Source code for feriennet.boardlets

from decimal import Decimal
from functools import cached_property
from onegov.activity import Activity, Attendee, Booking, Occasion
from onegov.feriennet import _
from onegov.feriennet import FeriennetApp
from onegov.feriennet.collections import BillingCollection, MatchCollection
from onegov.feriennet.exports.unlucky import UnluckyExport
from onegov.feriennet.layout import DefaultLayout
from import Boardlet, BoardletFact
from sqlalchemy import func

from typing import Literal, TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Iterator
    from onegov.activity.models import PeriodMeta
    from import BookingState
    from onegov.feriennet.collections.match import OccasionState
    from onegov.feriennet.request import FeriennetRequest
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query, Session

[docs] class FeriennetBoardlet(Boardlet):
[docs] request: 'FeriennetRequest'
[docs] def session(self) -> 'Session': return self.request.session
[docs] def period(self) -> 'PeriodMeta | None': return
[docs] def layout(self) -> DefaultLayout: return DefaultLayout(None, self.request)
[docs] def state(self) -> Literal['success', 'warning', 'failure']: if not self.period: return 'failure' if not self.period.confirmed: return 'warning' return 'success'
@FeriennetApp.boardlet(name='period', order=(1, 1))
[docs] class PeriodBoardlet(FeriennetBoardlet): @property
[docs] def title(self) -> str: return self.period and self.period.title or _('No active period')
[docs] def state(self) -> Literal['success', 'failure']: if not self.period: return 'failure' return 'success'
[docs] def facts(self) -> 'Iterator[BoardletFact]': if not self.period: return def icon(checked: bool) -> str: return 'fa-check-square-o' if checked else 'fa-square-o' yield BoardletFact( text=_('Prebooking: ${dates}', mapping={ 'dates': self.layout.format_date_range( self.period.prebooking_start, self.period.prebooking_end, ) }), icon=icon(self.period.confirmed) ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('Booking: ${dates}', mapping={ 'dates': self.layout.format_date_range( self.period.booking_start, self.period.booking_end, ) }), icon=icon(self.period.is_booking_in_past) ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('Execution: ${dates}', mapping={ 'dates': self.layout.format_date_range( self.period.execution_start, self.period.execution_end, ) }), icon=icon(self.period.is_execution_in_past) )
@FeriennetApp.boardlet(name='activities', order=(1, 2))
[docs] class ActivitiesBoardlet(FeriennetBoardlet): @cached_property
[docs] def occasions(self) -> 'Query[Occasion]': assert self.period is not None return self.session.query(Occasion).filter_by( Activity, Occasion.activity_id == state='accepted')
[docs] def occasions_count(self) -> int: if not self.period: return 0 return self.occasions.with_entities(func.count(
[docs] def activities_count(self) -> int: if not self.period: return 0 return self.session.query(func.count( self.session.query(Occasion.activity_id) .filter_by( .subquery() ) ).filter_by(state='accepted').scalar()
[docs] def occasion_states(self) -> dict['OccasionState', int]: occasion_states: dict[OccasionState, int] = { 'overfull': 0, 'full': 0, 'operable': 0, 'unoperable': 0, 'empty': 0, 'cancelled': 0, } if self.period is None: return occasion_states # FIXME: We should try to do the filtering, grouping, counting # in SQL, we just have to restructure things a bit so # we can modify the query or use it as a subquery collection = MatchCollection(self.session, self.period) accepted_occasions = [ for a in self.occasions] occasions = [ o.state for o in collection.occasions if o.occasion_id in accepted_occasions ] states = set(occasions) for s in states: if s is None: continue occasion_states[s] = occasions.count(s) return occasion_states
[docs] def title(self) -> str: return _('${count} Activities', mapping={ 'count': self.activities_count })
[docs] def state(self) -> Literal['success', 'warning', 'failure']: if not self.period: return 'failure' return self.activities_count and 'success' or 'warning'
