""" onegov.form includes it's own markdownish form syntax, inspired by
The goal of this syntax is to enable the creation of forms through the web,
without having to use javascript, html or python code.
Also, just like Markdown, we want this syntax to be readable by humans.
How it works
Internally, the form syntax is converted into a YAML file, which is in turn
parsed and turned into a WTForms class. We decided to go for the intermediate
YAML file because it's easy to define a Syntax which correctly supports
indentation. Our pyparsing approach was flimsy at best.
Parser Errors
There's currently no sophisticated error check. It's possible that the parser
misunderstand something you defined without warning. So be careful to check
that what you wanted was actually what you got.
Every field is identified by a label, an optional 'required' indicator and a
field definition. The Label can be any kind of text, not including ``*`` and
The ``*`` indicates that a field is required. The ``=`` separates the
identifier from the definition.
A required field starts like this::
My required field * =
An optional field starts like this::
My optional field =
Following the identifier is the field definition. For example, this defines
a textfield::
My textfield = ___
Comments can be added beneath a field, using the same indentation::
My textfield = ___
<< Explanation for my field >>
All characters are allowed except ''>''.
Complex example::
Delivery * =
(x) I want it delivered
Alternate Address =
(x) No
( ) Yes
Street = ___
<< street >>
Town = ___
<< Alt >>
( ) I want to pick it up
<< delivery >>
Kommentar = ...
<< kommentar >>
All possible fields are documented further below.
Fields are grouped into fieldsets. The fieldset of a field is the fieldset
that was last defined::
# Fieldset 1
I belong to Fieldset 1 = ___
# Fieldset 2
I belong to Fieldset 2 = ___
If no fieldset is defined, the fields don't belong to a fieldset. To stop
putting fields in a fieldset, define an empty fieldeset::
# Fieldset 1
I belong to Fieldset 1 = ___
# ...
I don't belong to a Fieldset = ___
Available Fields
A textfield consists of exactly three underscores::
I'm a textfield = ___
If the textfield is limited in length, the length can be given::
I'm a limited textfield = ___[50]
The length of such textfields is validated.
Additionally, textfields may use regexes to validate their contents::
I'm a numbers-only textfield = ___/^[0-9]+$
You *can* combine the length with a regex, though you probably don't want to::
I'm a length-limited numbers-only textfield = ___[4]/^[0-9]+$
This could be simplified as follows:
I'm a length-limited numbers-only textfield = ___/^[0-9]{0,4}$
Note that you don't *need* to specify the beginning (^) and the end ($) of the
string, but not doing so might result in unexpected results. For example,
while '123abc' is invalid for ``___/^[0-9]+$``, it is perfectly valid for
``___/[0-9]+``. The latter only demands that the text starts with a number,
not that it only consists of numbers!
A textarea has no limit and consists of exactly three dots::
I'm a textarea = ...
Optionally, the number of rows can be passed to the field. This changes the
way the textarea looks, not the way it acts::
I'm a textarea with 10 rows = ...[10]
A password field consists of exactly three stars::
I'm a password = ***
An e-mail field consists of exactly three ``@``::
I'm an e-mail field = @@@
An url field consists of the http/https prefix::
I'm an url field = http://
I'm the exact same = https://
Whether or not you enter http or https has no bearing on the validation.
Video Link
An url field pointing to a video ``video-url``::
I' am a video link = video-url
In case of vimeo or youtube videos the video will be embedded in the page,
otherwise the link will be shown.
A date (without time) is defined by this exact string: ``YYYY.MM.DD``::
I'm a date field = YYYY.MM.DD
Note that this doesn't mean that the date format can be influenced.
A date field optionally can be limited to a relative or absolute date range.
Note that the edges of the interval are inclusive. The list of possible
grains for relative dates are ``years``, ``months``, ``weeks`` and ``days``
as well as the special value ``today``.
I'm a future date field = YYYY.MM.DD (+1 days..)
I'm on today or in the future = YYYY.MM.DD (today..)
At least two weeks ago = YYYY.MM.DD (..-2 weeks)
Between 2010 and 2020 = YYYY.MM.DD (2010.01.01..2020.12.31)
A date (with time) is defined by this exact string: ``YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM``::
I'm a datetime field = YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM
I'm a futue datetime field = YYYY.MM.DD HH:MM (today..)
Again, this doesn't mean that the datetime format can be influenced.
The same range validation that can be applied to date fields can also be
applied to datetime. Note however that the Validation will be applied to
to the date portion. The time portion is ignored completely.
