Source code for form.models.survey_window

import sedate

from onegov.core.orm import Base
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import UUID
from onegov.form.models.submission import SurveySubmission
from sqlalchemy import Boolean
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Date
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.schema import CheckConstraint
from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import quoted_name
from uuid import uuid4

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    import uuid
    from datetime import date, datetime
    from onegov.form.models.definition import SurveyDefinition

[docs] daterange = Column( # type:ignore[call-overload] quoted_name('DATERANGE("start", "end")', quote=False))
[docs] class SurveySubmissionWindow(Base, TimestampMixin): """ Defines a submission window during which a form definition may be used to create submissions. Submissions created thusly are attached to the currently active survey window. submission windows may not overlap. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'submission_windows'
#: the public id of the submission window
[docs] id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] primary_key=True, default=uuid4 )
#: the name of the survey to which this submission window belongs
[docs] name: 'Column[str]' = Column( Text, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False )
#: the title of the submission window
[docs] title = Column(Text)
#: the survey to which this submission window belongs
[docs] survey: 'relationship[SurveyDefinition]' = relationship( 'SurveyDefinition', back_populates='submission_windows' )
#: true if the submission window is enabled
[docs] enabled: 'Column[bool]' = Column(Boolean, nullable=False, default=True)
#: the start date of the window
[docs] start: 'Column[date]' = Column(Date, nullable=False)
#: the end date of the window
[docs] end: 'Column[date]' = Column(Date, nullable=False)
#: the timezone of the window
[docs] timezone: 'Column[str]' = Column( Text, nullable=False, default='Europe/Zurich' )
#: submissions linked to this
[docs] submissions: 'relationship[list[SurveySubmission]]' = relationship( SurveySubmission, back_populates='submission_window' )
[docs] __table_args__ = ( # ensures that start <= end CheckConstraint( '"start" <= "end"', name='start_smaller_than_end' ), )
[docs] def localized_start(self) -> 'datetime': return sedate.align_date_to_day( sedate.standardize_date( sedate.as_datetime(self.start), self.timezone ), self.timezone, 'down' )
[docs] def localized_end(self) -> 'datetime': return sedate.align_date_to_day( sedate.standardize_date( sedate.as_datetime(self.end), self.timezone ), self.timezone, 'up' )
[docs] def in_the_future(self) -> bool: return sedate.utcnow() <= self.localized_start
[docs] def in_the_past(self) -> bool: return self.localized_end <= sedate.utcnow()
[docs] def in_the_present(self) -> bool: return self.localized_start <= sedate.utcnow() <= self.localized_end
[docs] def accepts_submissions(self) -> bool: if not self.enabled: return False if not self.in_the_present: return False return True