Source code for form.parser.grammar

import re

from datetime import date as dateobj
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from onegov.form.utils import decimal_range
from pyparsing import (

from typing import Any, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable, Sequence
    from pyparsing.results import ParseResults
    from re import Pattern

[docs] _T = TypeVar('_T')
# we want newlines to be significant ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
[docs] printables = pyparsing_unicode.Latin1.printables
[docs] text = Word(printables)
[docs] numeric = Word(nums)
[docs] def text_without(characters: str) -> Word: """ Returns all printable text without the given characters. """ return Word(printables, excludeChars=characters)
[docs] def matches(character: str) -> 'Callable[[ParseResults], bool]': """ Returns true if the given character matches the token. """ return lambda tokens: tokens and tokens[0] == character or False
[docs] def literal(value: _T) -> 'Callable[[ParseResults], _T]': """" Returns the given value, ignoring the tokens alltogether. """ return lambda tokens: value
[docs] def as_int(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> int | None: """ Converts the token to int if possible. """ return int(tokens[0]) if tokens else None
[docs] def as_joined_string(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> str: """ Joins the given tokens into a single string. """ return ''.join(tokens[0])
[docs] def as_decimal(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> Decimal | None: """ Converts the token to decimal if possible. """ if tokens and tokens[0] == '-': tokens = tokens[1:] prefix = '-' else: prefix = '+' return Decimal(prefix + '.'.join(tokens)) if tokens else None
[docs] def as_uppercase(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> str | None: """ Converts the token to uppercase if possible. """ return ''.join(tokens).upper() if tokens else None
[docs] def as_integer_range(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> range | None: """ Converts the token to an integer range if possible. """ return range(int(tokens[0]), int(tokens[1])) if tokens else None
[docs] def as_decimal_range(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> decimal_range | None: """ Converts the token to a decimal range if possible. """ return decimal_range(tokens[0], tokens[1]) if tokens else None
[docs] def as_regex(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> 'Pattern[str] | None': """ Converts the token to a working regex if possible. """ return re.compile(tokens[0]) if tokens else None
[docs] def as_date(instring: str, loc: int, tokens: 'ParseResults') -> dateobj | None: """ Converts the token to a date if possible. """ if not tokens: return None try: return dateobj(int(tokens[0]), int(tokens[1]), int(tokens[2])) except ValueError as exception: raise ParseFatalException(instring, loc, 'Invalid date') from exception
[docs] def approximate_total_days(delta: relativedelta) -> float: """ Computes an approximate day delta from a relativedelta. """ return delta.years * 365.25 + delta.months * 30.5 + delta.days
[docs] def is_valid_date_range( instring: str, loc: int, tokens: 'ParseResults' ) -> 'ParseResults': """ Checks if the date range is valid """ if tokens: after, before = tokens else: # invalid, will be caught below after = before = None if after is None: if before is not None: return tokens # invalid elif before is None: return tokens elif type(after) is not type(before): # invalid pass elif isinstance(after, relativedelta): if approximate_total_days(after) < approximate_total_days(before): return tokens # invalid elif after < before: return tokens raise ParseFatalException(instring, loc, 'Invalid date range')
[docs] def as_relative_delta(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> relativedelta | None: return relativedelta(**{ # type: ignore[arg-type] tokens[1]: int(tokens[0]) }) if tokens else None
[docs] def unwrap(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> Any | None: """ Unwraps grouped tokens. """ return tokens[0] if tokens else None
[docs] def tag(**tags: str) -> 'Callable[[ParseResults], None]': """ Takes the given tags and applies them to the token. """ def apply_tags(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> None: for key, value in tags.items(): tokens[key] = value return apply_tags
[docs] def with_whitespace_inside(expr: ParserElement) -> Combine: """ Returns an expression that allows for whitespace inside, but not outside the expression. """ return Combine(OneOrMore(expr | White(' ', max=1) + expr))
[docs] def enclosed_in(expr: ParserElement, characters: str) -> ParserElement: """ Wraps the given expression in the given characters. """ assert len(characters) == 2 left, right = characters[0], characters[1] return Suppress(left) + expr + Suppress(right)