A Time is defined by this exact string: ``HH:MM``::
I'm a time field = HH:MM
One more time, this doesn't mean that the datetime format can be influenced.
There are two types of number fields. An integer and a float field::
I'm an integer field = 0..99
I'm an integer field of a different range = -100..100
I'm a float field = 0.00..99.00
I'm an float field of a different range = -100.00..100.00
Integer fields optionally can have a price attached to them which will be
multiplied by the supplied integer::
Number of stamps to include = 0..30 (1.00 CHF)
This will result in a price of 1.00 CHF per stamp.
To write code in a certain syntax, use the following::
Description = <markdown>
Currently, only markdown is supported.
A file upload is defined like this::
I'm a file upload field = *.*
This particular example would allow any file. To allow only certain files
do something like this::
I'm a image filed = *.png|*.jpg|*.gif
I'm a document = *.doc
I'm any document = *.doc|*.pdf
The files are checked against their file extension. Onegov.form also checks
that uploaded files have the mimetype they claim to have and it won't accept
obviously dangerous uploads like binaries (unless you really want to).
These file inputs allow only for one file to be uploaded. If you want to
allow multiple files to be uploaded, use the following syntax::
I'm a multiple file upload field = *.* (multiple)
This will allow the user to upload multiple files at once.
Standard Numbers
onegov.form uses `python-stdnum \
<https://github.com/arthurdejong/python-stdnum>`_ to offer a wide range of
standard formats that are guaranteed to be validated.
To use, simply use a `#`, followed by the stdnum format to use::
I'm a valid IBAN (or empty) = # iban
I'm a valid IBAN (required) * = # iban
The format string after the `#` must be importable from stdnum. In other words,
this must work, if you are using ``ch.ssn`` (to use an example)::
$ python
>>> from stdnum.ch import ssn
This is a bit of an advanced feature and since it delegates most work to an
external library there's no guarantee that a format once used may be reused
in the future.
Still, the library should be somewhat stable and the benefit is huge.
To see the available format, have a look at the docs:
Radio Buttons
Radio button fields consist of x radio buttons, out of which one may be
preselected. Radio buttons need to be indented on the lines after the
Gender =
( ) Female
( ) Male
(x) I don't want to say
Radio buttons also have the ability to define optional form parts. Those
parts are only shown if a question was answered a certain way.
Form parts are properly nested if they lign up with the label above them.
For example::
Delivery Method =
( ) Pickup
Pickup Time * = ___
(x) Address
Street * = ___
Town * = ___
Here, the street and the town only need to be provided, if the delivery method
is 'Address'. If the user selects a different option, the fields are not
shown and they will not be required.
On the other hand, if 'Pickup' is selected, the 'Pickup Time' needs to be
filled out and the address options are hidden.
This kind of nesting may continue ad infinitum. Meaning you can nest radio
buttons as deeply as you like. Note however, that this is discouraged and that
your users will not be too happy if you present them with a deeply nested
More than one level of nesting is a clear indicator that your form is too
Checkboxes work exactly like radio buttons, just that you can select
multiple fields::
Extras =
[x] Phone insurance
[ ] Phone case
[x] Extra battery
Just like radiobuttons, checkboxes may be nested to created dependencies::
Additional toppings =
[ ] Salami
[ ] Olives
[ ] Other
Description = ___
Pricing Information
Radio buttons and checkboxes may be priced. For example, the following order
form can be modeled::
Node Size =
( ) Small (20 USD)
(x) Medium (30 USD)
( ) Large (40 USD)
Extras =
[x] Second IP Address (20 CHF)
[x] Backup (20 CHF)
Delivery =
(x) Pickup (0 CHF)
( ) Delivery (5 CHF!)
The additional pricing metadata can be used to provide simple order forms.
As in any other form, dependencies are taken into account.
The optional `!` at the end of the price indicates that credit card payment
will become mandatory if this option is selected. It is possible to achieve
this without a price increase too: (0 CHF!)
