from __future__ import annotations
import hashlib
import magic
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager, suppress
from import FileIntent
from functools import lru_cache
from mimetypes import guess_extension
from io import IOBase, BytesIO, UnsupportedOperation
from lxml import etree
from PIL import Image
from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING
from _typeshed import SupportsRead, StrOrBytesPath
from import Iterator
def content_type_from_fileobj(fileobj: SupportsRead[bytes]) -> str:
""" Gets the content type from a file obj. Depot has this as well, but it
doesn't use python-magic. We use python-magic to be slower, but more
if hasattr(fileobj, 'seek'):
with suppress(UnsupportedOperation):
return magic.from_buffer(, mime=True)
def as_fileintent(
content: bytes | IO[bytes],
filename: str | None
) -> FileIntent:
# this is far stricter than filedepot is, but our custom UploadedFile
# requires more than just a read() to be implemented, this check won't
# make mypy happy, since IOBase does not inherit from typing.IO
# the minimum we could get away with right now is SupportsReadCloseSeek
# which is not that far off what IO provides, so for simplicity let's
# just use that
msg = 'Content must be either a bytes string or a file-like object.'
assert isinstance(content, (bytes, IOBase)), msg
if isinstance(content, bytes):
return FileIntent(BytesIO(content), filename, 'text/plain')
if hasattr(content, 'mode'): # type: ignore[unreachable]
assert 'b' in content.mode, 'Open file in binary mode.'
if hasattr(content, 'seek'):
return FileIntent(
content, filename, content_type_from_fileobj(content))
def get_supported_image_mime_types() -> set[str]:
""" Queries PIL for *all* locally supported mime types.
Adapted from:
# Make sure all supported formats are registered.
# Not all PIL formats register a mime type, fill in the blanks ourselves.
supported_types = {
for mime in Image.MIME.values():
# exclude pdfs, postscripts and the like
if not mime.startswith('application/'):
return supported_types
# TODO: technically SupportsReadClose is enough
def get_svg_size(svg: IO[bytes]) -> tuple[str | None, str | None]:
# note, the svg size may not be in pixel, it can include the same units
# the browser uses for styling, so we need to pass this information down
# to the browser, instead of using it internally
root = etree.parse(svg).getroot()
return root.get('width'), root.get('height')
def extension_for_content_type(
content_type: str,
filename: str | None = None
) -> str:
""" Gets the extension for the given content type. Note that this is
*meant for display only*. A file claiming to be a PDF might not be one,
but this function would not let you know that.
if filename is not None:
# previously we checked if the extension was at most 3 characters
# while I understand the motivation behind this, I don't think it
# is a good idea to make long file extensions not work, just to
# support files without an extension that have a `.` in the name
_, sep, ext = filename.rpartition('.')
ext = ext.lower() if sep else ''
ext = guess_extension(content_type, strict=False) or ''
return ext.strip('. ')
def get_image_size(image: Image.Image) -> tuple[str, str]:
w, h = image.size
return f'{w}px', f'{h}px'
def digest(
fileobj: SupportsRead[bytes],
type: str = 'sha256',
chunksize: int = 4096
) -> str:
if hasattr(fileobj, 'seek'):
with suppress(UnsupportedOperation):
digest = getattr(hashlib, type)()
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
return digest.hexdigest()
def word_count(text: str) -> int:
""" The word-count of the given text. Goes through the string exactly
once and has constant memory usage. Not super sophisticated though.
if not text:
return 0
count = 0
inside_word = False
for char in text:
if char.isspace():
inside_word = False
elif not inside_word:
count += 1
inside_word = True
return count
def name_without_extension(name: str) -> str:
# previously we checked if the extension was at most 3 characters
# while I understand the motivation behind this, I don't think it
# is a good idea to make long file extensions not work, just to
# support files without an extension that have a `.` in the name
name, sep, ext = name.rpartition('.')
# if there is no sep, then the original string will be in ext
return name if sep else ext
def current_dir(dir: StrOrBytesPath) -> Iterator[None]:
previous = os.getcwd()
# we don't support *all* the image types PIL supports
EXCLUDED_IMAGE_TYPES = {'application/pdf'}
IMAGE_MIME_TYPES = get_supported_image_mime_types() - EXCLUDED_IMAGE_TYPES