Source code for feriennet.collections.billing

from collections import OrderedDict
from decimal import Decimal
from itertools import groupby
from onegov.activity import Activity, Attendee, Booking, Occasion
from onegov.activity import BookingCollection
from onegov.activity import Invoice, InvoiceItem, InvoiceReference
from onegov.activity import InvoiceCollection
from onegov.core.orm import as_selectable, as_selectable_from_path
from onegov.core.utils import module_path
from onegov.user import User
from sqlalchemy import select
from sqlalchemy.orm import joinedload
from ulid import ULID

from typing import Any, Literal, NamedTuple, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection, Iterator
    from onegov.activity.models import Period, PeriodMeta
    from onegov.feriennet.request import FeriennetRequest
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query, Session
    from sqlalchemy.sql.selectable import Alias
    from typing import Self
    from uuid import UUID

[docs] class InvoicesByPeriodRow(NamedTuple):
[docs] id: UUID
# NOTE: We assume the realname is always set, although this is # technically not strictly enforced by the query
[docs] realname: str
[docs] username: str
[docs] group: str
[docs] attendee_id: UUID | None
[docs] text: str
[docs] organizer: str | None
[docs] family: str | None
[docs] paid: bool
[docs] has_online_payments: bool
[docs] amount: Decimal
[docs] source: str | None
[docs] period_id: UUID
[docs] changes: Literal['possible', 'discouraged', 'impossible']
[docs] invoice_id: UUID
[docs] invoice_paid: bool
[docs] invoice_amount: Decimal
[docs] invoice_outstanding: Decimal
[docs] invoice_changes: Literal['possible', 'discouraged', 'impossible']
[docs] class BillingCollection: def __init__( self, request: 'FeriennetRequest', period: 'Period | PeriodMeta', username: str | None = None, expand: bool = False, state: Literal['paid', 'unpaid'] | None = None ) -> None:
[docs] self.request = request
[docs] self.session = request.session
[docs] =
[docs] self.period = period
[docs] self.username = username
[docs] self.expand = expand
[docs] self.invoices = user_id=self.user_id, )
[docs] self.state = state
[docs] def user_id(self) -> 'UUID | None': if self.username: return[self.username] return None
[docs] def period_id(self) -> 'UUID': return
[docs] def for_period(self, period: 'Period') -> 'Self': return self.__class__( self.request, period, self.username, self.expand, self.state)
[docs] def for_username(self, username: str) -> 'Self': return self.__class__( self.request, self.period, username, self.expand, self.state)
[docs] def for_expand(self, expand: bool) -> 'Self': return self.__class__( self.request, self.period, self.username, expand, self.state)
[docs] def for_state(self, state: Literal['paid', 'unpaid'] | None) -> 'Self': return self.__class__( self.request, self.period, self.username, self.expand, state)
[docs] def invoices_by_period_query(self) -> 'Alias': return as_selectable_from_path( module_path('onegov.feriennet', 'queries/invoices_by_period.sql'))
[docs] def invoices_by_period(self) -> 'Query[InvoicesByPeriodRow]': invoices = self.invoices_by_period_query.c query = select(invoices).where(invoices.period_id == self.period_id) if self.username: query = query.where(invoices.username == self.username) if self.state in ('paid', 'unpaid'): query = query.where(invoices.paid == (self.state == 'paid')) return self.session.execute(query)
[docs] class Bill(NamedTuple):
[docs] items: tuple['InvoicesByPeriodRow', ...]
[docs] first: 'InvoicesByPeriodRow'
[docs] id: 'UUID'
[docs] invoice_id: 'UUID'
[docs] title: str
[docs] paid: bool
[docs] total: Decimal
[docs] outstanding: Decimal
[docs] discourage_changes: bool
[docs] disable_changes: bool
[docs] has_online_payments: bool
[docs] def bills(self) -> dict[str, Bill]: bills = OrderedDict() invoices = self.invoices_by_period for username, items_ in groupby(invoices, lambda i: i.username): items = tuple(items_) first = items[0] bills[username] = self.Bill( items=items, first=first,, invoice_id=first.invoice_id, title=first.realname or first.username, paid=first.invoice_paid, total=first.invoice_amount, outstanding=first.invoice_outstanding, discourage_changes=first.invoice_changes == 'discouraged', disable_changes=first.invoice_changes == 'impossible', has_online_payments=first.has_online_payments ) return bills
[docs] def total(self) -> Decimal: # bills can technically be negative, which is not useful for us zero = Decimal('0.00') return max(zero, self.invoices.total_amount or zero)
[docs] def outstanding(self) -> Decimal: zero = Decimal('0.00') return max(zero, self.invoices.outstanding_amount or zero)
[docs] def add_position( self, users: 'Collection[str]', text: str, amount: Decimal, group: str ) -> int: # only add these positions to people who actually have an invoice invoices = ( self.invoices.query() .outerjoin(User) .filter(User.username.in_(users)) ) # each time we add a position, we group it uniquely using a family family = f'{group}-{ULID()}' count = 0 for invoice in invoices: count += 1 invoice.add( group=group, text=text, unit=amount, quantity=1, paid=False, family=family ) return count
[docs] def add_manual_position( self, users: 'Collection[str]', text: str, amount: Decimal ) -> int: return self.add_position(users, text, amount, group='manual')
