Source code for form.models.definition

from wtforms import RadioField
from onegov.core.orm import Base, observes
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import (
    ContentMixin, TimestampMixin,
    content_property, dict_markup_property, dict_property, meta_property)
from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from onegov.file import MultiAssociatedFiles
from onegov.form.fields import MultiCheckboxField
from onegov.form.models.submission import FormSubmission, SurveySubmission
from onegov.form.models.registration_window import FormRegistrationWindow
from onegov.form.models.survey_window import SurveySubmissionWindow
from onegov.form.parser import parse_form
from onegov.form.utils import hash_definition
from onegov.form.extensions import Extendable
from sqlalchemy import Column, Text
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session, relationship

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
    # type gets shadowed in the model so we need an alias
    from builtins import type as type_t
    from uuid import UUID
    from datetime import date
    from onegov.form import Form
    from onegov.form.types import SubmissionState
    from import PaymentMethod
    from typing import Self
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest

[docs] class FormDefinition(Base, ContentMixin, TimestampMixin, Extendable, MultiAssociatedFiles): """ Defines a form stored in the database. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'forms'
# for better compatibility with generic code that expects an id # this is just an alias for `name`, which is our primary key @hybrid_property
[docs] def id(self) -> str: return
#: the name of the form (key, part of the url)
[docs] name: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
#: the title of the form
[docs] title: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the form as parsable string
[docs] definition: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: hint on how to get to the resource
[docs] pick_up: dict_property[str | None] = content_property()
#: the group to which this resource belongs to (may be any kind of string)
[docs] group: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: The normalized title for sorting
[docs] order: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False, index=True)
#: the checksum of the definition, forms and submissions with matching #: checksums are guaranteed to have the exact same definition
[docs] checksum: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the type of the form, this can be used to create custom polymorphic #: subclasses. See `< #: orm/extensions/declarative/inheritance.html>`_.
[docs] type: 'Column[str]' = Column( Text, nullable=False, default=lambda: 'generic' )
#: link between forms and submissions
[docs] submissions: 'relationship[list[FormSubmission]]' = relationship( FormSubmission, back_populates='form' )
#: link between forms and registration windows
[docs] registration_windows: 'relationship[list[FormRegistrationWindow]]'
registration_windows = relationship( FormRegistrationWindow, back_populates='form', order_by='FormRegistrationWindow.start', cascade='all, delete-orphan' ) #: the currently active registration window #: #: this sorts the registration windows by the smaller k-nearest neighbour #: result of both start and end in relation to the current date #: #: the result is the *nearest* date range in relation to today: #: #: * during an active registration window, it's that active window #: * outside of active windows, it's last window half way until #: the next window starts #: #: this could of course be done more conventionally, but this is cooler 😅 #:
[docs] current_registration_window: 'relationship[FormRegistrationWindow | None]'
current_registration_window = relationship( 'FormRegistrationWindow', viewonly=True, uselist=False, primaryjoin="""and_( ==, == select((, )).where( == ).order_by( func.least( cast('AT TIME ZONE')( FormRegistrationWindow.timezone ), Date ).op('<->')(FormRegistrationWindow.start), cast('AT TIME ZONE')( FormRegistrationWindow.timezone ), Date ).op('<->')(FormRegistrationWindow.end) ) ).limit(1) )""" ) #: lead text describing the form
[docs] lead: dict_property[str | None] = meta_property()
#: content associated with the form
[docs] text = dict_markup_property('content')
#: extensions
[docs] extensions: dict_property[list[str]] = meta_property(default=list)
#: payment options ('manual' for out of band payments without cc, 'free' #: for both manual and cc payments, 'cc' for forced cc payments)
[docs] payment_method: 'Column[PaymentMethod]' = Column( Text, # type:ignore[arg-type] nullable=False, default='manual' )
#: the minimum price total a form submission must exceed in order to #: be submitted
[docs] minimum_price_total: dict_property[float | None] = meta_property()
[docs] __mapper_args__ = { 'polymorphic_on': 'type', 'polymorphic_identity': 'generic' }
[docs] def form_class(self) -> 'type_t[Form]': """ Parses the form definition and returns a form class. """ return self.extend_form_class( parse_form(self.definition), self.extensions or [], )
[docs] def definition_observer(self, definition: str) -> None: self.checksum = hash_definition(definition)
