Source code for form.widgets

import humanize

from contextlib import suppress
from datetime import date
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from markupsafe import escape, Markup
from morepath.error import LinkError
from import TextModuleCollection
from onegov.core.templates import PageTemplate
from onegov.file.utils import IMAGE_MIME_TYPES_AND_SVG
from onegov.form import _
from wtforms.widgets import DateInput
from wtforms.widgets import DateTimeLocalInput
from wtforms.widgets import FileInput
from wtforms.widgets import ListWidget
from wtforms.widgets import Select
from wtforms.widgets import TextArea
from wtforms.widgets import TextInput
from wtforms.widgets.core import html_params

from typing import Any, Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterator
    from import TextModule
    from onegov.form.fields import (
        PanelField, PreviewField, UploadField, UploadMultipleField,
    from wtforms import Field, StringField
    from wtforms.fields.choices import SelectFieldBase

[docs] class OrderedListWidget(ListWidget): """ Extends the default list widget with automated ordering using the translated text of each element. """
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'Field', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: # ListWidget expects a field internally, but it will only use # its id property and __iter__ method, so we can get away # with passing a fake field with an id and an iterator. # # It's not great, since we have to assume internal knowledge, # but builting a new field or changing the existing one would # require even more knowledge, so this is the better approach assert hasattr(field, '__iter__') ordered: list[Field] = list(field) ordered.sort(key=lambda f: field.gettext(f.label.text)) class FakeField: id = def __iter__(self) -> 'Iterator[Field]': return iter(ordered) return super().__call__(FakeField(), **kwargs) # type:ignore[arg-type]
[docs] class MultiCheckboxWidget(ListWidget): """ The default list widget with the label behind the checkbox. """ def __init__(self, html_tag: Literal['ul', 'ol'] = 'ul'): super().__init__(html_tag=html_tag, prefix_label=False)
[docs] class OrderedMultiCheckboxWidget(MultiCheckboxWidget, OrderedListWidget): """ The sorted list widget with the label behind the checkbox. """
[docs] class CoordinateWidget(TextInput): """ Widget containing the coordinates for the :class:`onegov.form.fields.CoordinateField` class. Basically a text input with a class. Meant to be enhanced on the browser using javascript. """
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'Field', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: kwargs['class_'] = (kwargs.get('class_', '') + ' coordinate').strip() return super().__call__(field, **kwargs)
[docs] class UploadWidget(FileInput): """ An upload widget for the :class:`onegov.form.fields.UploadField` class, which supports keeping, removing and replacing already uploaded files. This is necessary as file inputs are read-only on the client and it's therefore rather easy for users to lose their input otherwise (e.g. a form with a file is rejected because of some mistake - the file disappears once the response is rendered on the client). """
[docs] simple_template = Markup(""" <div class="upload-widget without-data{wrapper_css_class}"> {input_html} </div> """)
[docs] template = Markup(""" <div class="upload-widget with-data{wrapper_css_class}"> <p class="file-title"> <b> {existing_file_label}: {filename}{filesize} {icon} </b> </p> {preview} <ul> <li> <input type="radio" id="{name}-0" name="{name}" value="keep" checked=""> <label for="{name}-0">{keep_label}</label> </li> <li> <input type="radio" id="{name}-1" name="{name}" value="delete"> <label for="{name}-1">{delete_label}</label> </li> <li> <input type="radio" id="{name}-2" name="{name}" value="replace"> <label for="{name}-2">{replace_label}</label> <div> <label> <div data-depends-on="{name}/replace" data-hide-label="false"> {input_html} </div> </label> </div> </li> </ul> {previous} </div> """)
[docs] def image_source(self, field: 'UploadField') -> str | None: """ Returns the image source url if the field points to an image and if it can be done (it looks like it's possible, but I'm not super sure this is always possible). """ if not hasattr(field.meta, 'request'): return None if not return None if'mimetype', None) not in IMAGE_MIME_TYPES_AND_SVG: return None if not hasattr(field, 'object_data'): return None if not field.object_data: return None with suppress(LinkError, AttributeError): return return None
[docs] def template_data( self, field: 'UploadField', force_simple: bool, resend_upload: bool, wrapper_css_class: str, input_html: Markup, **kwargs: Any ) -> tuple[bool, dict[str, Any]]: if force_simple or field.errors or not return True, { 'wrapper_css_class': wrapper_css_class, 'input_html': input_html, } preview = '' src = self.image_source(field) if src: preview = Markup(""" <div class="uploaded-image"><img src="{src}"></div> """).format(src=src) previous = '' if and resend_upload: previous = Markup(""" <input type="hidden" name="{name}" value="{filename}"> <input type="hidden" name="{name}" value="{data}"> """).format(,'filename', ''),'data', ''), ) size =['size'] if size < 0: display_size = '' else: display_size = f' ({humanize.naturalsize(size)})' return False, { 'wrapper_css_class': wrapper_css_class, 'input_html': input_html, 'icon': '✓', 'preview': preview, 'previous': previous, 'filesize': display_size, 'filename':['filename'], 'name':, 'existing_file_label': field.gettext(_('Uploaded file')), 'keep_label': field.gettext(_('Keep file')), 'delete_label': field.gettext(_('Delete file')), 'replace_label': field.gettext(_('Replace file')), }
