Source code for file.integration

import morepath
import os.path
import shlex
import shutil
import subprocess
import yaml

from blinker import ANY
from contextlib import contextmanager
from import FileIntent
from depot.manager import DepotManager
from depot.middleware import FileServeApp
from more.transaction.main import transaction_tween_factory
from morepath import App
from onegov.core.custom import json
from import Private, Public
from onegov.core.utils import is_valid_yubikey, yubikey_public_id
from onegov.file.collection import FileCollection
from onegov.file.errors import AlreadySignedError
from onegov.file.errors import InvalidTokenError
from onegov.file.errors import TokenConfigurationError
from onegov.file.models import File
from onegov.file.sign import SigningService
from onegov.file.utils import digest, current_dir
from pathlib import Path
from sedate import utcnow
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified
from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile

from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable, Iterator
    from import FileStorage, StoredFile
    from functools import cached_property
    from onegov.core.orm import SessionManager
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from onegov.file.types import SigningServiceConfig
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from webob import Response

[docs] class DepotApp(App): """ Provides `Depot <>`_ integration for :class:`onegov.core.framework.Framework` based applications. """ if TYPE_CHECKING: # forward declare the Framework attributes we need
[docs] application_id: str
schema: str yubikey_client_id: str | None yubikey_secret_key: str | None session_manager: SessionManager @cached_property def session(self) -> Callable[[], Session]: ... @property def has_database_connection(self) -> bool: ...
[docs] custom_depot_id = None
[docs] def configure_files( self, *, depot_backend: str | None = None, depot_storage_path: str | None = None, frontend_cache_buster: str | None = None, frontend_cache_bust_delay: int = 2, signing_services: str | None = None, **cfg: Any ) -> None: """ Configures the file/depot integration. The following configuration options are accepted: :depot_backend: The depot backend to use. Supported values: * * :depot_storage_path: The storage path used by the local file storage. Note that the actual files are stored under a subdirectory specific to each application id. This is mainly to keep a handle on which file belongs to which application. Additionally it ensures that we aren't accidentally opening another application's files. :frontend_cache_buster: A script able to bust the frontend cache. Our frontend (nginx) caches the files we store in the backend and serves them mostly without bothering us. This can be problematic when the file is deleted or if it is made private. The cache needs to be busted in this case. With this configuration a script/command can be specified that receives the url that needs to be busted and in turn busts the content of this url from the cache. This pretty much depends on the platform this is run and on the frontend in use. For example, let's say our script is called 'bust-cache', this is the command that will be run when the cache is busted:: sleep 5 bust-cache id-of-the-file As you can see, the command is invoked with a five second delay. This avoids premature cache busting (before the end of the transaction). The command is non-blocking, so those 5 seconds are not counted towards the request-time. Frontend caches might use the domain and the full path to cache a file, but since we can technically have multiple domains/paths point to the same file we simply pass the id and let the cache figure out what urls need to be busted as a result. The script is invoked with the permissions of the user running the backend. If other permissions are required, use suid. Note that this script is optional. If omitted, the cache busting turns into a noop. :signing_services: Contains signing service configs. Each application gets exactly one signing service. This integration class will take care of instantiating the signing service and offer it through `self.signing_service`. The signing service can be used with any file, though there is first-class support for signing onegov.file models. Signing services are implemented