Source code for form.models.submission

import html

from onegov.core.orm import Base, observes
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin, dict_property, meta_property
from onegov.core.orm.types import JSON, UUID
from onegov.core.orm.types import UTCDateTime
from onegov.file import AssociatedFiles, File
from onegov.form.display import render_field
from onegov.form.extensions import Extendable
from onegov.form.parser import parse_form
from onegov.form.utils import extract_text_from_html
from onegov.form.utils import hash_definition
from import Payable
from import process_payment
from sedate import utcnow
from sqlalchemy import case
from sqlalchemy import CheckConstraint
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import Enum
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy import Integer
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from uuid import uuid4
from wtforms.fields import EmailField

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    import uuid
    from datetime import datetime
    from onegov.form import Form
    from onegov.form.models import FormDefinition, FormRegistrationWindow
    from onegov.form.models import SurveyDefinition, SurveySubmissionWindow
    from onegov.form.types import RegistrationState, SubmissionState
    from import Payment, PaymentError, PaymentProvider, Price
    from import PaymentMethod

[docs] class FormSubmission(Base, TimestampMixin, Payable, AssociatedFiles, Extendable): """ Defines a submitted form of any kind in the database. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'submissions'
#: id of the form submission
[docs] id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] primary_key=True, default=uuid4 )
#: name of the form this submission belongs to
[docs] name: 'Column[str | None]' = Column( Text, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True )
#: the form this submission belongs to
[docs] form: 'relationship[FormDefinition | None]' = relationship( 'FormDefinition', back_populates='submissions' )
#: the title of the submission, generated from the submitted fields #: NULL for submissions which are not complete
[docs] title: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: the e-mail address associated with the submitee, generated from the # submitted fields (may be NULL, even for complete submissions)
[docs] email: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: the source code of the form at the moment of submission. This is stored #: alongside the submission as the original form may change later. We #: want to keep the old form around just in case.
[docs] definition: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the exact time this submissions was changed from 'pending' to 'complete'
[docs] received: 'Column[datetime | None]' = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)
#: the checksum of the definition, forms and submissions with matching #: checksums are guaranteed to have the exact same definition
[docs] checksum: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: metadata about this submission
[docs] meta: 'Column[dict[str, Any]]' = Column(JSON, nullable=False)
#: the submission data
[docs] data: 'Column[dict[str, Any]]' = Column(JSON, nullable=False)
#: the state of the submission
[docs] state: 'Column[SubmissionState]' = Column( Enum('pending', 'complete', name='submission_state'), # type:ignore nullable=False )
#: the number of spots this submission wants to claim #: (only relevant if there's a registration window)
[docs] spots: 'Column[int]' = Column(Integer, nullable=False, default=0)
#: the number of spots this submission has actually received #: None => the decision if spots should be given is still open #: 0 => the decision was negative, no spots were given #: 1-x => the decision was positive, at least some spots were given
[docs] claimed: 'Column[int | None]' = Column( Integer, nullable=True, default=None )
#: the id of the registration window linked with this submission
[docs] registration_window_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID | None]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] ForeignKey(''), nullable=True )
#: the registration window linked with this submission
[docs] registration_window: 'relationship[FormRegistrationWindow | None]'
registration_window = relationship( 'FormRegistrationWindow', back_populates='submissions' ) #: payment options -> copied from the definition at the moment of #: submission. This is stored alongside the submission as the original #: form setting may change later.
[docs] payment_method: 'Column[PaymentMethod]' = Column( Text, # type:ignore[arg-type] nullable=False, default='manual' )
[docs] minimum_price_total: dict_property[float | None] = meta_property()
#: extensions
[docs] extensions: dict_property[list[str]] = meta_property(default=list)
[docs] __table_args__ = ( CheckConstraint( 'COALESCE(claimed, 0) <= spots', name='claimed_no_more_than_requested' ), )
[docs] def form_class(self) -> type['Form']: """ Parses the form definition and returns a form class. """ return self.extend_form_class( parse_form(self.definition), self.extensions or [] )
[docs] def form_obj(self) -> 'Form': """ Returns a form instance containing the submission data. """ return self.form_class(
[docs] def get_email_field_data(self, form: 'Form | None' = None) -> str | None: form = form or self.form_obj email_fields = form.match_fields( include_classes=(EmailField, ), required=True, limit=1 ) email_fields += form.match_fields( include_classes=(EmailField, ), required=False, limit=1 ) if email_fields: return form._fields[email_fields[0]].data return None
[docs] def definition_observer(self, definition: str) -> None: self.checksum = hash_definition(definition)
[docs] def state_observer(self, state: 'SubmissionState') -> None: if self.state == 'complete': form = self.form_class( self.update_title(form) if not = self.get_email_field_data(form=form) # only set the date the first time around if not self.received: self.received = utcnow()
