Source code for event.models.event

import warnings

from datetime import datetime

from dateutil import rrule
from dateutil.rrule import rrulestr
from icalendar import Calendar as vCalendar
from icalendar import Event as vEvent
from icalendar import vRecur

from onegov.core.orm import Base
from onegov.core.orm.abstract import associated
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import content_property
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import meta_property
from onegov.core.orm.mixins import TimestampMixin
from onegov.core.orm.types import UUID
from onegov.event.models.mixins import OccurrenceMixin
from onegov.event.models.occurrence import Occurrence
from onegov.file import File
from onegov.file.utils import as_fileintent
from onegov.gis import Coordinates
from onegov.gis import CoordinatesMixin
from import SearchableContent
from PIL.Image import DecompressionBombError
from pytz import UTC
from sedate import standardize_date
from sedate import to_timezone, utcnow
from sqlalchemy import and_
from sqlalchemy import Column
from sqlalchemy import desc
from sqlalchemy import Enum
from sqlalchemy import Text
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.orm import validates
from uuid import uuid4

from typing import IO
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    import uuid
    from import Iterator
    from onegov.core.orm.mixins import dict_property
    from onegov.core.request import CoreRequest
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Query
    from typing import Literal
    from typing import TypeAlias

[docs] EventState: TypeAlias = Literal[ 'initiated', 'submitted', 'published', 'withdrawn' ]
[docs] class EventFile(File):
[docs] __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'eventfile'}
[docs] class Event(Base, OccurrenceMixin, TimestampMixin, SearchableContent, CoordinatesMixin): """ Defines an event. Occurrences are stored in a seperate table containing only a minimal set of attributes from the event. This could also be archieved using postgres directly with dateutil/plpythonu/pg_rrule and materialized views. Occurrences are only created/updated, if the event is published. Occurrences are created only for this and the next year. """
[docs] __tablename__ = 'events'
[docs] occurrence_dates_year_limit = 2
#: Internal number of the event
[docs] id: 'Column[uuid.UUID]' = Column( UUID, # type:ignore[arg-type] primary_key=True, default=uuid4 )
#: State of the event
[docs] state: 'Column[EventState]' = Column( Enum( # type: ignore[arg-type] 'initiated', 'submitted', 'published', 'withdrawn', name='event_state' ), nullable=False, default='initiated' )
#: description of the event
[docs] description: 'dict_property[str | None]' = content_property()
#: the event organizer
[docs] organizer: 'dict_property[str | None]' = content_property()
#: the event organizer's public e-mail address
[docs] organizer_email: 'dict_property[str | None]' = content_property()
#: the event organizer's phone number
[docs] organizer_phone: 'dict_property[str | None]' = content_property()
#: an external url for the event
[docs] external_event_url: 'dict_property[str | None]' = content_property()
#: an external url for the event
[docs] event_registration_url: 'dict_property[str | None]' = content_property()
#: the price of the event (a text field, not an amount)
[docs] price: 'dict_property[str | None]' = content_property()
#: the source of the event, if imported
[docs] source: 'dict_property[str | None]' = meta_property()
#: when the source of the event was last updated (if imported)
[docs] source_updated: 'dict_property[str | None]' = meta_property()
#: Recurrence of the event (RRULE, see RFC2445)
[docs] recurrence: 'Column[str | None]' = Column(Text, nullable=True)
#: The access property of the event, taken from Not ideal to #: have this defined here, instead of using an AccessExtension, but that #: would only be possible with deeper changes to the Event model.
[docs] access: 'dict_property[str]' = meta_property(default='public')
#: The associated image
[docs] image = associated( EventFile, 'image', 'one-to-one', uselist=False, backref_suffix='image' )
#: The associated PDF
[docs] pdf = associated( EventFile, 'pdf', 'one-to-one', uselist=False, backref_suffix='pdf' )
[docs] def set_image( self, content: bytes | IO[bytes] | None, filename: str | None = None ) -> None: self.set_blob('image', content, filename)
[docs] def set_pdf( self, content: bytes | IO[bytes] | None, filename: str | None = None ) -> None: self.set_blob('pdf', content, filename)