from __future__ import annotations
import pyparsing as pp
import re
import yaml
from functools import cached_property
from dateutil import parser as dateutil_parser
from decimal import Decimal
from onegov.core.cache import lru_cache
from onegov.core.utils import Bunch
from onegov.form import errors
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import checkbox, field_help_identifier
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import code
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import date
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import datetime
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import decimal_range_field
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import email
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import field_identifier
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import fieldset_title
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import fileinput
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import integer_range_field
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import password
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import radio
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import stdnum
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import textarea
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import textfield
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import time
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import url
from onegov.form.parser.grammar import video_url
from onegov.form.utils import as_internal_id
from typing import final, Any, ClassVar, Literal, Self, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
from onegov.form.types import PricingRules, RawPricing
from onegov.form.utils import decimal_range
from re import Pattern
from typing import TypeAlias
from yaml.nodes import ScalarNode
# tagged unions so we can type narrow by type field
BasicParsedField: TypeAlias = (
'PasswordField | EmailField | UrlField | VideoURLField | DateField | '
'DatetimeField | TimeField | StringField | TextAreaField | '
'CodeField | StdnumField | IntegerRangeField | '
'DecimalRangeField | RadioField | CheckboxField'
FileParsedField: TypeAlias = 'FileinputField | MultipleFileinputField'
ParsedField: TypeAlias = BasicParsedField | FileParsedField
_FieldT = TypeVar('_FieldT', bound='ParsedField')
# cache the parser elements
def create_parser_elements() -> Bunch:
elements = Bunch()
elements.identifier = field_identifier()
elements.help_identifier = field_help_identifier()
elements.fieldset_title = fieldset_title()
elements.textfield = textfield()
elements.textarea = textarea()
elements.code = code()
elements.password = password()
elements.email = email()
elements.url = url()
elements.video_url = video_url()
elements.stdnum = stdnum()
elements.datetime = datetime()
elements.date = date()
elements.time = time()
elements.fileinput = fileinput()
elements.multiplefileinput = fileinput()
elements.radio = radio()
elements.checkbox = checkbox()
elements.integer_range = integer_range_field()
elements.decimal_range = decimal_range_field()
elements.boxes = elements.checkbox | elements.radio
elements.single_line_fields = elements.identifier + pp.MatchFirst([
return elements
# lazy loads the parser elements and stores them as attributes on itself
class LazyElements:
def __init__(self) -> None:
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> pp.ParserElement:
if not self.loaded:
for k, v in create_parser_elements().__dict__.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
self.loaded = True
if name in self.__dict__:
return self.__dict__[name]
raise AttributeError(name)
ELEMENTS = LazyElements()
class CustomLoader(yaml.SafeLoader):
""" Extends the default yaml loader with customized constructors. """
class constructor: # noqa: N801
""" Adds decorated functions to as constructors to the CustomLoader. """
def __init__(self, tag: str):
def __call__(
fn: Callable[[CustomLoader, ScalarNode], pp.ParseResults]
) -> Callable[[CustomLoader, ScalarNode], pp.ParseResults]:
CustomLoader.add_constructor(self.tag, fn)
return fn
def construct_textfield(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.textfield.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_textarea(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.textarea.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_syntax(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.code.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_email(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.email.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_url(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.url.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_video_url(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.video_url.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_stdnum(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.stdnum.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_date(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.date.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_datetime(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.datetime.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_time(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.time.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_radio(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.radio.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_checkbox(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.checkbox.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_password(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.password.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_decimal_range(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.decimal_range.parse_string(node.value)
def construct_integer_range(
loader: CustomLoader,
node: ScalarNode
) -> pp.ParseResults:
return ELEMENTS.integer_range.parse_string(node.value)
def flatten_fieldsets(
fieldsets: Iterable[Fieldset]
) -> Iterator[ParsedField]:
for fieldset in fieldsets:
yield from flatten_fields(fieldset.fields)
def flatten_fields(
fields: Sequence[ParsedField] | None
) -> Iterator[ParsedField]:
for field in fields or []:
yield field
if hasattr(field, 'fields'):
yield from flatten_fields(field.fields)
if hasattr(field, 'choices'):
for choice in field.choices:
yield from flatten_fields(choice.fields)
def find_field(
fieldsets: Iterable[Fieldset],
id: str | None
) -> Fieldset | ParsedField | None:
id = as_internal_id(id or '')
for fieldset in fieldsets:
if fieldset.id == id:
return fieldset
if not fieldset.id or id.startswith(fieldset.id):
for field in flatten_fields(fieldset.fields):
if field.id == id:
return field
return None
class Fieldset:
""" Represents a parsed fieldset. """
def __init__(
label: str,
fields: Sequence[ParsedField] | None = None
self.label = label if label != '...' else None
self.fields = fields or []
def id(self) -> str:
return as_internal_id(self.human_id)
def human_id(self) -> str:
return self.label or ''
def find_field(
id: str | None = None
) -> Fieldset | ParsedField | None:
return find_field((self,), id=id)
class Choice:
""" Represents a parsed choice.
