Source code for

from onegov.core.utils import normalize_for_url
from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day import ElectionDayApp
from onegov.election_day.formats import export_election_internal
from onegov.election_day.formats import export_parties_internal
from onegov.election_day.layouts import ElectionLayout
from onegov.election_day.models import Election
from import MaybePublic
from onegov.election_day.utils import add_last_modified_header
from onegov.election_day.utils.election import get_connection_results_api
from webob.exc import HTTPNotFound

from typing import cast
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.types import JSON_ro
    from onegov.core.types import RenderData
    from onegov.election_day.models import ProporzElection
    from onegov.election_day.request import ElectionDayRequest
    from webob.response import Response

[docs] def view_election_data( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'RenderData': """" The main view. """ layout = ElectionLayout(self, request, 'data') return { 'election': self, 'layout': layout }
@ElectionDayApp.json_file( model=Election, name='data-json', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_data_as_json( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'JSON_ro': """ View the raw data as JSON. """ @request.after def add_last_modified(response: 'Response') -> None: add_last_modified_header(response, self.last_modified) return { 'data': export_election_internal(self, sorted(, 'name': normalize_for_url(self.title[:60]) if self.title else '' }
@ElectionDayApp.csv_file( model=Election, name='data-csv', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_data_as_csv( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'RenderData': """ View the raw data as CSV. """ @request.after def add_last_modified(response: 'Response') -> None: add_last_modified_header(response, self.last_modified) return { 'data': export_election_internal(self, sorted(, 'name': normalize_for_url(self.title[:60]) if self.title else '' }
@ElectionDayApp.json_file( model=Election, name='data-parties-json', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_parties_data_as_json( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'RenderData': """ View the raw parties data as JSON. """ if not self.type == 'proporz': raise HTTPNotFound() self = cast('ProporzElection', self) @request.after def add_last_modified(response: 'Response') -> None: add_last_modified_header(response, self.last_modified) assert return { 'data': export_parties_internal( self, locales=sorted(,, json_serializable=True ), 'name': normalize_for_url( '{}-{}'.format( normalize_for_url(self.title[:50]) if self.title else '', request.translate(_('Parties')).lower() ) ) }
@ElectionDayApp.csv_file( model=Election, name='data-parties-csv', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_parties_data_as_csv( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'RenderData': """ View the raw parties data as CSV. """ if not self.type == 'proporz': raise HTTPNotFound() self = cast('ProporzElection', self) @request.after def add_last_modified(response: 'Response') -> None: add_last_modified_header(response, self.last_modified) assert return { 'data': export_parties_internal( self, locales=sorted(,, ), 'name': normalize_for_url( '{}-{}'.format( normalize_for_url(self.title[:50]) if self.title else '', request.translate(_('Parties')).lower() ) ) }
@ElectionDayApp.json( model=Election, name='data-list-connections', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_aggregated_connections_data( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'JSON_ro': """" View the list connections as JSON. """ return get_connection_results_api(self, request.session)