Source code for form.parser.snippets

from onegov.form import _

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from translationstring import TranslationString
    from import Iterator
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest

[docs] class Snippets:
[docs] fragments = ( (_('General'), None), (_('Title'), '#'), (_('Text'), '___'), (_('Multiline'), '...'), (_('E-Mail'), '@@@'), (_('Website'), 'http://'), (_('Video Link'), 'video-url'), (_('Comment'), None), (_('Example Comment'), '<< >>'), (_('Date and time'), None), (_('Date'), 'YYYY.MM.DD'), (_('Time'), 'HH:MM'), (_('Date and time'), 'YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM'), (_('Choices'), None), (_('Choice'), ( '\n' ' (x) A\n' ' ( ) B\n' ' ( ) C' )), (_('Multiple Choice'), ( '\n' ' [ ] A\n' ' [ ] B\n' ' [ ] C' )), (_('Subfields depending on choice'), ( '\n' ' [ ] Option A\n' ' Text A = ___\n' ' [ ] Option B\n' ' Text B = ___\n' )), (_('Files'), None), (_('Image'), '*.jpg|*.png|*.gif'), (_('Document'), '*.pdf'), (_('Numbers'), None), (_('Age'), '0..150'), (_('Percentage'), '0.00..100.00'), (_('Extended'), None), (_('IBAN'), '# iban'), (_('Swiss social security number'), '# ch.ssn'), (_('Swiss business identifier'), '# ch.uid'), (_('Swiss vat number'), '# ch.vat'), (_('Markdown'), '<markdown>') )
[docs] def translated( self, request: 'CoreRequest' ) -> 'Iterator[tuple[str, str | None, TranslationString]]': for title, snippet in self.fragments: yield request.translate(title), snippet, title