Note: Choices may have child-fields which are meant to be shown to the
user if the given choice was selected.
def __init__(
key: str,
label: str,
selected: bool = False,
fields: Sequence[ParsedField] | None = None
self.selected = selected
class Field:
""" Represents a parsed field. """
def __init__(
label: str,
required: bool,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None,
human_id: str | None = None,
**extra_attributes: Any
self._human_id = human_id or label
self.required = required
self.fieldset = fieldset
self.field_help = field_help
for key, value in extra_attributes.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def id(self) -> str:
return as_internal_id(self.human_id)
def human_id(self) -> str:
if self.parent:
return f'{self.parent.human_id}/{self._human_id}'
if self.fieldset and self.fieldset.human_id:
return f'{self.fieldset.human_id}/{self._human_id}'
return self._human_id
def create( # type:ignore[misc]
cls: type[_FieldT],
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> _FieldT:
return cls( # type:ignore[return-value]
# FIXME: This is used in onegov.directory.archive and is honestly
# pretty piggy, for now we just let anything pass and
# trust that we only emit ValueError, which get turned
# into a None on the receiving end, but we should make
# this a bit more robust...
def parse(self, value: Any) -> object:
return value
class PasswordField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['password']] = 'password'
class EmailField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['email']] = 'email'
class UrlField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['url']] = 'url'
class VideoURLField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['video_url']] = 'video_url'
class DateField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['date']] = 'date'
valid_date_range: pp.ParseResults
def create(
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> DateField:
return cls(
def parse(self, value: Any) -> object:
# the first int in an ambiguous date is assumed to be a day
# (since our software runs in europe first and foremost)
return dateutil_parser.parse(value, dayfirst=True).date()
class DatetimeField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['datetime']] = 'datetime'
valid_date_range: pp.ParseResults
def create(
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> DatetimeField:
return cls(
def parse(self, value: Any) -> object:
# the first int in an ambiguous date is assumed to be a day
# (since our software runs in europe first and foremost)
return dateutil_parser.parse(value, dayfirst=True)
class TimeField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['time']] = 'time'
def parse(self, value: Any) -> object:
return time(*map(int, value.split(':')))
class StringField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['text']] = 'text'
regex: Pattern[str] | None
def create(
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> StringField:
regex = field.regex and re.compile(field.regex) or None
return cls(
maxlength=field.length or None,
class TextAreaField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['textarea']] = 'textarea'
def create(
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> TextAreaField:
return cls(
rows=field.rows or None,
class CodeField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['code']] = 'code'
def create(
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> CodeField:
return cls(
class StdnumField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['stdnum']] = 'stdnum'
def create(
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> Self:
return cls(
class IntegerRangeField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['integer_range']] = 'integer_range'
def create(
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> IntegerRangeField:
if field.pricing:
label = identifier.label + format_pricing(field.pricing)
# map one price to the whole range, the price will be
# multiplied by the selected value from the range
pricing = {field[0]: field.pricing}
label = identifier.label
pricing = None
return cls(
# only modify the label visually, we don't want to
# affect the field id
def parse(self, value: Any) -> object:
return int(float(value)) # automatically truncates dots
class DecimalRangeField(Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['decimal_range']] = 'decimal_range'
def create(
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> DecimalRangeField:
return cls(
def parse(self, value: Any) -> object:
return Decimal(value)
class OptionsField:
def create( # type:ignore[misc]
cls: type[_FieldT],
field: pp.ParseResults,
identifier: pp.ParseResults,
parent: ParsedField | None = None,
fieldset: Fieldset | None = None,
field_help: str | None = None
) -> _FieldT:
choices = [
label=c.label + format_pricing(c.pricing),
for c in field.choices
pricing = {c.label: c.pricing for c in field.choices if c.pricing}
return cls( # type:ignore[return-value]
pricing=pricing or None,
def parse(self, value: Any) -> Any:
if isinstance(value, str):
return [v.strip() for v in value.split('\n')]
return value
class RadioField(OptionsField, Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['radio']] = 'radio'
def parse(self, value: Any) -> object:
v = super().parse(value)
return v and v[0] or None
class CheckboxField(OptionsField, Field):
type: ClassVar[Literal['checkbox']] = 'checkbox'