[docs] def include_donation( self, text: str, user_id: 'UUID', amount: Decimal ) -> InvoiceItem | None: """ Includes a donation for the given user and period. Unlike manual positions, donations are supposed to be off/on per period. Therefore this interface is somewhat different and has an exclude_donation counterpart. """ # an invoice is required invoice = ( self.invoices.query() .outerjoin(User) .filter( == user_id) .options(joinedload(Invoice.items)) .one() ) # if there's an existing donation, update it for item in invoice.items: if == 'donation': assert not item.paid item.unit = amount item.text = text return None # if there's no donation, add it return invoice.add( group='donation', text=text, unit=amount, quantity=1, paid=False )
[docs] def exclude_donation(self, user_id: 'UUID') -> bool | None: invoice = ( self.invoices.query() .outerjoin(User) .filter( == user_id) .options(joinedload(Invoice.items)) .first() ) if not invoice: return None donations = (i for i in invoice.items if == 'donation') donation = next(donations, None) if donation and not donation.paid: self.session.delete(donation) return True return False
[docs] def create_invoices( self, all_inclusive_booking_text: str | None = None ) -> None: assert not self.period.finalized if self.period.all_inclusive and self.period.booking_cost: assert all_inclusive_booking_text # speed up some lookups session = self.session period = self.period invoices = self.invoices # delete all existing invoices invoice_ids = invoices.query().with_entities( def delete_queries() -> 'Iterator[Query[Any]]': yield session.query(InvoiceReference).filter( InvoiceReference.invoice_id.in_(invoice_ids)) yield session.query(InvoiceItem).filter( InvoiceItem.invoice_id.in_(invoice_ids)) yield invoices.query() for q in delete_queries(): q.delete('fetch') # regenerate the invoices bookings = BookingCollection(session, q = bookings.query().with_entities( Booking.username, Booking.cost, Booking.occasion_id, Booking.attendee_id, ) q = q.filter(Booking.state == 'accepted') # create the invoices/items bridge = BookingInvoiceBridge(self.session, period) for booking in q: bridge.process(booking) bridge.complete(all_inclusive_booking_text)
[docs] class BookingInvoiceBridge: """ Creates invoices from bookings. Should be used in a two-phase process, with one exception: 1. The bookings are processed using `process`. 2. Premiums are applied by calling `complete`. The exception is if you want to simply process a single booking after the premiums have been processed already. This is an exception for admins which may add bookings after all bills have been processed already. """
[docs] attendees: dict['UUID', tuple[str, str]]
[docs] processed_attendees: set['UUID']
[docs] billed_attendees: set['UUID']
def __init__( self, session: 'Session', period: 'Period | PeriodMeta' ) -> None: # tracks attendees which had at least one booking added through the # bridge (even if said booking was free) self.processed_attendees = set() # init auxiliary tools
[docs] self.session = session
[docs] self.period = period
[docs] self.invoices = InvoiceCollection(session)
# preload data
[docs] self.activities = { ( r.Activity.title,'organisation', '') ) for r in session.query(, Activity).join(Activity) }
# holds invoices which existed already
[docs] self.existing = { i.user.username: i for i in self.invoices.query() .options(joinedload(Invoice.user)) .filter(Invoice.period_id == }
# holds attendee ids which already had at least one item in this period
[docs] stmt = as_selectable(""" SELECT DISTINCT "group", -- Text "username", -- Text attendee_id,-- UUID period_id -- UUID FROM invoice_items LEFT JOIN invoices ON invoice_items.invoice_id = LEFT JOIN users ON invoices.user_id = WHERE "group" != 'manual' """)
self.billed_attendees = { r.attendee_id for r in session.execute( select(stmt.c).where(stmt.c.period_id == ) } self.attendees = { (, a.username) for a in session.query(,, Attendee.username ) }
[docs] self.users = dict(session.query(User.username,
[docs] def process(self, booking: Booking) -> None: """ Processes a single booking. This may be a tuple that includes the following fields, though a model may also work: * `Booking.username` * `Booking.cost` * `Booking.occasion_id` * `Booking.attendee_id` """ if booking.username not in self.existing: self.existing[booking.username] = self.invoices.add(, user_id=self.users[booking.username], flush=False, optimistic=True ) self.processed_attendees.add(booking.attendee_id) if self.period.pay_organiser_directly or not booking.cost: return self.existing[booking.username].add( group=self.attendees[booking.attendee_id][0], attendee_id=booking.attendee_id, text=self.activities[booking.occasion_id][0], organizer=self.activities[booking.occasion_id][1], unit=booking.cost, quantity=1, flush=False )
[docs] def complete(self, all_inclusive_booking_text: str | None) -> None: """ Finalises the processed bookings. """ if not self.period.all_inclusive or not self.period.booking_cost: return assert all_inclusive_booking_text for id, (attendee, username) in self.attendees.items(): if ( id in self.processed_attendees and id not in self.billed_attendees ): self.existing[username].add( group=attendee, attendee_id=id, text=all_inclusive_booking_text, unit=self.period.booking_cost, quantity=1, flush=False )