using sublcasses of the :class:`onegov.file.sign.SigningService`. Each signature service class is configured using a single yaml file which is stored in the signature config path. By default we use the '__default__.yml' config. Alternatively we can create separate configs for various application ids. For example, we might create a `onegov_town6-govikon.yml`, which would take precedence over the default config, if the application with the id `onegov_town6-govikon` would use the signing service. """ self._configure_depot(depot_backend, depot_storage_path) self.frontend_cache_buster = frontend_cache_buster self.frontend_cache_bust_delay = frontend_cache_bust_delay self.spawned_signing_services: dict[str, SigningService] = {} if signing_services is not None: self.signing_services = Path(signing_services) if not shutil.which('gs'): raise RuntimeError('onegov.file requires ghostscript') if not shutil.which('java'): raise RuntimeError('onegov.file requires java') if self.frontend_cache_buster: @self.session_manager.on_update.connect_via(ANY, weak=False) @self.session_manager.on_delete.connect_via(ANY, weak=False) def on_file_change(schema: str, obj: object) -> None: if isinstance(obj, File): self.bust_frontend_cache(
[docs] def _configure_depot( self, backend: str | None, storage_path: str | None ) -> None: if backend not in SUPPORTED_STORAGE_BACKENDS: raise RuntimeError('Depot app without valid storage backend') self.depot_backend = backend self.depot_storage_path = storage_path if self.depot_backend == '': if self.depot_storage_path is None: raise ValueError('Depot storage path needs to be configured') if not os.path.isdir(self.depot_storage_path): raise FileNotFoundError('Depot storage path does not exist')
[docs] def bound_depot_id(self) -> str: return self.custom_depot_id or self.schema
[docs] def bound_depot(self) -> 'FileStorage | None': # FIXME: Do we actually care that the default depot is our depot? # One could imagine a separate thread which works on all # the file depots and gets the bound depot for each App # so we could just do DepotManager.get(self.bound_depot_id) assert DepotManager._default_depot == self.bound_depot_id return DepotManager.get()
[docs] def bound_storage_path(self) -> Path: assert self.depot_storage_path is not None return Path(self.depot_storage_path) / self.bound_depot_id
[docs] def create_depot(self) -> None: config = { 'depot.backend': self.depot_backend } if self.depot_backend.endswith('LocalFileStorage'): path = self.bound_storage_path if not path.exists(): path.mkdir() config['depot.storage_path'] = str(path) elif self.depot_backend.endswith('MemoryFileStorage'): pass else: # implementing non-local file systems is going to be more # involved, because we do not generate external urls yet raise NotImplementedError() DepotManager.configure(self.bound_depot_id, config)
[docs] def bind_depot(self) -> None: if self.bound_depot_id not in DepotManager._depots: self.create_depot() DepotManager.set_default(self.bound_depot_id)
[docs] def bust_frontend_cache(self, file_id: str) -> None: if not self.frontend_cache_buster: return bin = shlex.quote(self.frontend_cache_buster) fid = shlex.quote(file_id) cmd = f'sleep {self.frontend_cache_bust_delay} && {bin} {fid}' subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, shell=True)
[docs] def sign_file( # nosec: B105,B107 self, file: File, signee: str, token: str, token_type: str = 'yubikey' ) -> None: """ Signs the given file and stores metadata about that process. During signing the stored file is replaced with the signed version. For example:: pdf = app.sign_file(pdf, '', 'foo') :param file: The :class:`onegov.file..File` instance to sign. :param signee: The name of the signee (should be a username). :param token: The (yubikey) token used to sign the file. WARNING: It is the job of the caller to ensure that the yubikey has the right to sign the document (i.e. that it is the right yubikey). :param token_type: They type of the passed token. Currently only 'yubikey'. """ if file.signed: raise AlreadySignedError(file) if token_type == 'yubikey': # nosec: B105 def is_valid_token(token: str) -> bool: if ( not hasattr(self, 'yubikey_client_id') or self.yubikey_client_id is None or self.yubikey_secret_key is None ): raise TokenConfigurationError(token_type) return