[docs] def facts(self) -> 'Iterator[BoardletFact]': if not self.period: return yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} Activities', mapping={ 'count': self.activities_count }), icon='fa-square' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} Occasions', mapping={ 'count': self.occasions_count }), icon='fa-chevron-circle-down' ) states = self.occasion_states() yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} overfull', mapping={ 'count': states['overfull'], }), icon='fa-exclamation-circle', css_class='' if states['overfull'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} full', mapping={ 'count': states['full'], }), icon='fa-circle', css_class='' if states['full'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} operable', mapping={ 'count': states['operable'], }), icon='fa-check-circle', css_class='' if states['operable'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} unoperable', mapping={ 'count': states['unoperable'], }), icon='fa-stop-circle', css_class='' if states['unoperable'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} empty', mapping={ 'count': states['empty'], }), icon='fa-circle-o', css_class='' if states['empty'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} cancelled', mapping={ 'count': states['cancelled'], }), icon='fa-times-circle', css_class='' if states['cancelled'] else 'zero' )
@FeriennetApp.boardlet(name='bookings', order=(1, 3))
[docs] class BookingsBoardlet(FeriennetBoardlet): @cached_property
[docs] def counts(self) -> dict['BookingState | Literal["total"]', int]: counts: dict[BookingState | Literal['total'], int] = { 'accepted': 0, 'blocked': 0, 'cancelled': 0, 'denied': 0, 'total': 0, } if not self.period: return counts query = ( self.session.query(Booking.state, func.count( .filter_by( .group_by(Booking.state) ) for state, count in query: counts['total'] += count if state in counts: counts[state] = count return counts
[docs] def attendees_count(self) -> int: if not self.period: return 0 # NOTE: This works because Booking.attendee_id is not nullable return self.session.query( func.count(Booking.attendee_id.distinct()) ).filter_by(
[docs] def title(self) -> str: if not self.period or not self.period.confirmed: return _('${count} Wishes', mapping={ 'count': self.counts['total'] }) else: return _('${count} Bookings', mapping={ 'count': self.counts['total'] })
[docs] def state(self) -> Literal['success', 'warning', 'failure']: if not self.period: return 'failure' return self.counts['total'] and 'success' or 'warning'
[docs] def facts(self) -> 'Iterator[BoardletFact]': if not self.period: return if not self.period.confirmed: yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} Wishes', mapping={ 'count': self.counts['total'] }), icon='fa-square', ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} Wishes per Attendee', mapping={ 'count': self.attendees_count and ( round(self.counts['total'] / self.attendees_count, 1) ) or 0 }), icon='fa-line-chart', ) else: yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} Bookings', mapping={ 'count': self.counts['total'] }), icon='fa-square', ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} accepted', mapping={ 'count': self.counts['accepted'] }), icon='fa-check-square', css_class='' if self.counts['accepted'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} not carried out or cancelled', mapping={ 'count': self.counts['cancelled'] }), icon='fa-minus-square', css_class='' if self.counts['cancelled'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} denied', mapping={ 'count': self.counts['denied'] }), icon='fa-minus-square', css_class='' if self.counts['denied'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} blocked', mapping={ 'count': self.counts['blocked'] }), icon='fa-minus-square', css_class='' if self.counts['blocked'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} Bookings per Attendee', mapping={ 'count': self.attendees_count and round( self.counts['accepted'] / self.attendees_count, 1 ) or 0 }), icon='fa-line-chart', )
@FeriennetApp.boardlet(name='attendees', order=(1, 4))
[docs] class AttendeesBoardlet(FeriennetBoardlet): @cached_property