[docs] def __call__( self, field: 'UploadField', # type:ignore[override] **kwargs: Any ) -> Markup: force_simple = kwargs.pop('force_simple', False) resend_upload = kwargs.pop('resend_upload', False) wrapper_css_class = kwargs.pop('wrapper_css_class', '') if wrapper_css_class: wrapper_css_class = ' ' + wrapper_css_class input_html = super().__call__(field, **kwargs) is_simple, data = self.template_data( field, force_simple=force_simple, resend_upload=resend_upload, wrapper_css_class=wrapper_css_class, input_html=input_html, **kwargs ) if is_simple: return self.simple_template.format(**data) return self.template.format(**data)
[docs] class UploadMultipleWidget(FileInput): """ A widget for the :class:`onegov.form.fields.UploadMultipleField` class, which supports keeping, removing and replacing already uploaded files. This is necessary as file inputs are read-only on the client and it's therefore rather easy for users to lose their input otherwise (e.g. a form with a file is rejected because of some mistake - the file disappears once the response is rendered on the client). We deviate slightly from the norm by rendering the errors ourselves since we're essentially a list of fields and not a single field most of the time. """
[docs] additional_label = _('Upload additional files')
def __init__(self) -> None:
[docs] self.multiple = True
[docs] def render_input( self, field: 'UploadMultipleField', **kwargs: Any ) -> Markup: return super().__call__(field, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__( self, field: 'UploadMultipleField', # type:ignore[override] **kwargs: Any ) -> Markup: force_simple = kwargs.pop('force_simple', False) resend_upload = kwargs.pop('resend_upload', False) input_html = self.render_input(field, **kwargs) simple_template = Markup(""" <div class="upload-widget without-data"> {} </div> """) if force_simple or len(field) == 0: return simple_template.format(input_html) else: existing_html = Markup('').join( subfield( force_simple=force_simple, resend_upload=resend_upload, wrapper_css_class='error' if subfield.errors else '', **kwargs ) + Markup('\n').join( Markup('<small class="error">{}</small>').format(error) for error in subfield.errors ) for subfield in field ) additional_html = Markup( '<label>{label}: {input_html}</label>' ).format( label=field.gettext(self.additional_label), input_html=input_html ) return existing_html + simple_template.format(additional_html)
[docs] class TextAreaWithTextModules(TextArea): """An extension of a regular textarea with a button that lets you select and insert text modules. If no text modules have been defined this will be no different from textarea. """
[docs] template = PageTemplate(""" <div class="textarea-widget"> <div class="text-module-picker"> <span class="text-module-picker-label" title="Ctrl+i" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="text-module-options_${id}"> ${label} </span> <ul id="text-module-options_${id}" class="text-module-options" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"> <li tal:repeat="text_module text_modules" class="text-module-option" tabindex="0" role="button" data-value="${text_module.text}"> ${} </li> </ul> </div> <textarea tal:replace="input_html"/> </div> """)
[docs] def text_modules(self, field: 'StringField') -> list['TextModule']: if not hasattr(field.meta, 'request'): # we depend on the field containing a reference to # the current request, which should be passed from # the form via the meta class return [] request = field.meta.request collection = TextModuleCollection(request.session) return collection.query().all()
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'StringField', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: input_html = super().__call__(field, **kwargs) text_modules = self.text_modules(field) if not text_modules: return input_html field.meta.request.include('text-module-picker') return Markup(self.template.render( # noqa: MS001, label=field.gettext(_('Text modules')), text_modules=text_modules, input_html=input_html ))
[docs] class TagsWidget(TextInput): # for use with
[docs] input_type = 'tags'
[docs] class IconWidget(TextInput):
[docs] iconfont = 'FontAwesome'
[docs] icons = { 'FontAwesome': ( ('&#xf111', 'fa fa-circle'), ('&#xf005', 'fa fa-star'), ('&#xf06a', 'fa fa-exclamation-circle'), ('&#xf059', 'fa fa-question-circle'), ('&#xf05e', 'fa fa-ban'), ('&#xf1b9', 'fa fa-car'), ('&#xf238', 'fa fa-train'), ('&#xf206', 'fa fa-bicycle'), ('&#xf291', 'fa fa-shopping-basket'), ('&#xf1b0', 'fa fa-paw'), ('&#xf1ae', 'fa fa-child'), ('&#xf06d', 'fa fa-fire'), ('&#xf1f8', 'fa fa-trash'), ('&#xf236', 'fa fa-hotel'), ('&#xf0f4', 'fa fa-coffee'), ('&#xf017', 'fa fa-clock'), ), 'Font Awesome 5 Free': ( ('&#xf111', 'fas fa-circle'), ('&#xf005', 'fas fa-star'), ('&#xf06a', 'fas fa-exclamation-circle'), ('&#xf059', 'fas fa-question-circle'), ('&#xf05e', 'fas fa-ban'), ('&#xf1b9', 'fas fa-car'), ('&#xf238', 'fas fa-train'), ('&#xf206', 'fas fa-bicycle'), ('&#xf291', 'fas fa-shopping-basket'), ('&#xf1b0', 'fas fa-paw'), ('&#xf1ae', 'fas fa-child'), ('&#xf06d', 'fas fa-fire'), ('&#xf1f8', 'fas fa-trash'), ('&#xf594', 'fas fa-hotel'), ('&#xf0f4', 'fas fa-coffee'), ('&#xf017', 'fas fa-clock') ) }
