Source code for feriennet.forms.attendee

from functools import cached_property
from chameleon.utils import Markup
from onegov.activity import Attendee, AttendeeCollection
from onegov.activity import Booking, BookingCollection, Occasion
from onegov.activity import InvoiceCollection
from onegov.core.templates import render_macro
from onegov.feriennet import _
from onegov.feriennet.layout import DefaultLayout
from onegov.feriennet.utils import encode_name, decode_name
from onegov.form import Form
from onegov.user import UserCollection
from purl import URL
from sedate import utcnow
from sqlalchemy import not_
from wtforms.fields import BooleanField
from wtforms.fields import DateField
from wtforms.fields import HiddenField
from wtforms.fields import IntegerField
from wtforms.fields import RadioField
from wtforms.fields import StringField
from wtforms.fields import TextAreaField
from wtforms.validators import InputRequired, NumberRange

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.feriennet.request import FeriennetRequest
    from onegov.user import User

[docs] class AttendeeBase(Form):
[docs] request: 'FeriennetRequest'
[docs] first_name: StringField
last_name: StringField @property
[docs] def name(self) -> str: assert is not None assert is not None return encode_name(,
@name.setter def name(self, value: str) -> None:, = decode_name(value)
[docs] def populate_obj(self, model: Attendee) -> None: # type:ignore[override] super().populate_obj(model) = # Update name changes on invoice items of current period assert is not None invoice_collection = InvoiceCollection( session=self.request.session, invoice_items = invoice_collection.query_items() for item in invoice_items: if item.attendee_id == =
[docs] def process_obj(self, model: Attendee) -> None: # type:ignore[override] super().process_obj(model) =
[docs] def username(self) -> str | None: if not self.request.is_admin: return self.request.current_username username = self.request.params.get( 'username', self.request.current_username) return username if isinstance(username, str) else None
[docs] def ensure_no_duplicate_child(self) -> bool | None: attendees = AttendeeCollection(self.request.session) username = self.username if hasattr(self.model, 'username'): if self.username != self.model.username: username = self.model.username assert username is not None query = attendees.by_username(username) query = query.filter( == query = query.filter( != if self.request.session.query(query.exists()).scalar(): assert isinstance(self.last_name.errors, list) self.last_name.errors.append( _('You already entered a child with this name')) return False return None
[docs] class AttendeeForm(AttendeeBase):
[docs] first_name = StringField( label=_('First Name'), validators=[InputRequired()])
[docs] last_name = StringField( label=_('Last Name'), validators=[InputRequired()])
[docs] birth_date = DateField( label=_('Birthdate'), validators=[InputRequired()])
[docs] gender = RadioField( label=_('Gender'), choices=[ ('female', _('Girl')), ('male', _('Boy')), ], validators=[InputRequired()] )
[docs] notes = TextAreaField( label=_('Health Information'), description=_('Allergies, Disabilities, Particulars'), )
[docs] differing_address = BooleanField( label=_('The address of the attendee differs from the users address'), description=_("Check this box if the attendee doesn't live with you") )
[docs] address = TextAreaField( label=_('Address'), render_kw={'rows': 4}, validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('differing_address', 'y') )
[docs] zip_code = StringField( label=_('Zip Code'), validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('differing_address', 'y') )
[docs] place = StringField( label=_('Place'), validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('differing_address', 'y') )
[docs] political_municipality = StringField( label=_('Political municipality'), validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('differing_address', 'y') )
[docs] def show_political_municipality(self) -> bool | None: return'show_political_municipality')
[docs] def toggle_political_municipality(self) -> None: if not self.show_political_municipality: self.delete_field('political_municipality')
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: self.toggle_political_municipality()
[docs] class AttendeeSignupForm(AttendeeBase):
[docs] attendee = RadioField( label=_('Attendee'), validators=[InputRequired()], default='0xdeadbeef')
[docs] first_name = StringField( label=_('First Name'), validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('attendee', 'other'))
[docs] last_name = StringField( label=_('Last Name'), validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('attendee', 'other'))
[docs] birth_date = DateField( label=_('Birthdate'), validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('attendee', 'other'))
[docs] gender = RadioField( label=_('Gender'), choices=[ ('female', _('Girl')), ('male', _('Boy')), ], validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('attendee', 'other') )
[docs] notes = TextAreaField( label=_('Note'), description=_('Allergies, Disabilities, Particulars'), depends_on=('attendee', 'other') )
[docs] differing_address = BooleanField( label=_('The address of the attendee differs from the users address'), description=_("Check this box if the attendee doesn't live with you"), depends_on=('attendee', 'other') )
[docs] address = TextAreaField( label=_('Address'), render_kw={'rows': 4}, validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('differing_address', 'y') )
[docs] zip_code = StringField( label=_('Zip Code'), validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('differing_address', 'y') )
[docs] place = StringField( label=_('Place'), validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('differing_address', 'y') )
[docs] political_municipality = StringField( label=_('Political Municipality'), validators=[InputRequired()], depends_on=('differing_address', 'y') )
[docs] ignore_age = BooleanField( label=_('Ignore Age Restriction'), fieldset=_('Administration'), default=False )
[docs] accept_tos = BooleanField( label=_('Accept TOS'), fieldset=_('TOS'), default=False, )
[docs] group_code = HiddenField( label=_('Group Code'), fieldset=None, default=None )
[docs] def is_new_attendee(self) -> bool: return == 'other'
[docs] def is_complete_userprofile(self) -> bool: return self.request, username=None, user=self.user)
[docs] def show_political_municipality(self) -> bool | None: return'show_political_municipality')
[docs] def user(self) -> 'User | None': if not self.username: return None users = UserCollection(self.request.session) return users.by_username(self.username)
