Source code for event.utils.guidle

from bleach.sanitizer import Cleaner
from functools import cached_property
from datetime import timedelta
from dateutil.parser import parse
from onegov.gis import Coordinates
from sedate import replace_timezone

from typing import overload
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Callable
    from import Iterator
    from import Mapping
    from import Sequence
    from lxml.etree import _Element
    from onegov.gis.models.coordinates import RealCoordinates
    from typing import TypeVar

[docs] _T = TypeVar('_T')
[docs] class GuidleBase: """ Base class for parsing guidle exports containing general helpers. """ def __init__(self, root: '_Element') -> None:
[docs] self.root = root
[docs] self.nsmap = {'guidle': ''}
[docs] self.cleaner = Cleaner( tags=[], attributes={}, strip=True, filters=[] )
[docs] def find( self, path: str, root: '_Element | None' = None ) -> list['_Element']: """ Gets the elements with the given path. """ root = root if root is not None else self.root return root.xpath(path, namespaces=self.nsmap) or []
[docs] def get( self, path: str, root: '_Element | None' = None, joiner: str = ' ', parser: None = None ) -> str: ...
@overload def get( self, path: str, root: '_Element | None' = None, joiner: str = ' ', *, parser: 'Callable[[str], _T]' ) -> '_T | None': ... def get( self, path: str, root: '_Element | None' = None, joiner: str = ' ', parser: 'Callable[[str], _T] | None' = None ) -> '_T | str | None': """ Returns the text of the elements with the given path. Allows to specifiy a joining character and optionally a parser. If no parser is given, the text is HTML-cleaned. """ result = joiner.join( (element.text or '').strip() for element in self.find(path, root) ).strip() if parser: return parser(result) if result else None else: return self.cleaner.clean(result) if result else ''
[docs] def join(self, texts: 'Sequence[str]', joiner: str = ', ') -> str: """ Joins a set of text, skips duplicate and empty texts while preserving the order. """ deduplicated = [] for text in texts: if text and text not in deduplicated: deduplicated.append(text) retval = joiner.join(deduplicated) return retval
[docs] class GuidleExportData(GuidleBase): """ Represents a whole guidle export. """
[docs] def offers(self) -> 'Iterator[GuidleOffer]': for offer in self.find('.//guidle:offer'): yield GuidleOffer(offer)
[docs] class GuidleOffer(GuidleBase): """ Represents a single offer containing some description and dates. """ @cached_property
[docs] def uid(self) -> str | None: return self.root.get('id')
[docs] def last_update(self) -> str: return self.get('guidle:lastUpdateDate')
[docs] def title(self) -> str: title = self.get('guidle:offerDetail/guidle:title') # titles are rendered as unsafe html downstream, so we can # losen the rules one tiny bit here. # we'll still have '&gt,' and '<', but those are probably # used very rarely in a title, so we can ignore that title = title.replace('&', '&') return title
[docs] def description(self) -> str: short = self.get('guidle:offerDetail/guidle:shortDescription') long = self.get('guidle:offerDetail/guidle:longDescription') if long.startswith(short): short = '' return self.join(( short, long, self.get('guidle:offerDetail/guidle:openingHours'), self.get('guidle:offerDetail/guidle:externalLink'), self.get('guidle:offerDetail/guidle:homepage'), self.get('guidle:offerDetail/guidle:ticketingUrl') ), '\n\n')
[docs] def price(self) -> str: return self.get('guidle:offerDetail/guidle:priceInformation')
[docs] def organizer(self) -> str: return self.join(( self.get('guidle:contact/guidle:company'), self.get('guidle:contact/guidle:name'), self.get('guidle:contact/guidle:telephone_1'), ))
[docs] def organizer_email(self) -> str: return self.get('guidle:contact/guidle:email')
[docs] def location(self) -> str: return self.join(( self.get('guidle:address/guidle:company'), self.get('guidle:address/guidle:street'), ' '.join(( self.get('guidle:address/guidle:zip'), self.get('guidle:address/guidle:city'), )).strip(), ))
[docs] def image(self, size: str) -> tuple[str, str] | tuple[None, None]: """ Returns the image url for the offer with the given size, together with the filename, or (None, None). """ xpath = ( f"guidle:offerDetail/" f"guidle:images/" f"guidle:image/" f"guidle:size[@label='{size}']" ) images = self.find(f'({xpath})[1]') if not len(images): return None, None url = images[0].attrib['url'] return url, url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
[docs] def pdf(self) -> tuple[str, str] | tuple[None, None]: """ Returns the first attachment that is a pdf, together with the filename, or (None, None). """ for attachment in self.find('guidle:offerDetail//guidle:attachment'): url = self.get('guidle:url', root=attachment) if not url.endswith('.pdf'): return None, None name = self.get('guidle:description', root=attachment) name = name.strip().split('\n')[0] return url, f'{name}.pdf' return None, None
[docs] def tags( self, tagmap: 'Mapping[str, str] | None' = None ) -> tuple[set[str], set[str]]: """ Returns a set of known and a set of unkonwn tags. """ tag_elements = self.find( 'guidle:classifications/' 'guidle:classification[@type="PRIMARY"]/' 'guidle:tag' ) tags = { tag_name for tag in tag_elements if (tag_name := tag.get('subcategoryName') or tag.get('name')) } if tagmap: return ( {tagmap[tag] for tag in tags if tag in tagmap}, tags - tagmap.keys() ) return tags, set()
[docs] def coordinates(self) -> 'RealCoordinates | None': lat = self.get('guidle:address/guidle:latitude', parser=float) lon = self.get('guidle:address/guidle:longitude', parser=float) if lat is not None and lon is not None: return Coordinates(lat, lon) return None
[docs] def schedules(self) -> 'Iterator[GuidleScheduleDate]': for schedule in self.find('guidle:schedules/guidle:date'): yield GuidleScheduleDate(schedule)
[docs] class GuidleScheduleDate(GuidleBase): """ Represents a single schedule date of an offer. """ def __init__(self, root: '_Element') -> None: super().__init__(root) # Parse start date, end date and recurrence
[docs] start = self.get('guidle:startDate', parser=parse)
[docs] end = self.get('guidle:endDate', parser=parse)
[docs] recurrence = ''
[docs] weekdays = self.get('guidle:weekdays/guidle:day', joiner=',')
if weekdays: recurrence = f'RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY={weekdays.upper()}' if end and not recurrence: if start != end: until = end + timedelta(days=1) recurrence = ( f'RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;' f'BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA,SU;' f'UNTIL={until:%Y%m%dT%H%M00Z}' ) end = start else: if recurrence: if not end: raise AssertionError('End date is required if recurrence ' 'is set for event') until = end + timedelta(days=1) recurrence += f';UNTIL={until:%Y%m%dT%H%M00Z}' end = start # Parse start and end times
[docs] start_time = self.get( 'guidle:startTime', parser=lambda x: parse(x, default=start) )
[docs] end_time = self.get( 'guidle:endTime', parser=lambda x: parse(x, default=end) )
if start_time == end_time and recurrence: start_time = None end_time = None if start_time: start = start_time if end_time: end = end_time assert end is not None and start is not None if end <= start: end = end + timedelta(days=1) - timedelta(microseconds=1) # Add timezones if start: start = replace_timezone(start, self.timezone) if end: end = replace_timezone(end, self.timezone) self.start = start self.end = end self.recurrence = recurrence @cached_property
[docs] def timezone(self) -> str: return 'Europe/Zurich'