Source code for fsi.collections.attendee

from __future__ import annotations

from sqlalchemy import or_

from onegov.core.collection import Pagination, GenericCollection
from onegov.fsi.models.course_attendee import CourseAttendee
from onegov.user import User

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query, Session
    from typing import Self
    from uuid import UUID

[docs] class CourseAttendeeCollection( GenericCollection[CourseAttendee], Pagination[CourseAttendee] ): def __init__( self, session: Session, page: int = 0, exclude_external: bool = False, external_only: bool = False, auth_attendee: CourseAttendee | None = None, editors_only: bool = False, admins_only: bool = False ) -> None: super().__init__(session)
[docs] = page
[docs] self.exclude_external = exclude_external
[docs] self.external_only = external_only
[docs] self.auth_attendee = auth_attendee
[docs] self.editors_only = editors_only
[docs] self.admins_only = admins_only
[docs] def unfiltered(self) -> bool: return ( self.exclude_external is False and self.external_only is False and self.editors_only is False and self.admins_only is False )
[docs] def model_class(self) -> type[CourseAttendee]: return CourseAttendee
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """ Returns True if the current and the other Pagination instance are equal. Used to find the current page in a list of pages. """ return ( isinstance(other, self.__class__) and == and self.exclude_external == other.exclude_external and self.external_only == other.external_only )
[docs] def attendee_permissions(self) -> list[str]: if self.auth_attendee: return self.auth_attendee.permissions or [] return []
[docs] def query(self) -> Query[CourseAttendee]: query = super().query() query = query.order_by( CourseAttendee.last_name, CourseAttendee.first_name) if self.exclude_external: query = query.filter(CourseAttendee.user_id.isnot(None)) elif self.external_only: query = query.filter(CourseAttendee.user_id == None) if self.auth_attendee and self.auth_attendee.role == 'editor': query = query.filter( or_(CourseAttendee.organisation.in_( self.attendee_permissions,), == ) if self.editors_only: assert not self.exclude_external assert not self.external_only query = query.join(User) query = query.filter(User.role == 'editor') elif self.admins_only: query = query.join(User) query = query.filter(User.role == 'admin') return query
[docs] def subset(self) -> Query[CourseAttendee]: return self.query()
[docs] def page_index(self) -> int: return
[docs] def page_by_index(self, index: int) -> Self: return self.__class__( self.session, index, exclude_external=self.exclude_external, external_only=self.external_only, auth_attendee=self.auth_attendee, editors_only=self.editors_only )
[docs] def add_from_user(self, user: User) -> CourseAttendee: default = 'Default Value' return self.add(, first_name=default, last_name=default, email=user.username )
[docs] def by_id( self, id: UUID # type:ignore[override] ) -> CourseAttendee | None: # FIXME: Is this super() call intentional? This means we don't actually # respect all of our filters for this method... return super().query().filter(self.primary_key == id).first()