[docs] def booking_collection(self) -> BookingCollection: return BookingCollection( session=self.request.session, period_id=self.model.period_id)
[docs] def toggle_political_municipality(self) -> None: if not self.show_political_municipality: self.delete_field('political_municipality')
[docs] def for_username(self, username: str) -> str: url = URL(self.action) url = url.query_param('username', username) return url.as_string()
[docs] def populate_attendees(self) -> None: assert self.request.is_logged_in assert self.username is not None attendees = ( AttendeeCollection(self.request.session) .by_username(self.username) .with_entities(, .order_by( ) self.attendee.choices = [(, for a in attendees] self.attendee.choices.append(('other', _('Add a new attendee'))) # override the default if == '0xdeadbeef': = self.attendee.choices[0][0]
[docs] def populate_tos(self) -> None: assert self.request.current_user is not None url ='tos_url', None) if not url or'tos_accepted', None): self.delete_field('accept_tos') return layout = DefaultLayout(self.model, self.request) self.accept_tos.description = Markup(render_macro( # noqa: MS001 layout.macros['accept_tos'], self.request, {'url': url}))
[docs] def on_request(self) -> None: self.populate_attendees() self.populate_tos() self.toggle_political_municipality() if not self.request.is_admin: self.delete_field('ignore_age')
[docs] def ensure_tos_accepted(self) -> bool | None: if hasattr(self, 'accept_tos') and self.accept_tos is not None: if not assert isinstance(self.accept_tos.errors, list) self.accept_tos.errors.append( _('The TOS must be accepted to create a booking.')) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_complete_userprofile(self) -> bool | None: if not self.is_complete_userprofile: assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) assert self.user is not None if self.user.username == self.request.current_username: self.attendee.errors.append(_( 'Your userprofile is not complete. It needs to be ' 'complete before signing up any attendees.' )) else: self.attendee.errors.append(_( "The user's userprofile is not complete. It needs to be " "complete before signing up any attendees." )) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_no_duplicate_booking(self) -> bool | None: if not self.is_new_attendee: bookings = self.booking_collection query = bookings.by_occasion(self.model) query = query.filter(Booking.attendee_id == query = query.filter(not_( Booking.state.in_(( 'cancelled', 'denied', 'blocked' )) )) booking = query.first() if booking: assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_( 'This occasion has already been booked by ${name}', mapping={'name':} )) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_active_period(self) -> bool | None: if not assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_( 'This occasion is outside the currently active period' )) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_not_finalized(self) -> bool | None: if not self.model.period.finalized: return None if self.request.is_admin: return None if self.model.period.book_finalized: return None assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append( _('This period has already been finalized.')) return False
[docs] def ensure_within_prebooking_period(self) -> bool | None: if self.model.period.confirmed: return None if not self.model.period.is_currently_prebooking: assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_( 'Cannot create a booking outside the prebooking period' )) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_within_booking_period(self) -> bool | None: if not self.model.period.confirmed: return None if self.request.is_admin or self.model.period.book_finalized: return None if not self.model.period.is_currently_booking: assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_( 'Cannot create a booking outside the booking period' )) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_available_spots(self) -> bool | None: if self.model.full and not self.model.period.wishlist_phase: assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_( 'This occasion is already fully booked' )) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_correct_activity_state(self) -> bool | None: if self.model.activity.state == 'approved': assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_( 'This is an unapproved activity' )) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_not_over_limit(self) -> bool | None: if self.is_new_attendee: return True if self.model.period.confirmed: if self.model.exempt_from_booking_limit: limit = None elif self.model.period.booking_limit: limit = self.model.period.booking_limit else: limit, = ( self.request.session.query(Attendee.limit) .filter( == .one() ) else: limit = None if limit: bookings = self.booking_collection query = bookings.query().with_entities( query = query.filter(Booking.attendee_id == query = query.filter(Booking.state == 'accepted') query = query.filter(Occasion.exempt_from_booking_limit == False) count = query.count() if count >= limit: assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_(( 'The attendee already has already reached the maximum ' 'number of ${count} bookings' ), mapping={ 'count': limit })) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_no_conflict(self) -> bool | None: if not self.is_new_attendee and self.model.period.confirmed: if self.model.exclude_from_overlap_check: return None bookings = self.booking_collection query = bookings.query() query = query.filter(Booking.attendee_id == query = query.filter(Booking.state == 'accepted') for booking in query: if booking.overlaps(self.model): assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_( 'This occasion overlaps with another booking' )) return False return None
[docs] def ensure_correct_age(self) -> bool: if self.request.is_admin and is True: return True if self.is_new_attendee and not return True # will be caught by the required validator if self.is_new_attendee: birth_date = else: attendee = ( AttendeeCollection(self.request.session) .by_id( ) assert attendee is not None birth_date = attendee.birth_date if self.model.is_too_old(birth_date): assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_('The attendee is too old')) return False if self.model.is_too_young(birth_date): assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_('The attendee is too young')) return False return True
[docs] def ensure_before_deadline(self) -> bool | None: if self.request.is_admin: return True if self.model.is_past_deadline(utcnow()): assert isinstance(self.attendee.errors, list) self.attendee.errors.append(_('The deadline has passed.')) return False return None
[docs] class AttendeeLimitForm(Form):
[docs] limit = IntegerField( label=_('Maximum number of bookings per period'), validators=[ NumberRange(0, 1000) ])