""" Contains upgrade tasks that are executed when the application is being
upgraded on the server. See :class:`onegov.core.upgrade.upgrade_task`.
from __future__ import annotations
from onegov.core.orm.types import JSON
from onegov.core.upgrade import upgrade_task
from onegov.core.upgrade import UpgradeContext
from onegov.gazette.collections.categories import CategoryCollection
from onegov.gazette.collections.issues import IssueCollection
from onegov.gazette.collections.organizations import OrganizationCollection
from onegov.gazette.models.notice import GazetteNotice
from sedate import standardize_date
from sqlalchemy.schema import Column
'Move gazette category IDs',
requires='onegov.notice:Add categories column to official notices'
def migrate_category_ids(context: UpgradeContext) -> None:
for notice in context.session.query(GazetteNotice):
if notice.meta:
if 'category_id' in notice.meta:
category_id = notice.meta['category_id']
notice.category_id = category_id
del notice.meta['category_id']
'Move gazette organization IDs',
requires='onegov.notice:Add organizations column to official notices'
def migrate_organization_ids(context: UpgradeContext) -> None:
for notice in context.session.query(GazetteNotice):
if notice.meta:
if 'organization_id' in notice.meta:
organization_id = notice.meta['organization_id']
notice.organization_id = organization_id
del notice.meta['organization_id']
@upgrade_task('Migrate gazette categories')
def migrate_categories(context: UpgradeContext) -> bool | None:
principal = getattr(context.app, 'principal', None)
if not principal:
return False
categories = getattr(principal, '_categories', None)
if not categories:
return False
if not context.has_table('gazette_categories'):
return False
session = context.app.session_manager.session()
count = session.execute('select count(*) from gazette_categories')
if count.scalar() != 0:
return False
collection = CategoryCollection(session)
for name, title in categories.items():
collection.add_root(name=name, title=title, active=True)
return None
@upgrade_task('Migrate gazette organizations')
def migrate_organizations(context: UpgradeContext) -> bool | None:
principal = getattr(context.app, 'principal', None)
if not principal:
return False
organizations = getattr(principal, '_organizations', None)
if not organizations:
return False
if not context.has_table('gazette_organizations'):
return False
session = context.app.session_manager.session()
count = session.execute('select count(*) from gazette_organizations')
if count.scalar() != 0:
return False
collection = OrganizationCollection(session)
for index, name in enumerate(organizations):
return None
@upgrade_task('Migrate gazette issues')
def migrate_issues(context: UpgradeContext) -> bool | None:
principal = getattr(context.app, 'principal', None)
if not principal:
return False
issues = getattr(principal, '_issues', None)
if not issues:
return False
if not context.has_table('gazette_issues'):
return False
session = context.app.session_manager.session()
count = session.execute('select count(*) from gazette_issues')
if count.scalar() != 0:
return False
collection = IssueCollection(session)
for year, values in issues.items():
for number, dates in values.items():
assert dates.issue_date.year == year
name='{}-{}'.format(year, number),
deadline=standardize_date(dates.deadline, 'UTC')
return None
@upgrade_task('Add content and meta data')
def add_content_and_meta_data_columns(context: UpgradeContext) -> None:
if not context.has_column('gazette_categories', 'meta'):
Column('meta', JSON)
if not context.has_column('gazette_categories', 'content'):
Column('content', JSON)
if not context.has_column('gazette_organizations', 'meta'):
Column('meta', JSON)
if not context.has_column('gazette_organizations', 'content'):
Column('content', JSON)
@upgrade_task('Make gazette models polymorphic type non-nullable')
def make_gazette_models_polymorphic_type_non_nullable(
context: UpgradeContext
) -> None:
for table in ('gazette_categories', 'gazette_organizations'):
if context.has_table(table):
UPDATE {table} SET type = 'generic' WHERE type IS NULL;
context.operations.alter_column(table, 'type', nullable=False)