Source code for gazette.views.principal

from datetime import timedelta
from morepath import redirect
from import Personal
from import Public
from onegov.gazette import _
from onegov.gazette import GazetteApp
from onegov.gazette.collections import GazetteNoticeCollection
from onegov.gazette.collections import IssueCollection
from onegov.gazette.layout import Layout
from onegov.gazette.models import Principal
from onegov.gazette.views import get_user_and_group
from sedate import utcnow

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.types import RenderData
    from onegov.gazette.request import GazetteRequest
    from webob import Response

[docs] def view_principal(self: Principal, request: 'GazetteRequest') -> 'Response': """ The homepage. Redirects to the default management views according to the logged in role. Shows the weekly PDFs if not logged-in. """ layout = Layout(self, request) if request.is_private(self): return redirect(layout.manage_notices_link) if request.is_personal(self): return redirect(layout.dashboard_link) if not and layout.login_link: return redirect(layout.login_link) return redirect(, name='archive'))
@GazetteApp.html( model=Principal, permission=Public, name='archive', template='', )
[docs] def view_archive(self: Principal, request: 'GazetteRequest') -> 'RenderData': """ The archive. Shows all the weekly PDFs by year. """ layout = Layout(self, request) return { 'layout': layout, 'issues': IssueCollection(request.session).by_years(desc=True) }
@GazetteApp.html( model=Principal, permission=Personal, name='dashboard', template='', )
[docs] def view_dashboard(self: Principal, request: 'GazetteRequest') -> 'RenderData': """ The dashboard view (for editors). Shows the drafted, submitted and rejected notices, shows warnings and allows to create a new notice. """ layout = Layout(self, request) user_ids, group_ids = get_user_and_group(request) collection = GazetteNoticeCollection( request.session, user_ids=user_ids, group_ids=group_ids ) # rejected rejected = collection.for_state('rejected').query().all() if rejected: request.message(_('You have rejected messages.'), 'warning') # drafted drafted = collection.for_state('drafted').query().all() now = utcnow() limit = now + timedelta(days=2) past_issues_selected = False deadline_reached_soon = False for notice in drafted: for issue in notice.issue_objects: if issue.deadline is None: continue if issue.deadline < now: past_issues_selected = True elif issue.deadline < limit: deadline_reached_soon = True if past_issues_selected: request.message( _('You have drafted messages with past issues.'), 'warning' ) if deadline_reached_soon: request.message( _('You have drafted messages with issues close to the deadline.'), 'warning' ) # submitted submitted = collection.for_state('submitted').query().all() new_notice = collection.for_state('drafted'), name='new-notice' ) return { 'layout': layout, 'title': _('Dashboard'), 'rejected': rejected, 'drafted': drafted, 'submitted': submitted, 'new_notice': new_notice, 'current_issue': layout.current_issue }