[docs] def number_enclosed_in(characters: str) -> ParserElement: """ Wraps numers in the given characters, making sure the result is an int. """ return enclosed_in(numeric, characters).setParseAction(as_int)
[docs] def choices_enclosed_in( characters: str, choices: 'Sequence[str]' ) -> ParserElement: """ Wraps the given choices in the given characters, making sure only valid choices are possible. """ expr = Regex(f'({"|".join(re.escape(c) for c in choices)})') return enclosed_in(expr, characters).setParseAction(unwrap)
[docs] def mark_enclosed_in(characters: str) -> MatchFirst: """ Returns a mark (x) inclosed in the given characters. For example, ``mark_enclosed_in('[]')`` creates an expression that accepts any of these and sets the result of the 'x' value to True, the others to False:: [x] [ ] """ assert len(characters) == 2 left, right = characters[0], characters[1] return MatchFirst(( Literal(left + 'x' + right).setParseAction(literal(True)), Literal(left + ' ' + right).setParseAction(literal(False)) ))
[docs] def textfield() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a textfield parser. Example:: ____[50] The number defines the maximum length. Additionally, a regex may be specified to validate the field:: ___/[0-9]{4} """ length = number_enclosed_in('[]')('length') regex = Word(printables).setParseAction(as_regex)('regex') regex = Suppress('/') + regex textfield = Suppress('___') + Optional(length) + Optional(regex) textfield.setParseAction(tag(type='text')) return textfield
[docs] def textarea() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a textarea parser. Example:: ...[5] The number defines the number of rows. """ rows = number_enclosed_in('[]')('rows') textarea = Suppress('...') + Optional(rows) textarea.setParseAction(tag(type='textarea')) return textarea
[docs] def code() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a code textfield with a specified syntax. Currently only markdown is supported. Example:: <markdown> """ code = choices_enclosed_in('<>', ('markdown', ))('syntax') code.addParseAction(tag(type='code')) return code
[docs] def password() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a password field parser. Example:: *** """ return Suppress('***').setParseAction(tag(type='password'))
[docs] def email() -> ParserElement: """ Returns an email field parser. Example:: @@@ """ return Suppress('@@@').setParseAction(tag(type='email'))
[docs] def url() -> ParserElement: """ Returns an url field parser. Example:: http:// https:// """ return Suppress(Regex(r'https?://')).setParseAction(tag(type='url'))
[docs] def video_url() -> ParserElement: """ Returns an video url field parser. Example:: video-url """ return Suppress(Regex(r'video-url')).setParseAction(tag( type='video_url'))
[docs] def absolute_date() -> ParserElement: """ Returns an absolute date parser. Example:: 2020.10.10 """ date_expr = numeric + Suppress('.') + numeric + Suppress('.') + numeric return date_expr.setParseAction(as_date)
[docs] def relative_delta() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a relative delta parser. Example:: +1 days -4 weeks 0 years """ sign = Optional(Literal('-') | Literal('+')) grain = (Literal('days') | Literal('weeks') | Literal('months') | Literal('years')) return (Combine(sign + numeric) + grain).setParseAction(as_relative_delta)
[docs] def valid_date_range() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a valid date range parser. Example:: ( (2010.01.01..2020.01.01) (-2 weeks..+4 months) """ today = Literal('today').setParseAction( literal(relativedelta())) # noqa: MS001 value_expr = Optional( today | relative_delta() | absolute_date(), default=None ) date_range = value_expr('start') + Suppress('..') + value_expr('stop') date_range.setParseAction(is_valid_date_range) return Group(enclosed_in(date_range, '()'))('valid_date_range')
[docs] def date() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a date parser. Example:: YYYY.MM.DD """ date = Suppress('YYYY.MM.DD').setParseAction(tag(type='date')) return date + Optional(valid_date_range())
[docs] def datetime() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a datetime parser. Example:: YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM """ dt = Suppress('YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM').setParseAction(tag(type='datetime')) return dt + Optional(valid_date_range())
[docs] def time() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a time parser. Example:: HH:MM """ return Suppress('HH:MM').setParseAction(tag(type='time'))
[docs] def stdnum() -> ParserElement: """ Returns an stdnum parser. Example:: # iban """ prefix = Suppress('#') + Optional(White(' ')) parser = prefix + Regex(r'[a-z\.]+')('format') parser.setParseAction(tag(type='stdnum')) return parser
