Source code for election_day.views.manage.election_compounds

from __future__ import annotations

from morepath import redirect
from onegov.core.utils import groupbylist
from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day import ElectionDayApp
from onegov.election_day.collections import ArchivedResultCollection
from onegov.election_day.collections import ElectionCompoundCollection
from onegov.election_day.collections import NotificationCollection
from onegov.election_day.forms import ClearResultsForm
from onegov.election_day.forms import ElectionCompoundForm
from onegov.election_day.forms import TriggerNotificationForm
from onegov.election_day.layouts import MailLayout
from onegov.election_day.layouts import ManageElectionCompoundsLayout
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompound

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.types import RenderData
    from onegov.election_day.forms import EmptyForm
    from onegov.election_day.request import ElectionDayRequest
    from webob.response import Response

[docs] def view_election_compounds( self: ElectionCompoundCollection, request: ElectionDayRequest ) -> RenderData: """ View a list of all election compoundss. """ years = [ ( year if year else _('All'), year == self.year, ) for year in [None, *self.get_years()] ] return { 'layout': ManageElectionCompoundsLayout(self, request), 'title': _('Compounds of elections'), 'groups': groupbylist(self.batch, key=lambda items:, 'new_election_compound':, 'new-election-compound'), 'redirect_filters': {_('Year'): years}, }
@ElectionDayApp.manage_form( model=ElectionCompoundCollection, name='new-election-compound', form=ElectionCompoundForm )
[docs] def create_election_compound( self: ElectionCompoundCollection, request: ElectionDayRequest, form: ElectionCompoundForm ) -> RenderData | Response: """ Create a new election compound. """ layout = ManageElectionCompoundsLayout(self, request) archive = ArchivedResultCollection(request.session) form.delete_field('id') form.delete_field('id_hint') if form.submitted(request): election_compound = ElectionCompound() form.update_model(election_compound) archive.add(election_compound, request) request.message(_('Compound added.'), 'success') return redirect(layout.manage_model_link) return { 'layout': layout, 'form': form, 'title': _('New compound'), 'cancel': layout.manage_model_link }
@ElectionDayApp.manage_form( model=ElectionCompound, name='edit', form=ElectionCompoundForm )
[docs] def edit_election_compound( self: ElectionCompound, request: ElectionDayRequest, form: ElectionCompoundForm ) -> RenderData | Response: """ Edit an existing election compound. """ layout = ManageElectionCompoundsLayout(self, request) archive = ArchivedResultCollection(request.session) if form.submitted(request): old = form.update_model(self) archive.update(self, request, old=old) request.message(_('Compound modified.'), 'success') return redirect(layout.manage_model_link) if not form.errors: form.apply_model(self) return { 'layout': layout, 'form': form, 'title': self.title, 'shortcode': self.shortcode, 'subtitle': _('Edit compound'), 'cancel': layout.manage_model_link }
@ElectionDayApp.manage_form( model=ElectionCompound, name='clear', form=ClearResultsForm )
[docs] def clear_election_compound( self: ElectionCompound, request: ElectionDayRequest, form: ClearResultsForm ) -> RenderData | Response: """ Clear the results of an election ompound. """ layout = ManageElectionCompoundsLayout(self, request) archive = ArchivedResultCollection(request.session) if form.submitted(request): archive.clear_results(self, request, request.message(_('Results deleted.'), 'success') return redirect(layout.manage_model_link) return { 'message': _( 'Do you really want to clear all results of "${item}"?', mapping={ 'item': self.title } ), 'layout': layout, 'form': form, 'title': self.title, 'shortcode': self.shortcode, 'subtitle': _('Clear results'), 'button_text': _('Clear results'), 'button_class': 'alert', 'cancel': layout.manage_model_link }
@ElectionDayApp.manage_form( model=ElectionCompound, name='clear-media' )
[docs] def clear_election_compound_media( self: ElectionCompound, request: ElectionDayRequest, form: EmptyForm ) -> RenderData | Response: """ Deletes alls SVGs and PDFs of this election compound. """ layout = ManageElectionCompoundsLayout(self, request) if form.submitted(request): count = layout.clear_media() request.message( _('${count} files deleted.', mapping={'count': count}), 'success' ) return redirect(layout.manage_model_link) return { 'callout': _( 'Deletes all automatically generated media items (PDFs and SVG ' 'images). They are regenerated in the background and are ' 'available again in a few minutes.' ), 'message': _( 'Do you really want to clear all media of "${item}"?', mapping={ 'item': self.title } ), 'layout': layout, 'form': form, 'title': self.title, 'shortcode': self.shortcode, 'subtitle': _('Clear media'), 'button_text': _('Clear media'), 'button_class': 'alert', 'cancel': layout.manage_model_link }
@ElectionDayApp.manage_form( model=ElectionCompound, name='delete' )
[docs] def delete_election_compound( self: ElectionCompound, request: ElectionDayRequest, form: EmptyForm ) -> RenderData | Response: """ Delete an existing election compound. """ layout = ManageElectionCompoundsLayout(self, request) archive = ArchivedResultCollection(request.session) if form.submitted(request): archive.delete(self, request) request.message(_('Compound deleted.'), 'success') return redirect(layout.manage_model_link) return { 'message': _( 'Do you really want to delete "${item}"?', mapping={ 'item': self.title } ), 'layout': layout, 'form': form, 'title': self.title, 'shortcode': self.shortcode, 'subtitle': _('Delete compound'), 'button_text': _('Delete compound'), 'button_class': 'alert', 'cancel': layout.manage_model_link }
@ElectionDayApp.manage_form( model=ElectionCompound, name='trigger', form=TriggerNotificationForm, template='manage/' )
[docs] def trigger_election( self: ElectionCompound, request: ElectionDayRequest, form: TriggerNotificationForm ) -> RenderData | Response: """ Trigger the notifications related to an election. """ session = request.session notifications = NotificationCollection(session) layout = ManageElectionCompoundsLayout(self, request) if form.submitted(request): assert is not None notifications.trigger(request, self, request.message(_('Notifications triggered.'), 'success') return redirect(layout.manage_model_link) callout = None message = '' title = _('Trigger notifications') button_class = 'primary' subject = MailLayout(None, request).subject(self) if notifications.by_model(self): callout = _( 'There are no changes since the last time the notifications ' 'have been triggered!' ) message = _( 'Do you really want to retrigger the notfications?', ) button_class = 'alert' return { 'message': message, 'layout': layout, 'form': form, 'title': self.title, 'shortcode': self.shortcode, 'subject': subject, 'subtitle': title, 'callout': callout, 'button_text': title, 'button_class': button_class, 'cancel': layout.manage_model_link, 'last_notifications': notifications.by_model(self, False) }