[docs] template = PageTemplate(""" <div class="icon-widget" tal:attributes="depends_on"> <ul style="font-family: ${iconfont}"> <li tal:repeat="icon icons" tal:content="structure icon[0]" style="font-weight: ${font_weight(icon)}" /> </ul> <input type="hidden" name="${id}" value="${structure: value}"> </div> """)
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'Field', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: iconfont = kwargs.pop('iconfont', self.iconfont) icons = kwargs.pop('icons', self.icons[iconfont]) if ' ' in iconfont: iconfont = f"'{iconfont}'" def font_weight(icon: str) -> str: if icon[1].startswith('fas'): return '900' return 'regular' depends_on = field.render_kw.get( 'data-depends-on', False) if field.render_kw else False depends_on = {'data-depends-on': depends_on} if depends_on else {} return Markup(self.template.render( # noqa: MS001 iconfont=iconfont, icons=icons,, depends_on=depends_on, or icons[0][0], font_weight=font_weight ))
[docs] class ChosenSelectWidget(Select):
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'SelectFieldBase', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: kwargs['class_'] = '{} chosen-select'.format( kwargs.get('class_', '') ).strip() kwargs['data-placeholder'] = field.gettext(_('Select an Option')) kwargs['data-no_results_text'] = field.gettext(_('No results match')) if self.multiple: kwargs['data-placeholder'] = field.gettext( _('Select Some Options') ) return super().__call__(field, **kwargs)
[docs] class PreviewWidget: """ A widget that displays the html of a specific view whenever there's a change in other fields. JavaScript is used to facilitate this. """
[docs] template = Markup(""" <div class="form-preview-widget" data-url="{url}" data-fields="{fields}" data-events="{events}" data-display="{display}"> </div> """)
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'PreviewField', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: field.meta.request.include('preview-widget-handler') if callable(field.url): url = field.url(field.meta) else: url = field.url return self.template.format( url=url or '', fields=','.join(field.fields), events=','.join(, display=','.join(field.display) )
[docs] class PanelWidget: """ A widget that displays the field's text as panel (no input). """
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'PanelField', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: text = escape(field.meta.request.translate(field.text)) return Markup( # noqa: MS001 f'<div class="panel {{kind}}" {html_params(**kwargs)}>' '{text}</div>' ).format( kind=field.kind, text=text.replace('\n', Markup('<br>')) )
[docs] class HoneyPotWidget(TextInput): """ A widget that displays the input normally not visible to the user. """
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'Field', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: field.meta.request.include('lazy-wolves') kwargs['class_'] = (kwargs.get('class_', '') + ' lazy-wolves').strip() return super().__call__(field, **kwargs)
[docs] class DateRangeMixin: def __init__( self, min: date | relativedelta | None = None, max: date | relativedelta | None = None ):
[docs] self.min = min
[docs] self.max = max
[docs] def min_date(self) -> date | None: if isinstance(self.min, relativedelta): return + self.min return self.min
[docs] def max_date(self) -> date | None: if isinstance(self.max, relativedelta): return + self.max return self.max
[docs] class DateRangeInput(DateRangeMixin, DateInput): """ A date widget which set the min and max values that are supported in some browsers based on a date or relativedelta. """
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'Field', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: min_date = self.min_date if min_date is not None: kwargs.setdefault('min', min_date.isoformat()) max_date = self.max_date if max_date is not None: kwargs.setdefault('max', max_date.isoformat()) return super().__call__(field, **kwargs)
[docs] class DateTimeLocalRangeInput(DateRangeMixin, DateTimeLocalInput): """ A datetime-local widget which set the min and max values that are supported in some browsers based on a date or relativedelta. """
[docs] def __call__(self, field: 'Field', **kwargs: Any) -> Markup: min_date = self.min_date if min_date is not None: kwargs.setdefault('min', min_date.isoformat() + 'T00:00') max_date = self.max_date if max_date is not None: kwargs.setdefault('max', max_date.isoformat() + 'T23:59') return super().__call__(field, **kwargs)
[docs] class TypeAheadInput(TextInput): """ A widget with typeahead. """
[docs] def __call__( self, field: 'TypeAheadField', # type:ignore[override] **kwargs: Any ) -> Markup: field.meta.request.include('typeahead-standalone') kwargs['class_'] = ( kwargs.get('class_', '') + ' typeahead-standalone-field' ).strip() kwargs['data-url'] = ( field.url(field.meta) if callable(field.url) else field.url ) return super().__call__(field, **kwargs)