[docs] def fileinput() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a fileinput parser. For all kindes of files:: *.* For specific files:: *.pdf|*.doc For multiple file upload:: *.pdf (multiple) """ any_extension = Suppress('*.*') some_extension = Suppress('*.') + Word(alphanums) + Optional(Suppress('|')) extensions = Group(any_extension | OneOrMore(some_extension)) multiple = enclosed_in(Literal('multiple'), '()') def extract_file_types(tokens: 'ParseResults') -> None: if len(tokens) == 2 and tokens[1] == 'multiple': tokens['type'] = 'multiplefileinput' else: tokens['type'] = 'fileinput' if len(tokens[0]) == 0: tokens['extensions'] = ['*'] else: tokens['extensions'] = [ext.lower() for ext in tokens[0].asList()] parser = extensions + Optional(multiple) parser.setParseAction(extract_file_types) return parser
[docs] def decimal() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a decimal parser. Decimal point is '.'. For example: 0.00 123 11.1 -10.0 """ return ( (Optional('-') + numeric + Optional(Suppress('.') + numeric)) .setParseAction(as_decimal)('amount') )
[docs] def range_field( value_expression: ParserElement, parse_action: 'Callable[[ParseResults], Any]', type: str ) -> ParserElement: """ Generic range field parser. """ r = (value_expression + Suppress('..') + value_expression) r = r.setParseAction(parse_action) r = r.addParseAction(tag(type=type)) return r
[docs] def integer_range_field() -> ParserElement: """ Returns an integer range parser. """ number = Combine(Optional('-') + numeric) integer_range = range_field(number, as_integer_range, 'integer_range') return integer_range + Optional(pricing())
[docs] def decimal_range_field() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a decimal range parser. """ number = Combine(Optional('-') + numeric + Literal('.') + numeric) return range_field(number, as_decimal_range, 'decimal_range')
[docs] def currency() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a currency parser. For example: chf USD Cny """ return Regex(r'[a-zA-Z]{3}').setParseAction(as_uppercase)('currency')
[docs] def pricing() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a pricing parser. For example: (10.0 CHF) (0 usd!) (-0.50 Cny) """ cc_payment = Literal('!').setParseAction(matches('!')) cc_payment = Optional(cc_payment, default=False)('credit_card_payment') pricing = Group( enclosed_in(decimal() + currency() + cc_payment, '()') )('pricing') return pricing
[docs] def marker_box(characters: str) -> ParserElement: """ Returns a marker box: Example:: (x) Male [x] Female {x} What? """ check = mark_enclosed_in(characters)('checked') label_text = with_whitespace_inside(text_without(characters + '()')) pricing_parser = pricing() label = MatchFirst(( label_text + FollowedBy(pricing_parser), Combine(label_text + with_whitespace_inside(text)), label_text )).setParseAction(as_joined_string)('label') return check + label + Optional(pricing_parser)
[docs] def radio() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a radio parser: Example:: (x) Male ( ) Female """ return marker_box('()').setParseAction(tag(type='radio'))
[docs] def checkbox() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a checkbox parser: Example:: [x] Male [ ] Female """ return marker_box('[]').setParseAction(tag(type='checkbox'))
[docs] def fieldset_title() -> ParserElement: """ A fieldset title parser. Fieldset titles are just like headings in markdown:: # My header It's possible to have an empty fieldset title (to disable a fieldset): # ... """ label = with_whitespace_inside(text).setResultsName('label') fieldset_title = Suppress('#') + (Suppress('...') | label) fieldset_title = fieldset_title.setParseAction(tag(type='fieldset')) return fieldset_title
[docs] def field_identifier() -> ParserElement: """ Returns a field identifier parser: Example:: My field * """ required = Literal('*').setParseAction(matches('*')) required = Optional(required, default=False)('required') # a field name can contain any kind of character, except for a '=' and # a '*', which we'll need later for the field definition characters = with_whitespace_inside(text_without('*=')) label = Combine(OneOrMore(characters))('label') # a field declaration begins with spaces (so we can differentiate between # text and catual fields), then includes the name and the '*' which marks # required fields return label + required + Suppress('=')
[docs] def field_help_identifier() -> ParserElement: """ Returns parser for a field help comment following a field/fieldset: General Example: << Help text for My Field >> """ field_explanation = with_whitespace_inside(text_without('>'))('message') return Suppress('<<') + field_explanation + Suppress('>>')