Source code for form.submissions

from inspect import getmembers

from wtforms.validators import DataRequired

from onegov.form.fields import UploadField
from onegov.form.validators import StrictOptional

from typing import overload, Any, Literal, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection, Iterator
    from onegov.form import Form
    from typing import TypeGuard
    from wtforms.fields.core import UnboundField

[docs] _FormT = TypeVar('_FormT', bound='Form')
[docs] def prepare_for_submission( form_class: type[_FormT], for_change_request: bool = False, force_simple: bool = True, ) -> type[_FormT]: # force all upload fields to be simple, we do not support the more # complex add/keep/replace widget, which is hard to properly support # and is not super useful in submissions def is_upload(attribute: object) -> 'TypeGuard[UnboundField[UploadField]]': if not hasattr(attribute, 'field_class'): return False return issubclass(attribute.field_class, UploadField) for name, field in getmembers(form_class, predicate=is_upload): if force_simple: if 'render_kw' not in field.kwargs: field.kwargs['render_kw'] = {} field.kwargs['render_kw']['force_simple'] = True # Otherwise the user gets stuck when in form validation not # changing the file if for_change_request: validators = [StrictOptional()] + [ v for v in field.kwargs['validators'] or [] if not isinstance(v, DataRequired) ] field.kwargs['validators'] = validators return form_class
[docs] def get_fields( form_class: type['Form'], names_only: Literal[False] = False, exclude: 'Collection[str] | None' = None ) -> 'Iterator[tuple[str, UnboundField[Any]]]': ...
@overload def get_fields( form_class: type['Form'], names_only: Literal[True], exclude: 'Collection[str] | None' = None ) -> 'Iterator[str]': ... def get_fields( form_class: type['Form'], names_only: bool = False, exclude: 'Collection[str] | None' = None ) -> 'Iterator[str | tuple[str, UnboundField[Any]]]': """ Takes an unbound form and returns the name of the fields """ def is_field(attribute: object) -> 'TypeGuard[UnboundField[Any]]': return hasattr(attribute, 'field_class') for name, field in getmembers(form_class, predicate=is_field): if exclude and name in exclude: continue if names_only: yield name else: yield name, field