is_valid_yubikey( self.yubikey_client_id, self.yubikey_secret_key, expected_yubikey_id=yubikey_public_id(token), yubikey=token ) else: raise NotImplementedError(f'Unknown token type: {token_type}') if not is_valid_token(token): raise InvalidTokenError(token) mb = 1024 ** 2 session = object_session(file) with SpooledTemporaryFile(max_size=16 * mb, mode='wb') as signed: old_digest = digest(file.reference.file) request_id = self.signing_service.sign(file.reference.file, signed) new_digest = digest(signed) file.reference = FileIntent( fileobj=signed,, content_type=file.reference['content_type']) file.signature_metadata = { 'old_digest': old_digest, 'new_digest': new_digest, 'signee': signee, 'timestamp': utcnow().isoformat(), 'request_id': request_id, 'token': token, 'token_type': token_type } file.signed = True from onegov.file.models.file_message import FileMessage # circular FileMessage.log_signature(file, signee) session.flush()
[docs] def signing_service_id(self) -> str: return self.application_id.replace('/', '-')
[docs] def signing_service_config(self) -> 'SigningServiceConfig': if not self.signing_services: raise RuntimeError('No signing service config path set') paths = ( self.signing_services / f'{self.signing_service_id}.yml', self.signing_services / '__default__.yml', ) for path in paths: if path.exists(): with'r') as f: return yaml.safe_load( raise RuntimeError( f'No service config found at {self.signing_services}')
[docs] def signing_service(self) -> SigningService: # it is somewhat inefficient to keep multiple instances of the same # service around as many services can have the same config - however # it prevents accidental leaks of state between applications service_id = self.signing_service_id if self.signing_service_id not in self.spawned_signing_services: config = self.signing_service_config with current_dir(self.signing_services): self.spawned_signing_services[ service_id ] = SigningService.for_config(config) return self.spawned_signing_services[service_id]
[docs] def clear_depot_cache(self) -> None: DepotManager._aliases.clear() DepotManager._default_depot = None DepotManager._depots.clear()
[docs] def temporary_depot( self, depot_id: str, *, depot_backend: str | None = None, depot_storage_path: str | None = None, # FIXME: Remove this parameter **ignored: Any ) -> 'Iterator[None]': """ Temporarily use another depot. """ original_depot_backend = self.depot_backend original_depot_storage_path = self.depot_storage_path self.custom_depot_id = depot_id self.clear_depot_cache() # previously this used configure_files, which is bad # since it also sets the cache buster, which would not # have been restored. In this context manager we only # want to change the depot backend/storage path and # nothing else! self._configure_depot( depot_backend, depot_storage_path, ) self.bind_depot() yield self.custom_depot_id = None self.clear_depot_cache() self._configure_depot( original_depot_backend, original_depot_storage_path ) self.bind_depot()
[docs] def configure_depot_tween_factory( app: DepotApp, handler: 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]' ) -> 'Callable[[CoreRequest], Response]': assert app.has_database_connection, 'This module requires a db backed app.' def configure_depot_tween(request: 'CoreRequest') -> 'Response': app.bind_depot() return handler(request) return configure_depot_tween
[docs] def render_depot_file( file: 'StoredFile', request: 'CoreRequest' ) -> 'Response': return request.get_response( FileServeApp(file, cache_max_age=3600 * 24 * 7))
[docs] def respond_with_alt_text(reference: File, request: 'CoreRequest') -> None: @request.after def include_alt_text(response: 'Response') -> None: # HTTP headers are limited to ASCII, so we encode our result in # JSON before showing it response.headers.add('X-File-Note', json.dumps( {'note': reference.note or ''}, ))
[docs] def respond_with_caching_header( reference: File, request: 'CoreRequest' ) -> None: if not reference.published: @request.after def include_private_header(response: 'Response') -> None: response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'private'
[docs] def respond_with_x_robots_tag_header( reference: File, request: 'CoreRequest' ) -> None: if getattr(reference, 'access', None) in ('secret', 'secret_mtan'): @request.after def include_x_robots_tag_header(response: 'Response') -> None: response.headers.add('X-Robots-Tag', 'noindex')
