Source code for feriennet.forms.notification_template

from functools import cached_property
from markupsafe import Markup, escape

from onegov.activity import Activity
from onegov.activity import Booking, BookingCollection
from onegov.activity import Occasion, OccasionCollection
from onegov.core.orm import as_selectable_from_path
from onegov.core.utils import module_path
from onegov.feriennet import _
from onegov.feriennet.collections import BillingCollection
from onegov.feriennet.layout import DefaultLayout
from onegov.feriennet.models import NotificationTemplate
from onegov.form import Form
from onegov.form.fields import MultiCheckboxField, HtmlField
from onegov.user import User, UserCollection
from sqlalchemy import distinct, or_, and_, select, exists
from uuid import uuid4
from wtforms.fields import BooleanField, StringField, RadioField
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired, ValidationError

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection, Iterator
    from onegov.activity.models import PeriodMeta
    from onegov.feriennet.request import FeriennetRequest
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query

[docs] class NotificationTemplateForm(Form):
[docs] subject = StringField( label=_('Subject'), validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] text = HtmlField( label=_('Message'), validators=[InputRequired()], render_kw={'rows': 12} )
[docs] def validate_subject(self, field: StringField) -> None: if not # caught by input required return c = exists().where(NotificationTemplate.subject == # in edit mode we must exclude the current model if isinstance(self.model, NotificationTemplate): c = c.where( != if self.request.session.query(c).scalar(): raise ValidationError( _('A notification with this subject exists already') )
[docs] class NotificationTemplateSendForm(Form):
[docs] request: 'FeriennetRequest'
[docs] send_to = RadioField( label=_('Send to'), choices=[ ('myself', _( 'Myself' )), ('active_organisers', _( 'Organisers with an occasion' )), ('by_role', _( 'Users of a given role' )), ('with_wishlist', _( 'Users with wishes' )), ('with_accepted_bookings', _( 'Users with accepted bookings' )), ('with_unpaid_bills', _( 'Users with unpaid bills' )), ('by_occasion', _( 'Users with attenedees that have an occasion on their ' 'wish- or booking-list' )), ], default='by_role' )
[docs] roles = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Role'), choices=[ ('admin', _('Administrators')), ('editor', _('Organisers')), ('member', _('Members')) ], depends_on=('send_to', 'by_role') )
[docs] occasion = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Occasion'), choices=None, depends_on=('send_to', 'by_occasion') )
[docs] state = MultiCheckboxField( label=_('Useraccounts'), choices=[ ('active', _('Active users')), ('inactive', _('Inactive users')), ], default=['active'], )
[docs] no_spam = BooleanField( label=_( 'I hereby confirm that this message is relevant to the ' 'recipients and is not spam.' ), render_kw={'force_simple': True}, validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: self.occasion.choices = list(self.occasion_choices)
[docs] def period(self) -> 'PeriodMeta': for period in if == self.model.period_id: return period raise AssertionError('unreachable')
[docs] def has_choices(self) -> bool: return self.request.is_admin or bool(self.occasion.choices)
[docs] def recipients(self) -> set[str]: if == 'myself': assert self.request.current_username is not None return {self.request.current_username} elif == 'by_role': recipients = self.recipients_by_role( or ()) elif == 'by_occasion': recipients = self.recipients_by_occasion( or ()) elif == 'with_wishlist': recipients = self.recipients_with_wishes() elif == 'with_accepted_bookings': recipients = self.recipients_with_accepted_bookings() elif == 'active_organisers': recipients = self.recipients_which_are_active_organisers() elif == 'with_unpaid_bills': recipients = self.recipients_with_unpaid_bills() else: raise NotImplementedError return recipients & self.recipients_pool
[docs] def recipients_pool(self) -> set[str]: users = UserCollection(self.request.session).query() if == ['active']: users = users.filter( == True) elif == ['inactive']: users = users.filter( == False) elif != ['active', 'inactive']: return set() return {u.username for u in users.with_entities(User.username)}
[docs] def recipients_by_role(self, roles: 'Collection[str]') -> set[str]: if not roles: return set() q = UserCollection(self.request.session).by_roles(*roles) q = q.with_entities(User.username) return {u.username for u in q}
[docs] def recipients_with_wishes(self) -> set[str]: bookings = BookingCollection(self.request.session) if not self.period.wishlist_phase: return set() q = bookings.query().order_by(None) q = q.filter_by( q = q.with_entities(distinct(Booking.username).label('username')) return {b.username for b in q}
[docs] def recipients_with_accepted_bookings(self) -> set[str]: bookings = BookingCollection(self.request.session) if self.period.wishlist_phase: return set() q = bookings.query().order_by(None) q = q.filter_by(, state='accepted') q = q.with_entities(distinct(Booking.username).label('username')) return {b.username for b in q}
[docs] def recipients_which_are_active_organisers(self) -> set[str]: occasions = OccasionCollection(self.request.session) q = occasions.query().filter_by( q = q.join(Activity) q = q.filter(Occasion.cancelled == False) uq = q.with_entities(distinct(Activity.username)) return {username for username, in uq}
[docs] def recipients_with_unpaid_bills(self) -> set[str]: billing = BillingCollection(self.request, period=self.period) return { username for username, bill in billing.bills.items() if not bill.paid }
[docs] def recipients_by_occasion_query( self, # NOTE: We rely on SQLAlchemy auto-casting text to uuid here # if we wanted to be a little bit more rigorous we could # use `coerce` on `MultiCheckboxField` to ensure we're # passing in `UUID`s, rather than `str`s. occasions: 'Collection[str]' ) -> 'Query[Booking]': bookings = BookingCollection(self.request.session) q = bookings.query().order_by(None) q = q.filter_by( q = q.join(Booking.occasion) if not occasions: # results in an impossible query that returns no results return q.filter(Booking.occasion_id == uuid4()) q = q.filter(Booking.occasion_id.in_(occasions)) if self.period.confirmed: q = q.filter(or_( and_(Occasion.cancelled == False, Booking.state == 'accepted'), and_(Occasion.cancelled == True, Booking.state == 'cancelled'), )) return q
[docs] def recipients_by_occasion( self, occasions: 'Collection[str]', include_organisers: bool = True ) -> set[str]: q = self.recipients_by_occasion_query(occasions) q = q.with_entities(distinct(Booking.username).label('username')) attendees = {r.username for r in q} if not include_organisers: return attendees q2 = OccasionCollection(self.request.session).query() q2 = q2.join(Activity) q2 = q2.filter( uq = q2.with_entities(distinct(Activity.username)) organisers = {username for username, in uq} return attendees | organisers
[docs] def occasion_choices(self) -> 'Iterator[tuple[str, Markup]]': layout = DefaultLayout(self.model, self.request) stmt = as_selectable_from_path( module_path( 'onegov.feriennet', 'queries/occasion_choices.sql' ) ) query = select(stmt.c).where( stmt.c.period_id == ) templates = { True: _( '${title} (cancelled) ' '<small>${dates}, ${count} Attendees</small>', markup=True ), False: _( '${title} ' '<small>${dates}, ${count} Attendees</small>', markup=True ) } for record in self.request.session.execute(query): template = templates[record.cancelled] label = self.request.translate(template % { 'title': escape(record.title), 'count': record.count, 'dates': ', '.join( layout.format_datetime_range(*d) for d in record.dates ) }) yield record.occasion_id.hex, label