Source code for form.extensions

from typing import Any, Generic, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection
    from onegov.form import Form

[docs] _FormT = TypeVar('_FormT', bound='Form')
[docs] form_extensions: dict[str, type['FormExtension[Any]']] = {}
[docs] class FormExtension(Generic[_FormT]): """ Enables the extension of form definitions/submissions. When either of those models create a form class they will take the 'extensions' key in the meta dictionary to extend those formcode based forms. This allows for specialised behaviour of formcode forms with the drawback that those definitions/submissions are more tightly bound to the code. That is to say code in module A could not use submissions defined by module B unless module B is also present in the path. To create and register a form extension subclass as follows:: class MyExtension(FormExtension, name='my-extension'): def create(self): return self.form_class Note that you *should not* change the form_class provided to you. Instead you should subclass it. If you need to change the form class, you need to clone it:: class MyExtension(FormExtension, name='my-extension'): def create(self): return self.form_class.clone() class MyExtension(FormExtension, name='my-extension'): def create(self): class ExtendedForm(self.form_class): pass return ExtendedForm Also, names must be unique and can only be registered once. """ def __init__(self, form_class: type[_FormT]):
[docs] self.form_class = form_class
[docs] def __init_subclass__(cls, name: str, **kwargs: object): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) assert name not in form_extensions, ( f'A form extension named {name} already exists' ) form_extensions[name] = cls
[docs] def create(self) -> type[_FormT]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class Extendable: """ Models extending their form classes use this mixin to create the extended forms. It also serves as a marker to possibly keep track of all classes that use extended forms. """
[docs] def extend_form_class( self, form_class: type[_FormT], extensions: 'Collection[str]' ) -> type[_FormT]: if not extensions: return form_class for extension in extensions: if extension not in form_extensions: raise KeyError(f'Unknown form extension: {extension}') form_class = form_extensions[extension](form_class).create() return form_class