Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from morepath import redirect
from onegov.election_day import ElectionDayApp
from onegov.election_day.layouts import VoteLayout
from onegov.election_day.models import Ballot
from onegov.election_day.models import Vote
from import MaybePublic
from onegov.election_day.utils import add_last_modified_header
from webob.exc import HTTPNotFound

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.types import RenderData
    from onegov.election_day.request import ElectionDayRequest
    from webob.response import Response

[docs] def view_vote_statistics( self: Vote, request: ElectionDayRequest ) -> RenderData: """" The statistics view (simple vote). """ return { 'vote': self, 'layout': VoteLayout(self, request, 'statistics') }
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Vote, name='proposal-statistics', template='vote/', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_vote_statistics_proposal( self: Vote, request: ElectionDayRequest ) -> RenderData: """" The statistics view (proposal). """ return { 'vote': self, 'layout': VoteLayout(self, request, 'proposal-statistics') }
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Vote, name='counter-proposal-statistics', template='vote/', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_vote_statistics_counter_proposal( self: Vote, request: ElectionDayRequest ) -> RenderData: """" The statistics view (counter-proposal). """ return { 'vote': self, 'layout': VoteLayout(self, request, 'counter-proposal-statistics') }
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Vote, name='tie-breaker-statistics', template='vote/', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_vote_statistics_tie_breaker( self: Vote, request: ElectionDayRequest ) -> RenderData: """" The statistics view (tie-breaker). """ return { 'vote': self, 'layout': VoteLayout(self, request, 'tie-breaker-statistics') }
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Ballot, name='statistics-table', template='', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_ballot_as_statistics_table( self: Ballot, request: ElectionDayRequest ) -> RenderData: """" View the statistics of the entities of ballot as table. """ @request.after def add_last_modified(response: Response) -> None: add_last_modified_header(response, return { 'ballot': self, 'layout': VoteLayout(, request, f'{self.type}-entities'), 'type': 'ballot-table', 'year':, 'scope': 'statistics', }
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Vote, name='proposal-statistics-table', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_vote_statistics_table_proposal( self: Vote, request: ElectionDayRequest ) -> Response: """ A static link to the statistics table of the proposal. """ ballot = getattr(self, 'proposal', None) if ballot: return redirect( ballot, name='statistics-table', query_params=dict(request.GET) ) ) raise HTTPNotFound()
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Vote, name='counter-proposal-statistics-table', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_vote_statistics_table_counter_proposal( self: Vote, request: ElectionDayRequest ) -> Response: """ A static link to the statistics table of the counter proposal. """ ballot = getattr(self, 'counter_proposal', None) if ballot: return redirect( ballot, name='statistics-table', query_params=dict(request.GET) ) ) raise HTTPNotFound()
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Vote, name='tie-breaker-statistics-table', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_vote_statistics_table_tie_breaker( self: Vote, request: ElectionDayRequest ) -> Response: """ A static link to the statistics table of the tie breaker. """ ballot = getattr(self, 'tie_breaker', None) if ballot: return redirect( ballot, name='statistics-table', query_params=dict(request.GET) ) ) raise HTTPNotFound()