Response]': """ Cache pages for 5 minutes. """ cache_paths = ( '/landsgemeinde/.*/ticker', ) cache_paths_re = compile(r'^({})$'.format('|'.join(cache_paths))) def should_cache_fn(response: 'Response') -> bool: return ( response.status_code == 200 and 'Set-Cookie' not in response.headers ) def pages_cache_tween(request: 'LandsgemeindeRequest') -> 'Response': # do not cache POST, DELETE etc. if request.method not in ('GET', 'HEAD'): return handler(request) # no cache if the user is logged in if request.is_logged_in: return handler(request) # only cache whitelisted paths if not cache_paths_re.match(request.path_info or ''): return handler(request) if request.method == 'HEAD': # HEAD requests are cached with only the path key = f'{request.method}:{request.path}' else: # GET requests are cached with the path and query string key = f'{request.method}:{request.path_qs}' return app.pages_cache.get_or_create( key, creator=lambda: handler(request), should_cache_fn=should_cache_fn ) return pages_cache_tween