[docs] def attendee_counts(self) -> dict[str, int]: counts = { 'total': 0, 'girls': 0, 'boys': 0, 'without_booking': 0 } if not self.period: return counts query = self.session.query( Attendee.gender, func.count(, ).filter( self.session.query(Booking.attendee_id) .filter_by( .subquery() )).group_by(Attendee.gender) for gender, count in query: counts['total'] += count if gender == 'male': counts['boys'] = count elif gender == 'female': counts['girls'] = count accepted_attendees = self.session.query( func.count(Booking.attendee_id.distinct()) ).filter( Booking.state == 'accepted', Booking.period_id == ).scalar() counts['without_booking'] = counts['total'] - accepted_attendees return counts
[docs] def title(self) -> str: return _('${count} Attendees', mapping={ 'count': self.attendee_counts['total'] })
[docs] def state(self) -> Literal['success', 'warning', 'failure']: if not self.period: return 'failure' return self.attendee_counts['total'] and 'success' or 'warning'
[docs] def facts(self) -> 'Iterator[BoardletFact]': if not self.period: return yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} Girls', mapping={ 'count': self.attendee_counts['girls'] }), icon='fa-female', css_class='' if self.attendee_counts['girls'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} Boys', mapping={ 'count': self.attendee_counts['boys'] }), icon='fa-male', css_class='' if self.attendee_counts['boys'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} of which without accepted bookings', mapping={ 'count': self.attendee_counts['without_booking'] }), icon='fa-minus', css_class='' if self.attendee_counts['without_booking'] else 'zero' )
@FeriennetApp.boardlet(name='matching', order=(1, 5))
[docs] class MatchingBoardlet(FeriennetBoardlet): @cached_property
[docs] def happiness(self) -> float: if not self.period or not self.period.confirmed: return 0 raw = MatchCollection(self.session, self.period).happiness return round(raw * 100, 2)
[docs] def unlucky_count(self) -> int: if not self.period: return 0 return UnluckyExport().query(self.session, self.period).count()
[docs] def title(self) -> str: return _('${amount}% Happiness', mapping={ 'amount': self.happiness })
[docs] def state(self) -> Literal['success', 'warning', 'failure']: if not self.period: return 'failure' return self.happiness > 75 and 'success' or 'warning'
[docs] def facts(self) -> 'Iterator[BoardletFact]': if not self.period: return yield BoardletFact( text=_('${amount}% Happiness', mapping={ 'amount': self.happiness }), icon='fa-smile-o', ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${count} Attendees Without Occasion', mapping={ 'count': self.unlucky_count }), icon='fa-frown-o', css_class='' if self.unlucky_count else 'zero' )
@FeriennetApp.boardlet(name='billing', order=(1, 6))
[docs] class BillingPortlet(FeriennetBoardlet): @cached_property
[docs] def amounts(self) -> dict[str, Decimal]: if not self.period: return { 'total': Decimal(0), 'outstanding': Decimal(0), 'paid': Decimal(0), } billing = BillingCollection(self.request, self.period) result = { 'total':, 'outstanding': billing.outstanding, } result['paid'] = result['total'] - result['outstanding'] return result
[docs] def title(self) -> str: return _('${amount} CHF outstanding', mapping={ 'amount': self.layout.format_number(self.amounts['outstanding']) })
[docs] def state(self) -> Literal['success', 'warning', 'failure']: if not self.period: return 'failure' return self.amounts['outstanding'] and 'warning' or 'success'
[docs] def facts(self) -> 'Iterator[BoardletFact]': if not self.period: return yield BoardletFact( text=_('${amount} CHF total', mapping={ 'amount': self.layout.format_number(self.amounts['total']) }), icon='fa-circle', css_class='' if self.amounts['total'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${amount} CHF paid', mapping={ 'amount': self.layout.format_number(self.amounts['paid']) }), icon='fa-plus-circle', css_class='' if self.amounts['paid'] else 'zero' ) yield BoardletFact( text=_('${amount} CHF outstanding', mapping={ 'amount': self.layout.format_number( self.amounts['outstanding'] ) }), icon='fa-minus-circle', css_class='' if self.amounts['outstanding'] else 'zero' )