Source code for gazette.views.notice_states

from morepath import redirect
from onegov.core.mail import Attachment
from import Personal
from import Private
from onegov.core.templates import render_template
from onegov.gazette import _
from onegov.gazette import GazetteApp
from onegov.gazette.forms import EmptyForm
from onegov.gazette.forms import RejectForm
from onegov.gazette.layout import Layout
from onegov.gazette.layout import MailLayout
from onegov.gazette.models import GazetteNotice
from onegov.gazette.views import get_user_and_group
from webob.exc import HTTPForbidden

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.types import RenderData
    from onegov.gazette.request import GazetteRequest
    from webob import Response

[docs] def send_accepted_mail( request: 'GazetteRequest', notice: GazetteNotice ) -> None: """ Sends a mail to the publisher with the contents of the notice. We use named temporary files because the files stored by depot does not have a nice filename (which is automatically used by mailton) and to allow temporary files from the memory without a real file on the disk. """ def construct_subject( notice: GazetteNotice, request: 'GazetteRequest' ) -> str: issues = notice.issue_objects number = issues[0].number if issues else '' organization = notice.organization_object parent = organization.parent if organization else None parent_id = (parent.external_name or '') if parent else '' prefixes = [] if notice.at_cost: prefixes.append(request.translate(_('With costs'))) if notice.print_only: prefixes.append(request.translate(_('Print only'))) prefix = '' if not prefixes else '{} - '.format(' / '.join(prefixes)) return f'{prefix}{number} {parent_id} {notice.title} {}' reply_to = ('mail_from') or['transactional']['sender'] # type:ignore[index] ) subject = construct_subject(notice, request) content = render_template( '', request, { 'title': subject, 'model': notice, 'layout': MailLayout(notice, request) } ) attachments = [ Attachment(, content=file.reference.file) for file in notice.files ] subject=subject, receivers=(['mail_to'], ), reply_to=reply_to, content=content, attachments=attachments )
@GazetteApp.form( model=GazetteNotice, name='submit', template='', permission=Personal, form=EmptyForm )
[docs] def submit_notice( self: GazetteNotice, request: 'GazetteRequest', form: EmptyForm ) -> 'RenderData | Response': """ Submit a notice. This view is used by the editors to submit their drafts for the publishers to review. Only drafted notices may be submitted. Editors may only submit their own notices (publishers may submit any notice). If a notice has invalid/past issues or an invalid/inactive category/organization, the user is redirected to the edit view. """ layout = Layout(self, request) is_private = request.is_private(self) if not is_private: user_ids, group_ids = get_user_and_group(request) if not ((self.group_id in group_ids) or (self.user_id in user_ids)): raise HTTPForbidden() if self.state != 'drafted' and self.state != 'rejected': return { 'layout': layout, 'title': self.title, 'subtitle': _('Submit Official Note'), 'callout': _( 'Only drafted or rejected official notices may be submitted.' ), 'show_form': False } if ( self.expired_issues or (self.overdue_issues and not is_private) or self.invalid_category or self.invalid_organization ): return redirect(, name='edit')) if form.submitted(request): self.submit(request) request.message(_('Official notice submitted.'), 'success') return redirect(layout.dashboard_or_notices_link) return { 'message': _( 'Do you really want to submit "${item}"?', mapping={'item': self.title} ), 'layout': layout, 'form': form, 'title': self.title, 'subtitle': _('Submit Official Note'), 'button_text': _('Submit Official Note'), 'cancel': }
@GazetteApp.form( model=GazetteNotice, name='accept', template='', permission=Private, form=EmptyForm )
[docs] def accept_notice( self: GazetteNotice, request: 'GazetteRequest', form: EmptyForm ) -> 'RenderData | Response': """ Accept a notice. This view is used by the publishers to accept a submitted notice. Only submitted notices may be accepted. """ layout = Layout(self, request) if self.state != 'submitted' and self.state != 'imported': return { 'layout': layout, 'title': self.title, 'subtitle': _('Accept Official Note'), 'callout': _('Only submitted official notices may be accepted.'), 'show_form': False } if ( self.state == 'submitted' and ( self.expired_issues or self.invalid_category or self.invalid_organization ) ): return redirect(, name='edit')) if form.submitted(request): self.accept(request) request.message(_('Official notice accepted.'), 'success') if and self.state != 'imported': send_accepted_mail(request, self) self.add_change(request, _('mail sent')) return redirect(layout.dashboard_or_notices_link) return { 'message': _( 'Do you really want to accept "${item}"?', mapping={'item': self.title} ), 'layout': layout, 'form': form, 'title': self.title, 'subtitle': _('Accept Official Note'), 'button_text': _('Accept Official Note'), 'cancel': }
@GazetteApp.form( model=GazetteNotice, name='reject', template='', permission=Private, form=RejectForm )
[docs] def reject_notice( self: GazetteNotice, request: 'GazetteRequest', form: RejectForm ) -> 'RenderData | Response': """ Reject a notice. This view is used by the publishers to reject a submitted notice. Only submitted notices may be rejected. """ layout = Layout(self, request) if self.state != 'submitted': return { 'layout': layout, 'title': self.title, 'subtitle': _('Reject Official Note'), 'callout': _('Only submitted official notices may be rejected.'), 'show_form': False } if form.submitted(request): assert is not None self.reject(request, request.message(_('Official notice rejected.'), 'success') if self.user: assert is not None subject=request.translate( _( 'Official Notice Rejected ${id}', mapping={'id':} ) ), receivers=(self.user.username, ),['transactional']['sender'], content=render_template( '', request, { 'title': request.translate(_( 'Official Notice Rejected ${id}', mapping={'id':} )), 'model': self, 'comment':, 'layout': MailLayout(self, request), 'url': } ) ) return redirect(layout.dashboard_or_notices_link) return { 'message': _( 'Do you really want to reject "${item}"?', mapping={'item': self.title} ), 'layout': layout, 'form': form, 'title': self.title, 'subtitle': _('Reject Official Note'), 'button_text': _('Reject Official Note'), 'button_class': 'alert', 'cancel': }