Source code for event.models.occurrence

from icalendar import Calendar as vCalendar
from icalendar import Event as vEvent
from onegov.core.orm import Base
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import UUID
from onegov.event.models.mixins import OccurrenceMixin
from onegov.gis import Coordinates
from pytz import UTC
from sedate import to_timezone
from sedate import utcnow
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from uuid import uuid4

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    import uuid
    from onegov.event.models import Event

[docs] class Occurrence(Base, OccurrenceMixin, TimestampMixin): """ Defines an occurrence of an event. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'event_occurrences'
#: Internal number of the occurence
[docs] id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type: ignore[arg-type] primary_key=True, default=uuid4 )
#: Event this occurrence belongs to
[docs] event_id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type: ignore[arg-type] ForeignKey(''), nullable=False )
[docs] event: 'relationship[Event]' = relationship( 'Event', back_populates='occurrences', )
[docs] def as_ical(self, url: str | None = None) -> bytes: """ Returns the occurrence as iCalendar string. """ modified = self.modified or self.created or utcnow() event = self.event vevent = vEvent() vevent.add('uid', f'{}@onegov.event') vevent.add('summary', self.title) vevent.add('dtstart', to_timezone(self.start, UTC)) vevent.add('dtend', to_timezone(self.end, UTC)) vevent.add('last-modified', modified) vevent.add('dtstamp', modified) vevent.add('location', self.location) vevent.add('description', event.description) vevent.add('categories', event.tags) if event.coordinates: assert isinstance(event.coordinates, Coordinates) vevent.add('geo', (, event.coordinates.lon)) if url: vevent.add('url', url) vcalendar = vCalendar() vcalendar.add('prodid', '-//OneGov//onegov.event//') vcalendar.add('version', '2.0') vcalendar.add_component(vevent) return vcalendar.to_ical()
[docs] def access(self) -> str: return self.event.access