Source code for election_day.views.election.candidates

from onegov.election_day import _
from onegov.election_day import ElectionDayApp
from onegov.election_day.hidden_by_principal import hide_candidates_chart
from onegov.election_day.layouts import ElectionLayout
from onegov.election_day.models import Election
from import MaybePublic
from onegov.election_day.utils import add_last_modified_header
from onegov.election_day.utils import get_entity_filter
from onegov.election_day.utils import get_parameter
from onegov.election_day.utils.election import get_candidates_data
from onegov.election_day.utils.election import get_candidates_results
from sqlalchemy.orm import object_session

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from onegov.core.types import JSON_ro
    from onegov.core.types import RenderData
    from onegov.election_day.request import ElectionDayRequest
    from webob.response import Response

[docs] election_incomplete_text = _( 'The figure with elected candidates will be available ' 'as soon the final results are published.' )
@ElectionDayApp.json( model=Election, name='candidates-data', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_candidates_data( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'JSON_ro': """" View the candidates as JSON. Used to for the candidates bar chart. """ limit = get_parameter(request, 'limit', int, None) lists = get_parameter(request, 'lists', list, None) elected = get_parameter(request, 'elected', bool, None) sort_by_lists = get_parameter(request, 'sort_by_lists', bool, False) entity = request.params.get('entity', '') assert isinstance(entity, str) return get_candidates_data( self, limit=limit, lists=lists, elected=elected, sort_by_lists=sort_by_lists, entities=[entity] if entity else None )
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Election, name='candidates-chart', template='', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_candidates_chart( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'RenderData': """" View the candidates as bar chart. """ @request.after def add_last_modified(response: 'Response') -> None: add_last_modified_header(response, self.last_modified) entity = request.params.get('entity', '') return { 'skip_rendering': hide_candidates_chart(self, request), 'help_text': election_incomplete_text, 'model': self, 'layout': ElectionLayout(self, request), 'type': 'candidates-chart', 'entity': entity }
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Election, name='candidates', template='election/', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_candidates( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'RenderData': """" The main view. """ entity = request.params.get('entity', '') assert isinstance(entity, str) entities = get_entity_filter(request, self, 'candidates', entity) candidates = get_candidates_results( self, object_session(self), entities=[entity] if entity else None ).all() any_elected = any(candidate.elected for candidate in candidates) return { 'skip_rendering': hide_candidates_chart(self, request), 'help_text': election_incomplete_text, 'election': self, 'layout': ElectionLayout(self, request, 'candidates'), 'candidates': candidates, 'any_elected': any_elected, 'entity': entity, 'redirect_filters': {'entity'): entities} }
@ElectionDayApp.html( model=Election, name='candidates-table', template='', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_lists_table( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'RenderData': """" View the lists as table. """ @request.after def add_last_modified(response: 'Response') -> None: add_last_modified_header(response, self.last_modified) entity = request.params.get('entity', '') assert isinstance(entity, str) candidates = get_candidates_results( self, object_session(self), entities=[entity] if entity else None ).all() return { 'election': self, 'candidates': candidates, 'layout': ElectionLayout(self, request, 'candidates'), 'type': 'election-table', 'scope': 'candidates', }
@ElectionDayApp.svg_file( model=Election, name='candidates-svg', permission=MaybePublic )
[docs] def view_election_candidates_svg( self: Election, request: 'ElectionDayRequest' ) -> 'RenderData': """ View the candidates as SVG. """ layout = ElectionLayout(self, request, 'candidates') return { 'path': layout.svg_path, 'name': layout.svg_name }