[docs] def set_blob( self, blob: str, content: bytes | IO[bytes] | None, filename: str | None = None ) -> None: """ Adds or removes the given blob. """ filename = filename or 'file' if not content: setattr(self, blob, None) elif getattr(self, blob): getattr(self, blob).reference = as_fileintent(content, filename) else: try: setattr(self, blob, EventFile( # type: ignore[misc] name=filename, reference=as_fileintent(content, filename) )) except DecompressionBombError: setattr(self, blob, None)
#: Occurrences of the event
[docs] occurrences: 'relationship[list[Occurrence]]' = relationship( 'Occurrence', cascade='all, delete-orphan', back_populates='event', lazy='joined', )
[docs] es_properties = { 'title': {'type': 'localized'}, 'description': {'type': 'localized'}, 'location': {'type': 'localized'}, 'organizer': {'type': 'localized'}, 'filter_keywords': {'type': 'keyword'} }
[docs] def es_public(self) -> bool: return self.state == 'published'
[docs] def es_skip(self) -> bool: return self.state != 'published' or getattr(self, '_es_skip', False)
[docs] def source_url(self, request: 'CoreRequest') -> str | None: """ Returns an url pointing to the external event if imported. """ if not self.source or not self.source.startswith('guidle'): return None guidle_id = self.source.rsplit('-', 1)[-1].split('.', 1)[0] return f'{guidle_id}'
[docs] def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: object) -> None: """ Automatically update the occurrences if shared attributes change """ super().__setattr__(name, value) if name in ('state', 'title', 'name', 'location', 'tags', 'filter_keywords', 'start', 'end', 'timezone', 'recurrence'): self._update_occurrences()
[docs] def base_query(self) -> 'Query[Occurrence]': session = object_session(self) return session.query(Occurrence).filter_by(
[docs] def latest_occurrence(self) -> Occurrence | None: """ Returns the occurrence which is presently occurring, the next one to occur or the last occurrence. """ now = utcnow() base = self.base_query current = base.filter(and_( Occurrence.start <= now, Occurrence.end >= now )).order_by(Occurrence.start).limit(1) future = base.filter( Occurrence.start >= now ).order_by(Occurrence.start).limit(1) past = base.filter( Occurrence.end <= now ).order_by(desc(Occurrence.start)) return current.union_all(future, past).first()
[docs] def future_occurrences( self, offset: int = 0, limit: int = 10 ) -> 'Query[Occurrence]': return self.base_query.filter( Occurrence.start >= utcnow() ).order_by(Occurrence.start).offset(offset).limit(limit)
[docs] def validate_recurrence(self, key: str, r: str | None) -> str | None: """ Our rrules are quite limited in their complexity. This validator makes sure that is actually the case. This is a somewhat harsh limit, but it mirrors the actual use of onegov.event at this point. More complex rrules are not handled by the UI, nor is there currently a plan to do so. Currently supported are weekly recurrences and lists of rdates. The rational is that people commonly add recurring events on a weekly basis (which is a lot of work for a whole year). Or on a monthly or yearly basis, in which case selection of single dates is acceptable, or even preferrable to complex rrules. This UI talk doesn't belong into a module of course, but it is again a reailty that only a strict subset of rules is handled and so we want to catch events which we cannot edit in our UI early if they are imported from outside. """ if r: rule = rrulestr(r) # a rule must either have a frequency or be a list of rdates if not hasattr(rule, '_freq'): if all(l.startswith('RDATE') for l in r.splitlines()): return r raise RuntimeError(f"'{r}' is too complex") # we also only do weekly recurrences (they can also be used # to do daily recurrences if they are set to include all days) if not rule._freq == rrule.WEEKLY: raise RuntimeError(f"The frequency of '{r}' is not WEEKLY") # we require a definite end until: datetime | None = getattr(rule, '_until', None) if until is None: raise RuntimeError(f"'{r}' has no UNTIL") # we also want the end date to be timezone-aware if until.tzinfo is None: raise RuntimeError(f"'{r}''s UNTIL is not timezone-aware") return r
