Source code for gever.encrypt

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

[docs] def encrypt_symmetric(plaintext: str, key_base64: bytes) -> bytes: """ Encrypts the given text using Fernet (symmetric encryption). plaintext (str): The data to encrypt. key (bytes): The encryption key, base-64 encoded bytes. Returns: the encrypted data in bytes. """ text_to_encrypt = plaintext.encode('utf-8') f = Fernet(key_base64) encrypted = f.encrypt(text_to_encrypt) return encrypted
[docs] def decrypt_symmetric(fernet_token: bytes, key_base64: bytes) -> str: """ Decrypts the encrypted data using the provided key. fernet_token (bytes): Data to decrypt. key (bytes): The encryption key: 32 url-safe base64-encoded bytes. Returns the decrypted text. """ f = Fernet(key_base64) decrypted = f.decrypt(fernet_token).decode('utf-8') return decrypted