[docs] def update_title(self, form: 'Form') -> None: title_fields = form.title_fields if title_fields: # NOTE: Since the title won't be rendered as Markup, it is # safe to unescape before extracting text, this will # avoid escaped html entities in the title self.title = extract_text_from_html(', '.join( html.unescape(render_field(form._fields[id])) for id in title_fields ))
#: Additional information about the submitee
[docs] submitter_name: dict_property[str | None] = meta_property()
[docs] submitter_address: dict_property[str | None] = meta_property()
[docs] submitter_phone: dict_property[str | None] = meta_property()
[docs] __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_on': 'state' }
if TYPE_CHECKING: # HACK: hybrid_property won't work otherwise until 2.0
[docs] registration_state: Column[RegistrationState | None]
else: @hybrid_property def registration_state(self) -> 'RegistrationState | None': if not self.spots: return None if self.claimed is None: return 'open' if self.claimed == 0: return 'cancelled' if self.claimed == self.spots: return 'confirmed' if self.claimed < self.spots: return 'partial' return None @registration_state.expression # type:ignore[no-redef] def registration_state(cls): return case(( (cls.spots == 0, None), (cls.claimed == None, 'open'), (cls.claimed == 0, 'cancelled'), (cls.claimed == cls.spots, 'confirmed'), (cls.claimed < cls.spots, 'partial') ), else_=None) @property
[docs] def payable_reference(self) -> str: assert self.received is not None if return f'{}/{self.title}@{self.received.isoformat()}' else: return f'{self.title}@{self.received.isoformat()}'
[docs] def process_payment( self, price: 'Price | None', provider: 'PaymentProvider[Any] | None' = None, token: str | None = None ) -> 'Payment | PaymentError | bool | None': """ Takes a request, optionally with the provider and the token by the provider that can be used to charge the credit card and creates a payment record if necessary. Returns True or a payment object if the payment was processed successfully. That is, if there is a payment or if there is no payment required the method returns truthy. """ if price and price.amount > 0: payment_method: PaymentMethod if price.credit_card_payment is True: payment_method = 'cc' else: payment_method = self.payment_method return process_payment(payment_method, price, provider, token) return True
[docs] def claim(self, spots: int | None = None) -> bool: """ Claimes the given number of spots (defaults to the requested number of spots). :return bool: Whether or not claiming spots is possible """ spots = spots or self.spots assert self.registration_window if self.registration_window.limit: limit = self.registration_window.limit claimed = self.registration_window.claimed_spots # check if limit of participants is reached if spots > (limit - claimed): return False assert spots <= (limit - claimed) claimed_spots = (self.claimed or 0) + spots assert claimed_spots <= self.spots self.claimed = claimed_spots return True
[docs] def disclaim(self, spots: int | None = None) -> None: """ Disclaims the given number of spots (defaults to all spots that were claimed so far). """ spots = spots or self.spots assert self.registration_window if self.claimed is None: self.claimed = 0 else: self.claimed = max(0, self.claimed - spots)
[docs] class SurveySubmission(Base, TimestampMixin, AssociatedFiles, Extendable): """ Defines a submitted survey of any kind in the database. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'survey_submissions'
#: id of the form submission
[docs] id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] primary_key=True, default=uuid4 )
#: name of the survey this submission belongs to
[docs] name: 'Column[str | None]' = Column( Text, ForeignKey(''), nullable=True )
#: the survey this submission belongs to
[docs] survey: 'relationship[SurveyDefinition | None]' = relationship( 'SurveyDefinition', back_populates='submissions' )
#: the source code of the form at the moment of submission. This is stored #: alongside the submission as the original form may change later. We #: want to keep the old form around just in case.
[docs] definition: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the checksum of the definition, forms and submissions with matching #: checksums are guaranteed to have the exact same definition
[docs] checksum: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: metadata about this submission
[docs] meta: 'Column[dict[str, Any]]' = Column(JSON, nullable=False)
#: the submission data
[docs] data: 'Column[dict[str, Any]]' = Column(JSON, nullable=False)
#: the id of the submission window linked with this submission
[docs] submission_window_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID | None]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] ForeignKey(''), nullable=True )
#: the submission window linked with this submission
[docs] submission_window: 'relationship[SurveySubmissionWindow | None]'
submission_window = relationship( 'SurveySubmissionWindow', back_populates='submissions' ) #: extensions
[docs] extensions: dict_property[list[str]] = meta_property(default=list)
[docs] def form_class(self) -> type['Form']: """ Parses the form definition and returns a form class. """ return self.extend_form_class( parse_form(self.definition), self.extensions or [] )
[docs] def form_obj(self) -> 'Form': """ Returns a form instance containing the submission data. """ return self.form_class(
[docs] def definition_observer(self, definition: str) -> None: self.checksum = hash_definition(definition)
[docs] def update_title(self, survey: 'Form') -> None: title_fields = survey.title_fields if title_fields: # FIXME: Reconsider using unescape when consistently using Markup. self.title = extract_text_from_html(', '.join( html.unescape(render_field(survey._fields[id])) for id in title_fields ))
[docs] class PendingFormSubmission(FormSubmission):
[docs] __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'pending'}
[docs] class CompleteFormSubmission(FormSubmission):
[docs] __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'complete'}
[docs] class FormFile(File):
[docs] __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'formfile'}
[docs] def access(self) -> str: # we don't want these files to show up in search engines return 'secret' if self.published else 'private'