[docs] def title_observer(self, title: str) -> None: self.order = normalize_for_url(title)
[docs] def has_submissions( self, with_state: 'SubmissionState | None' = None ) -> bool: session = object_session(self) query = session.query( query = query.filter( == if with_state is not None: query = query.filter(FormSubmission.state == with_state) return session.query(query.exists()).scalar()
[docs] def add_registration_window( self, start: 'date', end: 'date', *, enabled: bool = True, timezone: str = 'Europe/Zurich', limit: int | None = None, overflow: bool = True ) -> FormRegistrationWindow: window = FormRegistrationWindow( start=start, end=end, enabled=enabled, timezone=timezone, limit=limit, overflow=overflow ) self.registration_windows.append(window) return window
[docs] def for_new_name(self, name: str) -> 'Self': return self.__class__( name=name, title=self.title, definition=self.definition,, order=self.order, checksum=self.checksum, type=self.type, meta=self.meta, content=self.content, payment_method=self.payment_method, created=self.created )
[docs] class SurveyDefinition(Base, ContentMixin, TimestampMixin, Extendable): """ Defines a survey stored in the database. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'surveys'
# # for better compatibility with generic code that expects an id # # this is just an alias for `name`, which is our primary key @hybrid_property
[docs] def id(self) -> str: return
#: the name of the form (key, part of the url)
[docs] name: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
#: the title of the form
[docs] title: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the form as parsable string
[docs] definition: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: the group to which this resource belongs to (may be any kind of string)
[docs] group: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: The normalized title for sorting
[docs] order: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False, index=True)
#: the checksum of the definition, forms and submissions with matching #: checksums are guaranteed to have the exact same definition
[docs] checksum: 'Column[str]' = Column(Text, nullable=False)
#: link between surveys and submissions
[docs] submissions: 'relationship[list[SurveySubmission]]' = relationship( SurveySubmission, back_populates='survey' )
#: link between surveys and submission windows
[docs] submission_windows: 'relationship[list[SurveySubmissionWindow]]'
submission_windows = relationship( SurveySubmissionWindow, back_populates='survey', order_by='SurveySubmissionWindow.start', cascade='all, delete-orphan' )
[docs] current_submission_window: 'relationship[SurveySubmissionWindow | None]'
current_submission_window = relationship( 'SurveySubmissionWindow', viewonly=True, uselist=False, primaryjoin="""and_( ==, == select((, )).where( == ).order_by( func.least( cast('AT TIME ZONE')( SurveySubmissionWindow.timezone ), Date ).op('<->')(SurveySubmissionWindow.start), cast('AT TIME ZONE')( SurveySubmissionWindow.timezone ), Date ).op('<->')(SurveySubmissionWindow.end) ) ).limit(1) )""" ) #: lead text describing the survey
[docs] lead: dict_property[str | None] = meta_property()
#: content associated with the Survey
[docs] text = dict_markup_property('content')
#: extensions
[docs] extensions: dict_property[list[str]] = meta_property(default=list)
[docs] def form_class(self) -> type['Form']: """ Parses the survey definition and returns a form class. """ return self.extend_form_class( parse_form(self.definition), self.extensions or [], )
[docs] def definition_observer(self, definition: str) -> None: self.checksum = hash_definition(definition)
[docs] def title_observer(self, title: str) -> None: self.order = normalize_for_url(title)
[docs] def has_submissions( self, ) -> bool: session = object_session(self) query = session.query( query = query.filter( == return session.query(query.exists()).scalar()
[docs] def add_submission_window( self, start: 'date', end: 'date', *, enabled: bool = True, timezone: str = 'Europe/Zurich', ) -> SurveySubmissionWindow: window = SurveySubmissionWindow( start=start, end=end, enabled=enabled, timezone=timezone, ) self.submission_windows.append(window) return window
[docs] def get_results(self, request: 'CoreRequest', sw_id: ('UUID | None') = None ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Returns the results of the survey. """ form = request.get_form(self.form_class) all_fields = form._fields all_fields.pop('csrf_token', None) fields = all_fields.values() q = request.session.query(SurveySubmission).filter_by( if sw_id: submissions = q.filter_by(submission_window_id=sw_id).all() else: submissions = q.all() results: dict[str, Any] = {} aggregated = ['MultiCheckboxField', 'RadioField'] for field in fields: if field.type not in aggregated: results[] = [] elif isinstance(field, (MultiCheckboxField, RadioField)): results[] = {} for choice in field.choices: results[][choice[0]] = 0 for submission in submissions: for field in fields: if if field.type not in aggregated: results[].append( str( else: if isinstance(field, (RadioField)): for choice in field.choices: if choice[0] ==, []): results[][choice[0]] += 1 if isinstance(field, (MultiCheckboxField)): for choice in field.choices: if choice[0] in, []): results[][choice[0]] += 1 return results