def parse_field_block(
# FIXME: This is very loose, we could do better, but we want to
# refactor form parsing anyways...
field_block: dict[str, Any],
field_classes: dict[str, type[ParsedField]],
used_ids: set[str],
fieldset: Fieldset,
parent: ParsedField | None = None
) -> ParsedField:
""" Takes the given parsed field block and yields the fields from it """
key, field = next(i for i in field_block.items())
field_help = field_block.get('field_help')
identifier_src = key.rstrip('= ') + '='
identifier = ELEMENTS.identifier.parseString(identifier_src)
# add the nested options/dependencies in case of radio/checkbox buttons
if isinstance(field, list):
choices = [next(i for i in f.items()) for f in field]
for choice, dependencies in choices:
choice['dependencies'] = dependencies
choices = [c[0] for c in choices]
field = Bunch(choices=choices, type=choices[0].type)
# make sure only one type is found (either radio or checkbox)
types = {f.type for f in field.choices}
assert types <= {'radio', 'checkbox'}
if not len(types) == 1:
raise errors.MixedTypeError(key)
result: ParsedField = field_classes[field.type].create(
field, identifier, parent, fieldset, field_help)
if result.id in used_ids:
raise errors.DuplicateLabelError(label=result.label)
# go through nested blocks and recursively add them
if result.type == 'radio' or result.type == 'checkbox':
for ix, choice in enumerate(field.choices):
if not choice.dependencies:
result.choices[ix].fields = [
for child in choice.dependencies
return result
def match(expr: pp.ParserElement, text: str) -> bool:
""" Returns true if the given parser expression matches the given text. """
except pp.ParseBaseException:
return False
return True
def try_parse(expr: pp.ParserElement, text: str) -> pp.ParseResults | None:
""" Returns the result of the given parser expression and text, or None.
return expr.parseString(text)
except pp.ParseBaseException:
return None
def prepare(text: str) -> Iterator[tuple[int, str]]:
""" Takes the raw form source and prepares it for the translation into
lines = (l.rstrip() for l in text.split('\n'))
yield from ensure_a_fieldset((ix, l) for ix, l in enumerate(lines) if l)
def ensure_a_fieldset(
lines: Iterable[tuple[int, str]]
) -> Iterator[tuple[int, str]]:
""" Makes sure that the given lines all belong to a fieldset. That means
adding an empty fieldset before all lines, if none is found first.
found_fieldset = False
for ix, line in lines:
if found_fieldset:
yield ix, line
if match(ELEMENTS.fieldset_title, line):
found_fieldset = True
yield ix, line
found_fieldset = True
yield -1, '# ...'
yield ix, line
def validate_indent(indent: str) -> bool:
Returns `False` if indent is other than a multiple of 4, else True
if len(indent) % 4 != 0:
return False
return True
def translate_to_yaml(
text: str,
enable_edit_checks: bool = False
) -> Iterator[str]:
""" Takes the given form text and constructs an easier to parse yaml
:param text: string to be parsed
:param enable_edit_checks: bool to activate additional checks after
editing a form. Should only be active originating from forms.validators.py
lines = ((ix, l) for ix, l in prepare(text))
expect_nested = False
actual_fields = 0
ix = 0
def escape_single(text: str) -> str:
return text.replace("'", "''")
def escape_double(text: str) -> str:
return text.replace('"', '\\"')
for ix, line in lines:
indent = ' ' * (4 + (len(line) - len(line.lstrip())))
if enable_edit_checks and not validate_indent(indent):
raise errors.InvalidIndentSyntax(line=ix + 1)
# the top level are the fieldsets
if match(ELEMENTS.fieldset_title, line):
yield '- "{}":'.format(escape_double(line.lstrip('# ').rstrip()))
expect_nested = False
# fields are nested lists of dictionaries
parse_result = try_parse(ELEMENTS.single_line_fields, line)
except re.error as exception:
raise errors.InvalidFormSyntax(line=ix + 1) from exception
if parse_result is not None:
yield '{indent}- "{identifier}": !{type} \'{definition}\''.format(
expect_nested = len(indent) > 4
actual_fields += 1
# help descriptions following a field
parse_result = try_parse(ELEMENTS.help_identifier, line)
if parse_result is not None:
yield '{indent}"{identifier}": \'{message}\''.format(
indent=indent + 2 * ' ',
# checkboxes/radios come without identifier
parse_result = try_parse(ELEMENTS.boxes, line)
if parse_result is not None:
if not expect_nested:
raise errors.InvalidFormSyntax(line=ix + 1)
yield "{indent}- !{type} '{definition}':".format(
# identifiers which are alone contain nested checkboxes/radios
if match(ELEMENTS.identifier, line):
# this should have been matched by the single line field above
if not line.endswith('='):
raise errors.InvalidFormSyntax(line=ix + 1)
yield '{indent}- "{identifier}":'.format(
expect_nested = True
actual_fields += 1
raise errors.InvalidFormSyntax(line=ix + 1)
if not actual_fields:
raise errors.InvalidFormSyntax(line=ix + 1)