Source code for election_day.utils.svg_generator

import os.path
from onegov.election_day import log
from onegov.election_day.models import Ballot
from onegov.election_day.models import Election
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompound
from onegov.election_day.models import ElectionCompoundPart
from onegov.election_day.utils import svg_filename
from onegov.election_day.utils.d3_renderer import D3Renderer
from shutil import copyfileobj

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
    from import Collection
    from import ElectionDayApp

[docs] class SvgGenerator: def __init__( self, app: 'ElectionDayApp', renderer: D3Renderer | None = None ):
[docs] = app
[docs] self.svg_dir = 'svg'
[docs] self.session =
[docs] self.renderer = renderer or D3Renderer(app)
[docs] def remove(self, directory: str, files: 'Collection[str]') -> None: """ Safely removes the given files from the directory. """ if not files: return fs = assert fs is not None for file in files: path = os.path.join(directory, file) if fs.exists(path) and not fs.isdir(path): fs.remove(path)
[docs] def generate_svg( self, item: Election | ElectionCompound | ElectionCompoundPart | Ballot, type_: str, filename: str, locale: str ) -> int: """ Creates the requested SVG. Returns the number of created files. """ assert item.session_manager is not None old_locale = item.session_manager.current_locale item.session_manager.current_locale = locale chart = None if type_ == 'candidates': chart = self.renderer.get_candidates_chart(item, 'svg') if type_ == 'connections': chart = self.renderer.get_connections_chart(item, 'svg') if type_ == 'list-groups': chart = self.renderer.get_list_groups_chart(item, 'svg') if type_ == 'lists': chart = self.renderer.get_lists_chart(item, 'svg') if type_ == 'lists-panachage': chart = self.renderer.get_lists_panachage_chart(item, 'svg') if type_ == 'seat-allocation': chart = self.renderer.get_seat_allocation_chart(item, 'svg') if type_ == 'party-strengths': chart = self.renderer.get_party_strengths_chart(item, 'svg') if type_ == 'parties-panachage': chart = self.renderer.get_parties_panachage_chart(item, 'svg') if type_ == 'entities-map': chart = self.renderer.get_entities_map(item, 'svg', locale) if type_ == 'districts-map': chart = self.renderer.get_districts_map(item, 'svg', locale) item.session_manager.current_locale = old_locale if chart: path = os.path.join(self.svg_dir, filename) fs = assert fs is not None with, 'w') as f: copyfileobj(chart, f)'{filename} created') return 1 return 0
[docs] def create_svgs(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Generates all SVGs for the given application. Only generates SVGs if not already generated since the last change of the election, election compound or vote. Cleans up unused SVGs. """ principal = types = { 'majorz': ( 'candidates', ), 'proporz': ( 'candidates', 'lists', 'connections', 'lists-panachage', 'party-strengths', 'parties-panachage', ), 'compound': ( 'seat-allocation', 'list-groups', 'party-strengths', 'parties-panachage', ), 'compound-part': ( 'party-strengths', ), 'ballot': ( 'entities-map', 'districts-map' ) if principal.has_districts else ('entities-map',) } # Read existing SVGs fs = assert fs is not None if not fs.exists(self.svg_dir): fs.makedir(self.svg_dir) existing = set(fs.listdir(self.svg_dir)) # Generate the SVGs created = 0 filenames = set() for election in self.session.query(Election): assert election.type is not None last_modified = election.last_modified for locale in for type_ in types[election.type]: filename = svg_filename( election, type_, locale, last_modified ) filenames.add(filename) if filename not in existing: created += self.generate_svg( election, type_, filename, locale ) for compound in self.session.query(ElectionCompound): last_modified = compound.last_modified for locale in for type_ in types['compound']: filename = svg_filename( compound, type_, locale, last_modified ) filenames.add(filename) if filename not in existing: created += self.generate_svg( compound, type_, filename, locale ) for segment in principal.get_superregions( compound_part = ElectionCompoundPart( compound, 'superregion', segment ) for type_ in types['compound-part']: filename = svg_filename( compound_part, type_, locale, last_modified ) filenames.add(filename) if filename not in existing: created += self.generate_svg( compound_part, type_, filename, locale ) if principal.use_maps: for ballot in self.session.query(Ballot): if principal.is_year_available( last_modified = for locale in for type_ in types['ballot']: filename = svg_filename( ballot, type_, locale, last_modified ) filenames.add(filename) if filename not in existing: created += self.generate_svg( ballot, type_, filename, locale ) # Delete obsolete SVGs obsolete = existing - filenames self.remove(self.svg_dir, obsolete) return created, len(obsolete)