[docs] def occurrence_dates( self, limit: bool = True, localize: bool = False ) -> list[datetime]: """ Returns the start dates of all occurrences. Returns non-localized dates per default. Limits the occurrences per default to this and the next year. """ def to_local(dt: datetime, timezone: str) -> datetime: if dt.tzinfo: return to_timezone(dt, timezone).replace(tzinfo=None) return dt dates = [self.start] if self.recurrence: # Make sure the RRULE uses local dates (or else the DST is wrong) start_local = to_local(self.start, self.timezone) try: rule = rrulestr(self.recurrence, dtstart=self.start) if dtstart := getattr(rule, '_dtstart', None): rule._dtstart = to_local( # type: ignore[union-attr] dtstart, self.timezone ) if until := getattr(rule, '_until', None): rule._until = to_local(until, self.timezone) # type:ignore rule = rrulestr(str(rule)) except ValueError: # This might happen if only RDATEs and EXDATEs are present rule = rrulestr(self.recurrence, dtstart=start_local) # Make sure, the RDATEs and EXDATEs contain the start times for attribute in ('_exdate', '_rdate'): if hasattr(rule, attribute): setattr(rule, attribute, [ to_local(date_, self.timezone).replace( hour=start_local.hour, minute=start_local.minute ) for date_ in getattr(rule, attribute) ]) # Generate the occurences and convert to UTC dates = [standardize_date(date_, self.timezone) for date_ in rule] # Make sure the start date is port of the reucrrence if self.start not in dates: dates.append(self.start) dates.sort() if localize: dates = [to_timezone(date_, self.timezone) for date_ in dates] if limit: max_year = + self.occurrence_dates_year_limit dates = [date_ for date_ in dates if date_.year <= max_year] return dates
[docs] def spawn_occurrence(self, start: datetime) -> Occurrence: """ Create an occurrence at the given date, without storing it. """ end = start + (self.end - self.start) name = f'{}-{}' return Occurrence( # type:ignore[misc] title=self.title, name=name, location=self.location, tags=self.tags, filter_keywords=self.filter_keywords, start=start, end=end, timezone=self.timezone, )
[docs] def virtual_occurrence(self) -> Occurrence: """ Before the event is accepted, there are no real occurrences stored in the database. At this time it is useful to be able to generate the latest occurence without storing it. """ for start in self.occurrence_dates(limit=False): occurrence = self.spawn_occurrence(start) occurrence.event = self with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', 'Object of type <Occurrence> not in session') session = object_session(self) session.expunge(occurrence) session.flush() return occurrence raise AssertionError('unreachable')
[docs] def _update_occurrences(self) -> None: """ Updates the occurrences. Removes all occurrences if the event is not published or no start and end date/time is set. Only occurrences for this and next year are created. """ # clear old occurrences self.occurrences = [] # do not create occurrences unless the event is published if self.state != 'published': return # do not create occurrences unless start and end is set if not self.start or not self.end: return # create all occurrences for this and next year for start in self.occurrence_dates(): self.occurrences.append(self.spawn_occurrence(start)) for occ in self.occurrences: occ.filter_keywords = self.filter_keywords
[docs] def submit(self) -> None: """ Submit the event. """ assert self.state == 'initiated' self.state = 'submitted'
[docs] def publish(self) -> None: """ Publish the event. Publishing the event will generate the occurrences. """ assert self.state == 'submitted' or self.state == 'withdrawn' self.state = 'published'
[docs] def withdraw(self) -> None: """ Withdraw the event. Withdraw the event will delete the occurrences.""" assert self.state in ('submitted', 'published') self.state = 'withdrawn'
[docs] def get_ical_vevents(self, url: str | None = None) -> 'Iterator[vEvent]': """ Returns the event and all its occurrences as icalendar objects. If the calendar has a bunch of RDATE's instead of a proper RRULE, we return every occurrence as separate event since most calendars don't support RDATE's. """ modified = self.modified or self.created or utcnow() rrule = None if self.recurrence: rrule = vRecur.from_ical(self.recurrence.replace('RRULE:', '')) for dtstart in self.occurrence_dates(): dtstart = to_timezone(dtstart, UTC) dtend = dtstart + (self.end - self.start) vevent = vEvent() vevent.add('uid', f'{}-{}@onegov.event') vevent.add('summary', self.title) vevent.add('dtstart', dtstart) vevent.add('dtend', dtend) vevent.add('last-modified', modified) vevent.add('dtstamp', modified) vevent.add('location', self.location) vevent.add('description', self.description) vevent.add('categories', self.tags) if rrule: vevent.add('rrule', rrule) if url: vevent.add('url', url) if self.coordinates: assert isinstance(self.coordinates, Coordinates) vevent.add('geo', (, self.coordinates.lon)) yield vevent if rrule: break
[docs] def as_ical(self, url: str | None = None) -> bytes: """ Returns the event and all its occurrences as iCalendar string. """ vcalendar = vCalendar() vcalendar.add('prodid', '-//OneGov//onegov.event//') vcalendar.add('version', '2.0') for vevent in self.get_ical_vevents(url): vcalendar.add_component(vevent) return vcalendar.to_ical()