Source code for gazette.utils.orm

from sqlalchemy import or_

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from sqlalchemy.sql import ColumnElement

# FIXME: Considering how simple this is when implemented correctly, we
#        should just get rid of this utility, unless we sometimes actually
#        pass in a boolean value, rather than a literal
[docs] def bool_is( column: 'ColumnElement[bool | None]', value: bool ) -> 'ColumnElement[bool]': """ Returns a SqlAlchemyStatements checking for boolean values of JSON attibutes. Missing values are interpreted as False. """ # FIXME: For some reason when using `is_` on JSONB data it will coerce # both sides of the operation to a string, which is not what we # want... This seems like a bug, maybe it's fixed upstream # even | instead of or_ appears to be causing issues, so I think # there is some aggressive coercion to str happening for JSONB # when not using very specific things... if value: return column == True else: return or_(column != True, column == None)