@DepotApp.path(model=File, path='/storage/{id}')
[docs] def get_file(app: DepotApp, id: str) -> File | None: return FileCollection(app.session()).by_id(id)
@DepotApp.view(model=File, render=render_depot_file, permission=Public)
[docs] def view_file(self: File, request: 'CoreRequest') -> 'StoredFile': respond_with_alt_text(self, request) respond_with_caching_header(self, request) respond_with_x_robots_tag_header(self, request) return self.reference.file
@DepotApp.view(model=File, name='thumbnail', permission=Public, render=render_depot_file) @DepotApp.view(model=File, name='small', permission=Public, render=render_depot_file) @DepotApp.view(model=File, name='medium', permission=Public, render=render_depot_file)
[docs] def view_thumbnail( self: File, request: 'CoreRequest' ) -> 'StoredFile | Response': if request.view_name in ('small', 'medium'): size = request.view_name else: size = 'small' respond_with_alt_text(self, request) respond_with_caching_header(self, request) respond_with_x_robots_tag_header(self, request) thumbnail_id = self.get_thumbnail_id(size) if not thumbnail_id: return morepath.redirect( return # type:ignore
@DepotApp.view(model=File, render=render_depot_file, permission=Public, request_method='HEAD')
[docs] def view_file_head(self: File, request: 'CoreRequest') -> 'StoredFile': @request.after def set_cache(response: 'Response') -> None: response.cache_control.max_age = 60 return view_file(self, request)
@DepotApp.view(model=File, name='thumbnail', render=render_depot_file, permission=Public, request_method='HEAD') @DepotApp.view(model=File, name='small', render=render_depot_file, permission=Public, request_method='HEAD') @DepotApp.view(model=File, name='medium', render=render_depot_file, permission=Public, request_method='HEAD')
[docs] def view_thumbnail_head( self: File, request: 'CoreRequest' ) -> 'StoredFile | Response': @request.after def set_cache(response: 'Response') -> None: response.cache_control.max_age = 60 return view_thumbnail(self, request)
@DepotApp.view(model=File, name='note', request_method='POST', permission=Private)
[docs] def handle_note_update(self: File, request: 'CoreRequest') -> None: request.assert_valid_csrf_token() note = request.POST.get('note') # guard against field storage i.e. uploaded files self.note = note if isinstance(note, str) else None # when updating the alt text we offer the option not to update the # modified date, which is helpful if the files are in modified order # and the order should remain when the note is changed if request.POST.get('keep-timestamp') in ('1', 'true', 'yes'): self.modified = self.modified flag_modified(self, 'modified')
@DepotApp.view(model=File, name='rename', request_method='POST', permission=Private)
[docs] def handle_rename(self: File, request: 'CoreRequest') -> None: request.assert_valid_csrf_token() name = request.POST.get('name') # only rename if we're given a new name if not isinstance(name, str) or not name: return = name self._update_metadata( # when updating the name we offer the option not to update the # modified date, which is helpful if the files are in modified order # and the order should remain when the note is changed if request.POST.get('keep-timestamp') in ('1', 'true', 'yes'): self.modified = self.modified flag_modified(self, 'modified')
@DepotApp.view(model=File, request_method='DELETE', permission=Private)
[docs] def delete_file(self: File, request: 'CoreRequest') -> None: """ Deletes the given file. By default the permission is ``Private``. An application using the framework can override this though. Since a DELETE can only be sent through AJAX it is protected by the same-origin policy. That means that we don't need to use any CSRF protection here. That being said, browser bugs and future changes in the HTML standard make it possible for this to happen one day. Therefore, a time-limited token must be passed as query parameter to this function. New tokens can be acquired through ``request.new_csrf_token``. """ request.assert_valid_csrf_token() if self.signed: from onegov.file.models.file_message import FileMessage # circular # FIXME: this is a weird cross-dependency on OrgRequest # we should probably refactor this username = getattr(request, 'current_username', None) FileMessage.log_signed_file_removal(self, username) FileCollection(request.session).delete(self)